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1、精选资料欢迎下载 小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-1 I have(有) three friends. 1 are Kangkang, Maria and Fred. Kangkang is thirteen. Maria and Fred 2 fourteen. Kangkang is from China. Maria and Fred are from the U.S.A. Maria is 3 China now. 4 in Class 4, Grade 7. She and Kangkang are in the same class. 5 telephone number i

2、s 8267-6858. I like(喜欢 ) my friends. ( )1. A. He B. They C. These D. Those ( )2. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )3. A. in B. from C. to D. / ( )4. A. He B. HesC. ShesD. She ( )5. A. She B. ShesC. He D. Her Lucy is an 1 girl. She is thirteen . She is my classmate. She is a good girl and we 2 good friends

3、. Mr Wang is 3 Chinese teacher. He is a good teacher. Lucy has a sister. 4 name is Lily. 5 is not in our class . She is in Class Two. 6 Chinese teacher is Mr Li He is a good teacher, too. ( )1.A. America B. England C. American D. China ( )2.A. am B. are C. have D. all ( )3.A. we B. us C. our D. they

4、 ( )4.A. Her B. He C. She D. His ( )5.A. She B. Her C. It D. I ( )6.A. His B. Me C. Who D. Her 1. B 从第 1 句话“我有三个朋友” , 可推测下句为列举他们分别是谁。 2. C 本题考查am, is, are的用法。该句主语是Maria 和 Fred, 谓语动词要 用复数,故选C。 3. A 由前一句已经得知Maria 来自美国 , 先排除 B。根据上下文可知 Maria现 在在中国读书, 故选 A。 4. C 根据上下文可知该句意为“Maria是在七年级四班”。由短文最后几句可 知 Maria

5、 是女孩子,此句的主语应是she, 而 shes是 she is的缩写表示“她 是”, 故选C。 5. D 本题考查人称代词的用法。she( 她), he( 他) 是主格作主语 ; shes是 she is 的缩写,表示“她是” ; her 是形容词性物主代词表示“她的”, 后必须接名 词。空格后是名词telephone number, 故选 D。 1. C American表示国籍,其它三个America, English, China 只能表示国家 2. B We作主语时,谓语动词用are. 3. C 此空要用形容词性物主代词作定语,修饰名词teacher, we为主格, us 为宾格,

6、they 为主格,只有our 才是形容词性物主代词。 4. A 此空也要用形容词性物主代词作定语,根据上文可知,Lucy 的姐姐是女 孩,所以用Her. 5. A 接着上文说, Lucy 的姐姐不在我们班,此外作主语用主格she 代替 Lucy 的姐姐。 6. D 此空仍然考查形容词性物主代词作定语的用法。 精选资料欢迎下载 小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-2 1 My name is Liu Fang. I m a Chinese girl(中国女孩). This is an English girl. 1 name is Mary Green. She 2 my friend. Sh

7、e is twelve. She is from 3 . She s a new student (新学生 ) here. Im in Grade Seven. Mary is in Grade 4 , too. We(我们 ) are not in 5 same class, but we are good friends. ( )1. A. She B. Her C. He D. His ( )2. A. be B. are C. am D. is ( )3. A. China B. the U.S.A. C. England D. Canada ( )4. A. Six B. Seven

8、 C. Eight D. Nine ( )5. A. the B. / C. a D. an 2 Lucy , Tom, Mary and Jack put their coats 1 the table. They are white, blue ,red and black . We know that the 2 coats aren t red and the girls aren t black . What colour 3 Lucys coat? I dont 4 . But I know it is not blue . Jack says, “ 5 coat is white

9、. ” Then what colour are their coats? ( )1.A. on B. in C. over D. under ( )2.A. boy sB. boys C. boys D. boy ( )3.A. is B. are C. do D. does ( )4.A. think B. know C. look D. have ( )5.A. I B. Me C. My D. Mine 1. B she, he 是人称代词主格, 作主语; her 、 his 是形容词性物主代词, 后面 必须接名词。空格后是名词name, 故选 B。 2. D 本题考查be 动词的用法

10、 , 我(I) 后面接 am, 你(you) 后面接 are, 他(he) 她(she) 它 (it)后面接is, 我们 (we) 你们 (you) 它们 / 他们 (they)后面接are 。空 格前是 she, 故选 D。 3. C 本题考查上下文推测, 上文中 This is an English girl. 意为“这是一 个英国女孩”。可推断She is from England。 4. B 本题考查单词too 。此句中too 表示“也” , 用于说明某人某物与前面的 情况一样。由上句中I m in Grade Seven. 可推断Mary 也应该在七年级, 故选 B。 5. A 本题

