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1、常用词组: a few a great/good deal of ahead of time aim at 在,旨在 B be about to I was just about to leave when you telephoned. be absorbed in be absorbed in study be absorbed in thoughts be accustomed to be accustomed to this sort of work be bound to . She is bound to find out. It is bound to happen. be de

2、voted to 致力于 . The magazine is devoted to science. She is devoted to her children. Every effort has been devoted to studying the origin of cancer. 起因。 be entitled to .的资格,有权 She is fully entitled to benefits. We are entitled to attend all concerts. be fed up with , 厌烦 I m fed up with his story. be o

3、pposed to He is opposed to my suggestion. be subjected to I m subjected to hard work. be used to You will soon be used to the life there. 的生活的。 I m used to getting up early. bear/have/keep in mind , 思念 , 存心 , 紧记 begin with You should begin with this book. be beside (the)point/question , 不中肯 beyond q

4、uestion break away , 脱离 , 放弃 , (运动中 )反攻为守 break away from a bad habit. He broke away from his captors. break down to bread down a substance into its components 物质 break in He broke in on their conversation. 的谈话。 break into , 侵占 I had to break into the room as I had lost the key. 入。 break off , 断绝关系

5、, 与.绝交 He has broken off all relations with her. break out to break out in He breaks out in a rash. break through , 突破 They broke through to the encircled unit. 队。 break up , 分散 , 破裂 They broke up the estate into small lots. bring / come into operation .带进 . She brought the chairs into the house bri

6、ng about , 致使 What brought about all these results? bring down , 击落 , 打死 , 降低 That injection will surely bring your fever down. bring forth , 出示 , 展示 his problem is brought forth for your consideration. bring forward , 提前 , 显示 Can you bring forward any proof of what you said ? bring into practice br

7、ing out , 出版,推出,生产 Most of the automobile companies bring out new models each year. 号的汽车。 bring up , 养育 , 提出 , 提及 , 向.提 及 If children are badly brought up they behave badly. 为就不好。 Please bring up this point at the next meeting. 来。 bring up against The truck brought up suddenly against a building. 来。

8、 burn out 0 , 烧掉 , 烧尽 Any electric light bulb will eventually burn out. burn up , 烧掉 , 发怒 I burned up all my energy running in the park. but for by accident , 不小心 by air 通过航空 by and by by chance , 意外地 by mistake by far by hand by heart by all means , 一定 by no means by means of by itself by oneself b

9、y the way , 顺便 by virtue of , 由于 by way of , 作为 , 为了 C call for , 提倡 , 为 .叫喊 , 为.叫 I ll call for my sister this afternoon. 去叫我妹妹 来。 call forth , 引起 , 使起作用 April showers call forth May flowers. 鲜花。 call off , 放弃 , 使转移走, 依次叫名 Please call off the dog; it s barking at the children. 着孩子们吠叫。 call on , 拜访,

10、探望 Last night several friends called on us. 天晚上几个朋友来探望我们。 She called on him to keep his promise. call up , 使想起 , 提出 , 打电话给 She calls up to us from the basement. can not help care for , 照顾 , 愿意 , 计较 We should care for the younger generation. carry off .的生命 , 获得 , 成功对付 The Chinese team carried off all

11、 the prizes in that event. 牌。 carry on , 坚持 , 举止失常 In spite of bad conditions, they carried on the experiment. carry out , 实现 , 贯彻 , 执行 The man refused to carry out the captain s orders. catch fire A small cigarette may catch big fire. 灾。 catch on , 理解 , 流行 That film catches on well. My coat caught

12、on the nail. catch one s breath , 屏息 catch sight of catch up with , 逮捕 , 处罚 I ll catch up with you later. check in , 报到 Everyone that arrived must check in here first. You have to check in at the airport an hour before your plane leave. 场办理登机手续。 check out , 合格 , 及格 We had to check out before 12:00 a

13、t noon, or one more day will be counted. 12:00 以前结帐, 否则就要多算一天。 to check out from .借: She checked out a book from the library. check up , 检验 I have yet to check up some doubtful points. cheer up , 感到振奋 Your visit has cheered up the sick man. clear away , 消失 Clear away the dishes as soon as you finish

