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1、2019-2020 年新 教材牛津 译林版 9A Unit4 导学 案 教学 目标:1. 掌握新 词汇 和短 语 whenever, through, deal, on ones mind, as soon as, a great deal, through the Internet等。 2. 学习谈论 了解世界的方式和理由的句型。 I like to learn about the world from books. Books allow me to learn about people in different times and places, and I can read them

2、whenever I want to. There is a great deal of information as soon as you click. 教学 课时 :the first period 【自 习课 】 问题导 入: 1 How do you learn about the world? 2 How does Millie learn about the world? Why? 3 How does Simon learn about the world? Why? 当堂检测 :翻译 并背诵 挂在心上怎 么了?一 就 为你自己再建一 个叫醒某人大量 结束做某事通过英特 网了解

3、世界 自从我第一次 见到你,你就很快 乐。 我想要了解的 时候我就可以 读他 们。 你一点 击鼠标,就 会有大量的信息出现。 【点 拨课 】 1 mind 名 词: 头脑 。on one s mind 意为“ 挂在心上, 惦念” 名词:思想,想法。常见的短 语有: change one s mind 改 变主意 make up one s mind 下定 决心 动词 :介意,反 对,常用 来 表示委婉、客 气 的请求。 常用短 语:mind doing sth 或 mind sb doing sth 或 mind ones doing sth 介意做某事Never mind 没关 系,不要 紧

4、 2 That s all right .没关 系 辨析: All right. Thats all right. Thats right All right : 表示同意 对方的意 见,“ 行 ,好 吧” 用于系 动词 之后,表 “ 身体好 ” 。相 当于“ fine,well” That s all right. 用于回答 别人的感 谢,表示 “ 不用 谢,别客气” ,相 当于 That s ok / Not at all/You are welcome. 用于回答 别人的道歉,表示“ 不要 紧,没关 系” ,相 当于 Never mind/It doesn t matter 用于 对对

5、方的某 种情形表示 “ 没问题 ,没关 系“ That s right 同意 对方看法,表示:“ 对,正确 ” 3 until: 意为 “ 直到 . ”,表示某一 种 行为一直持 续 到某一 时间 ,用在肯定句中,句子的谓语动词 必须是可延 续性的。 Not until “直到 才” ,表示直到某一时间 ,某一行 为才发生,用在否定句中,主句中的谓语 可以是延 续性动词 也 可以是短 暂性动词 。 I studied English until 9 o clock last night (表示 9 点前一直在 学) I didn t study English until 9o clock l

6、ast night.( 表示 9 点才 开始学) 4 time : 时代, in different times 时间 ,不可 数名词次 数,可 数名词 Time 的常用短 语有: all the time 一直at times 有时 at the same time 同时 From time to time 有时in time 及时 on time 按时 at a time 一次 have a good time 玩的高 兴 5 as soon as : 表示 “ 一 就”, 连接时间状语从 句, 当 主语用一般 将来时 ,从句用一般 现在时。 I will tell him the new

7、s as soon as he comes back 他一回 来,我就把 这个 消息告 诉他。 He took out his books as soon as he sat down. 他一坐下 来 ,就拿出了 书。 As soon as he gets home ,he starts to do his homework.他一到家,就 开始做作 业 。 6 a great deal 表示 “ 大量, 许多“ ,可 单独 使用,也可以用在形容词 或副 词的比 较级 前面; 还可以修 饰不可 数名词。 We learned a great deal from them .我们从 他们那里 学到

8、很多 东西。 He ran a great deal faster than I. 他跑得比我快多了。 He has given me a great deal of help.他 给了我很多 帮助。 【巩固课】 同学们 通过以上 学习 ,一定很有收获,快 来大显 身手 吧! 一 选择题 1 -Nick , would you mind out of the bathroom? -Sorry , I won t be long. A come B to come C coming 2 - Could you help me put up the maps on the wall? - A No

9、 problem B I hope so C That s all right D That s a good idea 3 Man s understanding of nature is developing.It never stays at the same level A at the right time B for the first time C from time to time D all the time 4 Henry will give us a report as soon as he . A arrives B arrived C is arriving D wi

10、ll arrive 5 Dont get on or get off the bus until it A. stop B. has stopped C. is stopping D. wont stop 6 -.Has the train arrived? -No. It here until one oclock tomorrow. A. hasnt got B. didnt arrive C .wont get D. didnt leave 7 - What about Mr Blacks speach? -Wonderful! There were _ people there. A.