11、考查冠词的用法。same 通常与 the 连用构成固定搭配the same (一 样的,同一个), the same class (同一个班 ), 故选 A。 1. A on 表示“在上面” in 表示“在里面”;under表示“在 下面” over表示“结束,完了”不能表示方位,根据句意,用on 表示衣服放在 桌子上。 2. B the boys coats 男孩们的外套,以s 结尾的复数名词的所有格只加 “” 3. A 主语为单数,与系动词is 搭配。 4. B “I don t know ”意为“我不知道。” 5. C 名词 coat 前面要用形容词性物主代词My作修饰。 I 为主格,

12、Me为宾格, Mine 为名词性物主代词。 精选资料欢迎下载 小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-3 A: Excuse 1 ! 2 you Mr Read? B: Yes, I am. Are you little Jim? A: Yes. B: How 3 are you? A: I m five. B: Whats three 4 one? A: 5 ? B: Yes, you are right. Its four. ( )1.A. I B. me C. he D. my ( )2.A. Is B. C. Are D. Am ( )3.A. B. old C. nice D. fin

13、e ( )4.A. and B. minus C. to D. ( )5.A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four A: Hi, Kate . Its time for 1 B: Really? What 2 is it? A: Its 3 seven o clock. B: Oh! I must 4 up. I m late 5 school. A: Dont 6 , Let me 7 you. B: Give 8 my shoes, please. A: 9 you are. Thank you. I 10 go now. Bye-bye. A: Bye-bye. (

14、)1.A. school B. go to school C. go school D.to chool ( )2.A. colour B. time C. age D. light ( )3.A. at B. on C. in D. about ( )4.A. to get B. get C. gets D. got ( )5.A. for B. of C. at D. to ( )6.A. worried B. surprise C. worry D. know ( )7.A. give B. bring C. help D. take ( )8.A. me B. I C. my D. m

15、ine ( )9.A. There B. Here C. Give D. Take ( )10.A. can B. may C. must D. can t 1. B Excuse为动词“原谅”,后面的成分为“宾语”,宾语是代词时要用宾 格代词,而“ me ”是“ I ”的宾格,Excuse me意为“打扰了”、“劳驾”、“请 问”等,常用于想要打扰别人的时候或向别人提出请求、询问时。选项A、C 为 主格,选项D为物主代词,后面须加名词。 2. C 这一句是由be 引起的一般疑问句。Be是 am, is, are 的原形。具体使用 时取决于主语。“我用am, 你用 are, is 用于他她它”

16、。一般疑问句的句子结 构是“ be +主 +其他?”回答时总是用Yes 或 No开头。 3. B 根据答语I m five 。 Five 是数字,因此这句话应译为“我五岁了。”确 定前句应是问“你多大了?”,How old are you?而 How are you 是“你好吗?” 答语是 I m fine. 4. A 从短文的最后一句话It s four看出, 3 与 1 的关系应是“加”,英语 中“加法”可用plus 和 and 表示。如3+4=?可以说What s three plus four? 也可说 What s three and four? 它们的答语用It s seven或

17、Seven. 7+8=15, 可以说 Seven plus eight is fifteen,也可以说成Seven and eight fifteen. 5. D. 因为 3+1=4 Three plus one is four. 1. A Its time for school. 意为“是该上学的时候了。” 2. B 下句回答了时间,说明本句应提问时间用What time. 3. D about意为“大约”。 4. B must为情态动词,其后面的动词要用原形。 5. A 固定词组be late for意为“迟到”。 6. C Don t worry意为“别担心”。本句为祈使句的否定式。 7

18、. C Let me help you意为“让我帮助你”。 8. A give为动词,其后面的代词要用宾格形式。 9. B Here you are,意为“给你”。 10.C 根据上文,此处应用must 表示“必须”。 精选资料欢迎下载 小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-4 1 I am 1 girl. I am twelve. I am 2 school. 3 name is Zhang Hua. I am in 4 .I am 5 Row Five. Jim is 6 English boy. He is eleven. He and I 7 in the same class. He

19、 is my friend . We 8 good friends. 9 is my teacher, Miss Gao. 10 is a good teacher. ( )1.A. an B. the C. D. a ( )2.A. at B. in C. and D. or ( )3.A. I B. My C. He D. You ( )4.A. Graed One, Class One B. grade one,class one. C. Class One, Grade One D. class one ,grade one ( )5.A. at B. or C. in D. and