14、 eating. The clouds have cleared away and the moon is shining again. 出来了。 clear up , 消除 , 放晴 Who s going to clear up the mess? 西? come into effect The revised work-schedule comes into effect next week. 于下周起实行。 come into force , 开始实行 When do the new regulations come into force? 么时候开始实 行? come off , 举

15、行 , 实现 , 成为 This button has just come off her coat. 脱落。 come on 赶快 The soldiers came on in spite of heavy fire. 前进。 How are you coming on with your work just lately? 何? come out , 长出 , 传出 , 褪去 , 露出,出现 The child has got measles. The spots have come out. 已出现了。 come round , 绕道而来, 苏醒 , 转变 , 改主意 , 笼络 She

16、 finally came around to our viewpoint. 点。 come to 继承 , 复苏;想起; 共计 We will come to you tomorrow if you can t come to us today. 们去你那儿。 How much does the bill come to? come to the point I was just coming to the point when you cut in. come true , 达到 His words come true. I ve always dreamt of coming to Ch

17、ina, and now, my dream has come true. 的梦想实现了。 come up , 发生 , 提出,升 到,提出 At this time of year the sun comes up at five in the morning and goes down at about eight-thirty in the evening. 五点升起,晚上八点左右落下。 come up to , 符合达到 (标准 ),比得上 ,等 于 come up to expectations come up to = to reach The water came up to o

18、ur knees. come up to = to approach He came up to me and introduced himself. come up with , 提出,提出 ,拿出 come up with = to produce She came up with a good idea. count on , 指望 Jim always counts on his parents for everything. count up .加起来 Will you please count up these figures for me? 吗? cover up to cove

19、r for = to protect .掩饰 She covered up for me when I made that blunder. 饰。 cross out , 注销 You had better cross out all the needless words in your composition. 句都划掉。 cut across We may as well cut across the playground. cut back , 削减 , 急忙返回 , 倒叙 The Americans cut back the word “ catalogue” and it becam

20、e “ catalog”. catalogue”这个字缩 写成了“ catalog” 。 He cut back through the woods to where he had been standing before. 方。 cut down , 削减 , 删节 They had to cut down expense. cut in , 插入 , 把.插进 He always cuts in when other people are talking. He cut me in on the deal. 一份。 cut off , 断绝 , 剥夺继承权 They have cut ou

21、r electricity off for several hours. 个小时了。 cut out , 裁剪出 , 取代 , 删 去 The doctor cut the diseased tissue out from the girl s leg. 病的组织。 You had better cut out the last two paragraphs of your article. 两段删去。 cut short , 缩减 ( 有时作cut shorter) D deal with .达成教育;安排, 处 理, 涉及 We closed the deal with them yest

22、erday. 那笔交易。 die down , 逐渐停止 , 渐渐消 失 The wind is dying down. die out , 逐渐消失 , 渐渐止 息 Many old customs are gradually dying out. 失中。 do away with , 弄死 They did away with that department several years ago. 门。 do one s best I must do my best to help him. do without , 不用 We had to do without fresh fruit.

23、一下了。 We shall have to do without a holiday this summer. draw in (or into) , 引诱 , 接近黄昏 , 紧缩开支 The boat was drawing into the dock. raw on , 吸收 , 利用 , 引诱 , 向.提 取, 招来 , 临近 Take off those boots you are wearing and draw on these of mine. The feeling that he was near his destination drew him on. draw up ,

24、停住 , 逼近 , 追上 , 整队 The country drew up a new constitution. dress up , 打扮 , 装饰 , 伪装 He dressed up as a cowboy. drop by Will you drop in tomorrow evening for a talk? 吗? drop off The leaves began to drop off. Could you drop off the books at the library? 馆好吗? drop out , 离去 , 放弃 Three of the runners dropp

25、ed out. E ever since every other , 所有其他 except for .以外 F face to face I have heard about him, but I never met him face to face. 面。 fall behind .的后面 , 拖欠 You ll certainly fall behind if you don t work hard. fall in love with He fell in love with her at first sight. fall through , 成为泡影 His scheme fell