11、 a large number of B. much C. a great deal of D. lots 8 A great deal of money _spent on books A .have B .has C .have been D has been Reading 1 知识目标: 1. 掌握新 单词 和短 语:junior high, try out for sth., lose heart, change ones mind, leader, simply, national, championship, succeed in doing sth, although, for

12、ce, take notice of, achievement, prove等。 2. 熟练运 用新句型: While attending junior high, Spud tried out for the school team, but he was refused to play at first because he was too small. When he finally got the chance, he scored 20 points in his first game. As a result, he successed in getting a scholarsh

13、ip. Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body type really doesn not matter you can do almost anything if you never give up. 教学课时 :the second period 【自 习课 】 导入: 1 What do you think makes a good basketball player? 2 朗读文章第一段,回答问题 (1)When and where was Spud Webb born? (2)What was his big dr

14、eam? 当堂检测 一 朗读 短文 并翻译下列短 语和句子。 try out for sth lose heart score 20 points get the coach to change his mind be named Player of the Year lead to bring him to the attention of succeed in doing sth be forced to do sth take notice of through haed work sit in the stands No university would invite him to p

15、lay basketball simply because he was only 170cm tall. He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him. Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not matter. 【点 拨课 】导入:同 学们 在学习 的过程中可能遇到一些不懂的地方 吧?课堂导学 可以 帮你 答疑解惑。 1、 朗读第二至四段,完成表格 At first Then Achievements Junior High He was to

16、 play for the school team. He didn t He got the and scored in his first game .He became the of the team Senior high He had to because of his height. He got the coach to He became of the team . In his last year, he was named in Texas College University invited him. He played at . He got from North Ca

17、rolina State University He led his team to 2. 阅读课 文第五段,完成下面的短文。 At first ,the NBA was not interested in Spud Webb because all its players were than him. He wan forced to play in for about a year. In 1985, Spud joined .In 1986,he won .It was his 5. What did Spud Webb prove? 【巩固课】 同学们 通过以上 学习 ,一定很有收获,

18、快 来大显 身手 吧! LeBron James has been praised by the whole world as one of the greatest players of todayPeople call him “King James“ ,the “Chosen One“ and compare him to his idol Michael Jordan Now the 25-year-old player has surprised everyone again Since he joined the league,James has broken many recor

19、dsHe has led his team to the NBA finals He has celebrated two NBA All-Star Game Most Valuable Player(MVP) titlesHe has been named to the all NBA team twice The 2.03-meter player has both a perfect build and a great basketball brain He is famous for his speed and power “Hes not scared by anyoneHe has

20、 the confidence(信心 ) that only the great have,“ said his coach,Paul Silas about LeBronBut LeBrons best quality( 品质) is that he is a team player“My game just wont let me be selfish( 自私的 ),“ LeBron said “I love sharing the ball with my teammates “ “They got a really good leader in LeBron ,“ Pistons gu

21、ard Rodney Stuckey said after the April 26 game “When he is going and he has his other teammates going as well,it is really hard to beat them They are a really good team“ 根据短文 内容, 选择 最佳答案。 ( ) 1 Who was called “King James“? ALeBron JamesBYao Ming CMichael Jordan DPaul Silas ( ) 2 What quality isnt m

22、entioned about James in the passage? ALeadership skills BConfidenceCRespect for the oldDTeam spirit ( ) 3James is good at _ according to the second paragraph Asoccer Bbasketball Cbaseball Dtable tennis ( ) 4James coach was proud of _ ALeBron James Bhis team Cother teammates Dhimself ( ) 5 Which of t

23、he following is Not right according to the passage? AJames is known for his perfect build BJames has the ability to motivate his teammates CHe has been doing well in the league DHe is willing to share the ball with his teammates Reading 2 知识目标: 1. 熟练运 用新句型: While attending junior high, Spud tried ou

24、t for the school team, but he was refused to play at first because he was too small. When he finally got the chance, he scored 20 points in his first game. As a result, he successed in getting a scholarship. Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body type really doesn not matter you can

25、do almost anything if you never give up. 教学课时 :the third period 【自 习课 】 导入:根据下列提示,复述课文。 Spud Webb Year and place of birth Texas,1963 Height 170cm Dream Play in the NBA Junior school Try out, be refused to,score 20 points,star of the team Senior school Sit in the stands, change his mind, become leade

26、r of the team, Player of the Year College Invite to , a junior college, lead to, bring him to the attention of , succeed in NBA Be interested in , be forced to , take notice of , the Atlanta Hawks, great achievements, his proudest moment What he proved Hard work, does not matter, never give up 【点 拨课

27、 】 翻译并 背诵 1 参加选拔2 灰心,泄 气 3 得到机 会4 在高 级 中学 5 改变主意6 两年制 专科学校 7 成功做某事8 注意, 观察 9 拥有许多伟大的成就10 永不放弃. 【巩固课】 1.lose heart 灰心,泄 气 lose one s heart 因 而心碎 与 lose 相关词组 lose one s way 迷路lose/gain weight 减/增肥 lose interest 失去 兴趣lose oneself 迷失某人自己 别泄气,最 终总会 有改 变的。 _, it will make _ in the end. 2.name ( v. 副词 succ

28、essfully ; 名词 success ,反 义词 fail succeed in doing sth 成功做某事 翻译:失 败是成功之母。 6 proud 形容 词,以 为“ 自豪的, 骄傲的 ” ,be proud of “以 而自豪 ” ,be proud to do sth“自豪地做某事 ” ,be proud 还可 以接 that 从句。名 词是 pride,意为“ 自豪, 骄傲” ,常用短 语:take pride in, “以而自豪 ”,可以 与 be proud of 互换。 翻译:我 们为 有这样 的好 学生而自豪。 7 practice/practise 练习 ;实践