20、( )6.A. an B. a C. the D. ( )7.A. is B. am C. be D. are ( )8.A. are B. am C. is D. be ( )9.A. What B. This C. He D. You ( )10.A.He B. I C. She D. You 2 Today we have 1 new students in 2 school. 3 are Chinese. 4 names are Liu Mei and Liu Fang. 5 twins. They 6 the same. 7 in Class One, Grade One. 8 is

21、 Liu Mei? 9 is Liu Fang? Oh, they are over 10 . ( )1.A. one B. two C. three D. four ( )2.A. my B. your C. our D. we ( )3.A. they B. we C. They D. We ( )4.A.They B. My C. His D. Their ( )5.A. They reB. HesC. We D. Their ( )6.A. see B. look C. is D. are ( )7.A. We B. Its C. They re D. These ( )8.A. Sh

22、e B. That C. He D. Who ( )9.A.Who B. He C. She D. That ( )10.A. here B. at C. there D. in 1. D girl以辅音音素开头且泛指,其前用不定冠词。 2. A at school“在学校”,习惯用法。 3. B 物主代词与名词name构成一个名词词组。 4. C 用英语表示大、小两个单位,应先小后大,因此,A、B 不妥,表示“几 年级几班”表示年级和班的名词均要大写首字母,D也不妥。 5. C “在哪一排”用介词in 。 6. A English 以元音音素开头,其前用an. 7. D 并列主语为复数,与a

23、re 搭配。 8. A We 作主语与 are 连用。 9. B 介绍某人用句型This is。 10. C Miss Gao为女性,用She代之作主语。 1. B 从下文得知,有两位新学生。 2. C 主语是we 我们,所以后面应在我们的学校,作定语用形容词性物主代词 our 3. C 从上文得知,他们是中国人,放在句首要大写第一个字母。 4. D 作定语用形容词性物主代词their.放在句首要大写字母。 5. A 句子单复数要一致。 6. B 固定词组look the same看起来一样。 7. C 根据上文要用they 作主语。 8. D 此空应填一个疑问词, who “谁”。 9. A

24、 此空也应填一个疑问词。 10.C 固定词组over there在那儿。 精选资料欢迎下载 小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-5 My name is Tony. Im 1 English boy. Im twelve years old. Im a 2 . Jim is my good friend. He 3 from the U.S.A. We are in the same class. He s twelve years old, 4 . I have a nice photo. Now, look 5 my photo. Jim 6 a long face, small eye

25、s, brown and short hair. And the boy 7 yellow is me. I like this 8 . Jim has a 9 . Her name is Kate. She is ten years old. Kate 10 a round face and big eyes. They have different looks. ( )1. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( )2. A. student B. teacher C. girl D. sister ( )3. A. come B. am C. are D. is ( )4. A

26、. also B. too C. but D. and ( )5. A. like B. the same C. at D. different ( )6. A. are B. is C. has D. have ( )7. A. have B. has C. at D. in ( )8. A. girl B. teacher C. color D. star ( )9. A. teacher B. sister C. friend D. mom ( )10. A. has B. have C. is D. are 2 I am 1 English boy. My 2 is Mike. I a

27、m twelve. My 3 name is Aun and we 4 students. My mother 5 a teacher. 6 a Chinese teacher. My brother s name is 7 . He s five. 8 father isnt here. Hes 9 Xinjiang. I think my 10 is a good one. ( )1.A. a B. an C. the ( )2.A. school B. name C. home ( )3.A. sister B. sistersC. sisters ( )4.A. are B. am C

28、. is ( )5.A. am B. is C. are ( )6.A. Her B. Hers C. Shes ( )7.A. Sue B. Lily C. Jim ( )8.A. Our B. We C. Ours ( )9.A. on B. in C. at ( )10.A. class B. family C. home 1. C 本空考查冠词。该句意为“我是英国男孩”,English以元音音素开头, 故选 C。 2. A 由第二句我是男孩, 排除 C、D, 又由第三句“我12 岁”,故选A。 3. D 表示“来自某处”可用come from, 也可用be from ;当主语是第三人称

29、 单数,就用comes from 或 is from,故选 D 。 4. B too表示人或物与前面的情况一致,用于句尾。根据前面内容“我和Jim 都是 12 岁”故选B。 5. C 考查与look 相关的短语。 look like“看起来像” ; look the same“看 起来一样” ; look at“看着” ; look different“看起来不同”。根据本句意 “看我的照片”故选C。 6. C 第三人称单数用has, 在这里表示“长着”。 7. D in后接颜色表示“穿什么颜色的衣服”,该句意为“穿黄色衣服的那个 男孩是我” , 故选D。 8. C 根据句意理解“我喜欢的是黄