26、 through. far from , 远非 , 远远不 , 决不 He is far from content. What he said is far from what I could understand. 的。 feed in , 传回 If you feed the data in, you get the analysis a few minutes later. 可以得到分析的结果。 fill in / out , 填写 , 填满 , 替代 / v.填写 , 使长大 , 变大 Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with

27、 appropriate verbs. 入适当的动词。 Please fill out a cheque. find out , 发现 , 查明 (真相 等), 认识到 , 想出 , 揭发 I found him out when I called. ,发现他不在 家。 first of all for a moment , 片刻 for a while for good ,一劳永逸地 for instance for short , 缩写 for the best for the present for the purpose of , 因 .起见 for the sake of for t

28、he time being from time to time G gain access to = have access to gain an advantage over get across (使)越过 , 通过 , 被理解 She tried to get her ideas across to us. get along We cannot get along on his salary. How does she get along with her brother? get away , 离开 , 把.送走 The lion was shut in a cage and una

29、ble to get away again. 了。 You can t get away from it. get by , 混过 Please let me get by. We ll have to get by with one car. 付过活。 get by heart get down (从.)下来 , 吞下 , 写下 , 使沮丧 She got the book down from the shelf. We ll get down at the next station. get hold of , 得到 get on with They got on with their w

30、ork after a short rest. How does she get on with her brother? She is getting on nicely with her English. get on/off 脱;下车,从.下来 He got on his horse. How are you getting on? We get off the next bus stop. I may be able to get off this Monday. get out 出,除去 They could not find a way to get themselves out.

31、 Don t let this news get out. get out of ; (使)摆脱 I couldn t get out of doing it. get ready get rid of , 除去 get round , 传开来 It is still difficult for him to get round without a cane. The news soon got round. get round to He says he will get round to it next week. 将抽出时间去做那件 事。 get the better/best of ,

32、 智胜 / 战胜,从.中得到最 大益处 Don t always try and get the better of her over every incident. 她。 get through , 做完 , 通 过, 度过 , 打通 I ve got through my work. She finally got the message through to them. 他们。 get together , 收集 , 积累;取得 一致意见 We finally got together on a compromise. 折衷办法。 We got together with some fr

33、iends last night. 一起相聚。 get up I get up at 6:00 every day. give away , 分发 , 放弃 , 泄露 , 出卖 , 让步 , 陷下 She gave away almost all her books. 别人了。 give back , 恢复 , 后退 , 反射 (声、光等 ) She gave the money back to us. give in , 屈服 , 让步 , 交上 , 宣布 We had to give in to their demands. 求作出让步。 give off (蒸汽、光等 ),长出 (枝、杈

34、等) When you boil water it gives off steam. 蒸汽。 give rise to The depression gave rise to widespread unemployment. give up He gave up his seat to a man on crutches. 杖的人。 We have given up on him. 他不再抱希望。 She gave up attempting to influence them. give way The enemy troops had to give way. give way to go

35、 after He s going after that pretty Swedish girl. 郎。 He s gone after a job in the c ity. go ahead “May I start?” “Yes, go ahead. ” 始吧。” You go ahead and tell them we will be there shortly. go along with I can t go along with you in this matter. 见。 He will go along with you. go by (从.旁)走过 , 依照 , 顺便走访

36、 The parade went by us. You can go by that clock, it s never wrong. 错。 All the family were at home when he went by yesterday. go down , 下沉 , 坠落 , 下降 , 被接受 They are going down the hill. go for , 努力获取 , She s gone for a doctor. All his efforts went for nothing. go in for , 追求 , 从事 He goes in for stamp

37、 collecting. The workers go in for technical innovations. 人们致力于技术革新。 go into 钱、精力等)被用于 I ll go into this matter in person. They ll go into that undertaking. go off , 停止运行 , 不再喜欢 The gun went off by accident. The bomb went off suddenly. go on 发生 , 进行 She went on with her work without having lunch. I

38、hope it will not go on raining all day. 不停。 go out , 熄灭;熄灭;停止 运行 All the lights went out. Will you go out soon ? go through , 经受 , 仔细检查, 用完 , 被通过 , 被批准 Let s go through the plan again. 项计划吧。 How long will it take to go through the book? 间? go up , 增 长 , 被 兴 建 起 来;被炸毁;被烧毁 The high we go up, the rarer