29、( v. Englishmen B Germans ; Englishmans C Germans; Englishmen 4 He wants to have his TV A repairing B repaired C to repair 【巩固课】 二 阅读 表达 “ Mum, I hate you. I dont need a new schoolbag or clothes. Im not afraid of being hit by you. I only want you to come back. ” When Chen Jiuying read her daughters

30、letter, she couldnt help crying. Chen and her husband are now working far away from their hometown. Their daughter, Xiao Li, is looked after by her grandparents. Like Chen, many migrant workers(外来务 工人 员) are dreaming about a better life, so they have to leave their children behind. According to a su

31、rvey, there are now about 61 million left-behind children( 留守 儿童) in poor areas in China. This has brought many problems. These children care little about ot hers. They do not do well at school. They lose confidence . Luckily, many Chinese are now thinking about the life of the left-behind children

32、and actions have been taken to help solve the problem. A charity event took place in Beijing before Childrens Day. Its aim was to raise social awareness(意识 ) of left? -behind children. The event was held to raise money from businesses and the public to prepare “ love bags” . Inside the bags, these a

33、re things for children, including books, torches, and envelopes (信封)and stamps so that children can write to their parents. The event was started by Chen Weihong, a television host in China. “ The left?-behind children dont have enough parental love and family care. They need to be in touch with the

34、ir parents. We hope our love bags will help them communicate with their parents, and make them happier, ” he said. Answer the following questions with No More Than 4 Words 1 Who is looking after Xiao Li? _ 2. How many left? -behind children are there in poor areas in China according to a survey? _ 3

35、. Have actions been taken to help solve the problem? _ 4. Where did the charity event take place? _ 5.What can children do with envelopes and stamps? _ Unit 4 Study Skills、Task 教学 目标: 1. 掌握新 单词 和短 语:unusual, cell, cancer, to one s surprise, research, in his fifties, someone in need, blood cells, med

36、ical research, a heart full of love 。 2. 学习 新句型: My father is in his fifties. Whenever he has some money, he gives it to someone in need. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death. 【自 习课 】 导 入: 1 Who do you think has influenced you most in your life? 2 Fi

37、nish PartB on P61 当场检测 : 一 预习课 文,翻 译下列短 语 in one s fiftiesdonate blood to one s surprisemedical research have a heart full of love You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more. Whenever he has some money left, he gives it to someone in need. When I was a little girl, I could not

38、 understand why my father always seemed to be kind to others than to his own family 【点 拨课 】 导入:同 学们 在学习 的过程中可能遇到一些不懂 的地方 吧?课 堂导学 可以 帮你 答疑解惑 1 in one s 整十的 数词 的复数 ,表示 处 于相 应的年 龄段,例如: in one s twenties 在某人二十几的时候 in the 整十的 数词 的复数 ,表示在某 个年代,例如:in the seventies 在七十年代 2 to one s surprise 意为:使 惊讶 in surpr

39、ise 意为:惊奇地 形容 词一. 根据句意及所 给汉语 提示, 填入正确的 单词 。 1. The famous runner has brokenthe world (记录 ) many times. 2. I hope my favourite football team will win the (胜利) in the football match tonight. 3. Lei Feng has been away from the world but his (精神 ) will remain with us forever. 4. The Blacks decided to bu

40、y a (德 国的) car at last. 5. If we want to achieve success, we must have (勇气) to face failure (失败). 当场检测 : 一、根据句子意思,用所给单词 的适 当形式 填空。 1. I opened the door and found my father sitting on the sofa, deep into (think). 2. That book (write) by Mo Yan sells well all over the country. 3. Miss Yang s (il l) ha

41、s had a bad effect on her work. 4. The rich man is kind enough to donate money to provide food and shelter for the (home) children. 5. After (survive) the big earthquake, Mr Lin learnt more about the meaning of life. 二、根据 汉语补 全英 语句子, 词数 不限。 1. 第一次世界大战爆发于 1914 年。 World War I in 1914. 2. 科学家 们正在 研制新 药

42、 阻止人 们死于那 种疾病。 The scientists are developing new medicine to stop people from _. 3. 真遗 憾我 们失去了 这么 好的一 个机会。 we have lost such a good chance. 4. 我希望世界各地的孩子们能快 乐地生活,不用为生命安全担 忧。 I hope children all over the world can live happily, not . 5. 为了不被送往集中营,他 们躲 到了一 个 秘密的地方。 They in a secret place so that they

43、wouldn t a Nazi camp. 为 surprising ,常用 来 修饰物; surprised ,常用 来修 饰人 【巩固课】 升入中 学已经两 年多了,回 顾过 去的 两年, 你对谁 最感激 (grateful) 呢? 请你 以 Thank you, 为题 ,写一篇 80 词左右 的短文。短文必须围绕 以下提示展 开: 1. Who is the person? 2. What has he/she done for you? Please give one or two examples. 3. What have you learnt from him/her? Dear


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