30、色”,指的是颜色, A、B、D都不合句意 , 故 选 C。 9. B 由短文理解 , “Kate是女孩 , 而且只有10 岁。”排除A、C、D, 句意为 “Jim 有个妹妹” , 故选B。 10. A 该句是对Kate 的外貌描写 , 当主语为第三人称单数时用has, 其他人称 和数用 have, 故选 A。 1. B a用在辅音音素开头的单词前, 而an 用在以元音音素开头的单词 前,the表示特指 2. B Mike是人名。 3. B 名词+s表示名词所有格。 My sisters name我妹妹的名字。 4. A 主语是复数用are 主语是 I 用 am,主语是单数用is. 5. B 同

31、 4。 6. C 作主语用主格she, her为宾格,所有格hers 为名词性物主代词。 精选资料欢迎下载 7. C Sue(女名 ) Lily(女名) Jim(男名)。 8. A 句中需要填一个作定语的形容词性的物主代词。 9. B on 在表面, in在地方(大地点), at在地方(小地点) 10.B 全文都介绍了我的家庭成员,所以应用family 。 class 指班级。 home指 一个人的出生地居住所,它不涉及家庭成员,意为“家”。 小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-6 My home is nice. I have a pet 1 and 2 name is Polly. It

32、 is a parrot(鹦鹉 ). I like Polly a lot. My classmate, Hu Tao, 3 a pet, too. The name of it is Bobby. It is a dog. Hu Tao 4 Bobby very much. Do you have 5 in your home? I often go to English Corner( 英语角 ). I like 6 a lot. I speak English 7 some friends at the English Corner. 8 Hu Tao doesnt like the E

33、nglish Corner. He doesnt like English 9 . His English is 10 . So I often help him study English. ( )1. A. in my school B. in my home C. in school D. in home ( )2. A. its B. it C. its D. your ( )3. A. is B. like C. has D. have ( )4. A. like B. likes C. looks like D.look like ( )5. A. flowers B. a bik

34、e C. a friend D. a pet ( )6. A. it B. its C. his D. its ( )7. A. after B. with C. in D. of ( )8. A. And B. So C. Or D. But ( )9. A. at all B. much C. little D. all ( )10. A. good B. OK C. poor D. nice 2 This girl 1 twelve. 2 name is Kate. That boy 3 thirteen. 4 name is Tom. 5 teacher 6 a woman. 7 na

35、me is Wang Fen. 8 is a good teacher. Kate and Tom are good 9 . 10 are also good students. ( )1.A. be B. am C. is D. are ( )2.A. My B. Your C. His D. Her ( )3.A. be B. am C. is D. are ( )4.A. His B. Your C. My D. Her ( )5.A. They sB. They reC. They D. Their ( )6.A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )7.A. His B

36、. Her C. ShesD. Hes ( )8.A. She sB. HesC. She D. He ( )9.A.friendsB. friends C. friend D. friends ( )10.A.They B. They reC. their D. them 1. B in my home= at home指“在家,在家里”,因为pet (宠物)是养在家里 的,故选 B。 2. C 此处需用物主代词, 而且所指的是鸟, 故选 C。 3. C 根据短文内容可知此处要用“有”, 且主语为第三人称单数,故选C。 4. B 本句意为“胡涛非常喜欢Bobby”, look like意为“

37、看起来像” , 不符 合题意 , 再因本句主语为第三人称单数, 故选 B。 5. D 根据上文内容可知,此句意为“你在家养宠物吗?”应选D。 6. A 此处需用人称代词的宾格,it的宾格仍是it ,故选 A。 7. B 考查介词的用法。after 在之后;with 和,关于; in 穿着,戴着, 用,在里; of 的。根据句意可知,此处应是和朋友们在英语角说英语, 因此应为with, 选 B。 8. D 上文提到我喜欢英语角,下文说胡涛不喜欢英语角, 为转折关系 , 故选 D。 9. A not . at all意思是“根本不,一点也不”,故选A。 10. C 从上文提到胡涛不喜欢英语, 可推

38、测他的英语差。poor 意为“差的,不 好的”,故选C。 1. C 主语 this girl为单数形式,与系动词is 搭配。 2. D girl的物主代词是her. 3. C 主语 that boy为单数形式,与系动词is 搭配。 4. A boy的物主代词是his. 5. D 名词 teacher前应填一物主代词,从前面看应是boy 和 girl的物主代词 their. 6. B Their teacher作主语为单数形式,与系动词is 搭配。 7. B woman的物主代词是her. 8. C woman的人物代词是she . 精选资料欢迎下载 9. B 用复数与主语搭配一致。 10.A