39、 becomes the air. 减少。 go without .也行 We had to go without hot food because the stove was broken. 的东西将就过去。 go wrong , 犯错误 , 发生故障 , 出毛病 H had better do sth. You had better go to the station now; I ll come on later. 随即就去。 hand down , 宣布 Joe will have his father s gold watch because it is handed down in

40、 his family. 是祖传的。 hand in He has handed in his essay. hand in hand , 联合 Ignorance and poverty often go hand in hand. hand out .拿出来 , 分发 , 施舍 The girl handed out leaflets to passers-by. 女孩向过往的人散发传单。 hang about Why are you hanging about here and there? hang back , 犹豫 She hung back from asking those q

41、uestions. hang on (or upon) , 不挂断 , 靠着 , 渴望 , 有赖 于 His election hangs on one vote. hang up 挂断 , 拖延 , 把.挂起来 She hung up on me. hardly any hardly before .就 hardly when .就 have / gain access to He gained access to the political information by posing as a commercial traveler. 治情报。 have nothing to do wit

42、h .无关 Joe insists that he had nothing to do with writing that letter. 关。 have to do with .有关 It has something to do with her present research. head for .(地方),走向 ., 前往 to head for the city 去 head on heart and soul help oneself to hold back , 阻止 , 抑制 , 隐瞒 Buyers are holding back. Though very angry, I

43、held back from telling him exactly what I thought. 未将我的感想告诉他。 hold on , (电话 )不挂断 , 保持 She held on to my coat sleeve and refused to let go. 手。 hold on to He rescued a drowning child holding on to a plank. 的溺水的孩子。 hold out , 坚持,维持 , 不屈服 Our troops cannot hold out much longer against the superior force

44、 of the enemy. 可能坚持很久。 If our supplies hold out, we will camp here for another week. 继续在这里野营一周。 hold up The police held up the traffic so that the pupils could go across the road. 小学生们能穿过马路。 They held up the owner and robed him of everything. 了他的所有东西。 hurry up , 使赶快 I in a hurry , 轻易地 in a moment in

45、 a way in accord (accordance) with .一致 , 依照 in addition in addition to .之外 in advance in all in alliance with .结盟 in any case in any event in brief in case in case of , 万一 in charge of in common in connection with .有关 , 连同 in consequence in context in contrast with .相反 , 大不相同 in correspondence with

46、.一致 , 有通信联系 in danger , 垂危 in difficulty/-ties in effect in excess of , 较 .为多 in favor of , 有利于 in force adv. adj.有效的 in front of .前面 in general ,大体上 , 一般而言 in hand , 在进行中 , 掌握住 in honor of .表示敬意 , 为祝贺 . in itself ,完全地 in line , 一致 , 协调 , 有秩序 in line with in memory of , 追念 in no case in no time in n

47、o way in order , 状况良好 , 适宜 in other words in particular in person , 外貌上 in place of in place , 适当 out of place , 不合适 in practice , 实际上 , 熟练 in proportion to .成比例 in public , 公开地 , 公然地 in question , 可怀疑 in return in secret in sequence be composed of .组成 in shape , 处于良好状态 in short in sight in step (wi

48、th ) in sum , 大体上 in terms of , 按照 , 用.的话 , 在.方面 in the air , 悬而未决, 在流传中, 不设防 in the end , 终于 in the event of .发生 in the face of in the first place in the first place 先 in the future , 将来 , 往后 in the least in the long run in the past in the way of .方面 in time in touch with in truth , 实在 in turn , 轮流

49、 in vain J just now K keep back , 使不靠近,隐瞒, 留下 Dykes keep back the food water. I ve kept nothing back from you. keep company with .交往,与为伴 Having kept company with him for more than two years, she found a dishonest person in him. 她发现他是个不诚实的人。 keep down 镇压 , 控制;缩减 , 保留 I can t keep down my indignation with him. keep from , 隐瞒 , 抑制 She can t keep from drink. The boy couldn t keep from drying when he fell down. keep in touch keep off , 不接近 Keep off the grass! keep on , 穿着 .不脱 Why do you keep on asking such silly questions? My I keep my h


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