39、C 、D不能作主语,B中多了系动词。 小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-7 Jim is new. Jim is 1 English boy. He is twelve 2 . He 3 a nice place ( 地方 ) in Beijing. Here is a 4 of his family. They are Jims father, Jims mother 5 Jim. His father 6 in an office. His mother works in an office, 7 . They 8 workers. Jim is a student. He 9 in

40、a school. He likes English 10 . He often studies English with his classmates. ( )1. A. a B. the C. an D. / ( )2. A. old B. years C. year D. years old ( )3. A. lives B. lives in C. live D. live in ( )4. A. dog B. sofa C. photo D. car ( )5. A. or B. and C. with D. but ( )6. A. drives B. works C. teach

41、es D. studies ( )7. A. to B. both C. too D. only ( )8. A. all are B. are all C. are not D. are both ( )9. A. study B. teaches C. teach D. studies ( )10. A. very B. little C. a lot D. not at all Li li, look 1 the picture. Its 2 picture of our classroom. In the picture, you can see some desks 3 chairs

42、. 4 the blackboard, you can see two black and white cats. A map is 5 the door. Its a map 6 Beijing. Under the 7 desk is a ball, but you cant see it. The girl in the hat is my good friend Kate. She is a new student. She is 8 English girl. She looks 9 Lucy . But they arent 10 . ( )1.A. in B. at C. to

43、D. on ( )2.A.a B. an C. the D./ ( )3.A.or B. but C. and D. there ( )4.A. In B. Of C. At D. On ( )5.A.at B. in C. under D. behind ( )6.A. of B. on C. in D. for ( )7.A. teacher B. teacher sC. teachers D. of teacher ( )8.A. / B. the C. an D. a ( )9.A.at B. after C. like D. the same ( )10.A. boys B. gir

44、ls C. twins D. students 1. C 句意为“吉姆是一个英国男孩。”应用不定冠词, English是以元音音素开头 , 故选 C。 2. D 说某人几岁时常用“年龄 +year (s) old”句式,因为Jim 是 12 岁,故用 years old. 3. B 表示“居住在”用live in, 主语是第三人称单数, 故选 B。 4. C 由下文介绍可知此处应是照片,又因a photo of family是一常用语 , 故可确定选C。 5. B and在这里是表示并列关系的连词, 意思是“和”,三者或三者以上并列时, and 放于最后两者之间,故选B。 6. B 句意为“他

45、父亲在办公室工作。”drive “驾驶”, teach“教”和study “学习”均 不符合句意,故选B。 7. C both为关联词不能放在句末, A 、D 不符合题意,故选C。 8. D they在这里指吉姆的父母,是两个人, both指两者都 , 而且它要放在be 动词的后 面, 故选 D。 9. D 句意为“吉姆是一个学生。他在学校学习。”可排除B和 C, 由于主语是第三人称单 数, 故选 D。 10. C 由上下文可知他非常喜欢学英语。a lot在这里表示程度, 相当于 very much ,A、B、 D 不合题意,故选C。 1. B “look at ”看后接表示事物的名词。 2.

46、 A a/an表示泛指。 The 表示特指。 3. C or “或者”, but 但是放在句中不合句意。“there ”不能连接两个并列事物。And表示 “和”“又”,可以连接两个并列事物。 4. D 在黑板上画着两只猫用介词on. 5. D at“在”, in “在里面”, under “在下面” ,behind“在后面”。地 图应在门后面。 6. A 动物和无生命的名词所有格,一般使用介词of 短语来表示。 精选资料欢迎下载 7. B 表示有生命的名词所有格,用名词+s 来表示。 8. C a (an)+形容词 +单数名词,用a 还是 an 要看形容词开头字母的发音,而不是看名词。 An用

47、在元音音素开头的单词前。 9. C 固定词组。 Look like看起来像, Look at 看 , look after 照顾, look the same 看起来一样,这里用look like。 10.C 根据短文意思,此处意思应为“但她们不是双胞胎。” 小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-8 Hi, I have two friends. They are twelve 1 old. They 2 from England. Look at the 3 . His name is Jim. He 4 a round face, a big nose, a small mouth 5 s

48、mall eyes. This girl is his 6 , Jane. She and Jim are from 7 same family(家庭 ). But they look 8 . She has a long face, a small 9 , a small mouth and big 10 . They are my good friends. ( )1. A. years B. year C. ages D. age ( )2. A. welcome B. comes C. come D. is ( )3. A. girl B. boy C. mom D. sister ( )4. A. is B. are C. have D. has ( )5. A. and B. but C. and a D. but a ( )6. A. sister B. teacher C. frie


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