译林英语三年级下册3B 1-8单元的生词,词组和句型整理.doc

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1、Unit 1 In classparrot鹦鹉rubber橡皮ruler尺子Mr 先生please请open打开close关上;合上sorry对不起window窗blackboard黑板book书door门big 大的in class在上课stand up起立sit down坐下open the door开门close the window关窗Im sorry.我很抱歉。come in进来Mr Green格林先生Look at the blackboard.看黑板open the book打开书listen to听dont=do not不要Unit 2 In the libraryin在里面l

2、ibrary图书馆in the library在图书馆里shout喊;叫run跑eat吃here这里talk说话sleep睡觉drink喝milk牛奶English英语your你的;你们的Dont shout.不要喊。Dont run.不要跑。Dont eat here. 不要在这儿吃。Dont talk.不要说话。Dont sleep.不要睡觉。Dont drink.不要喝。eat my cake吃我的蛋糕drink my milk喝我的牛奶my English book我的英语书walk up and down走来走去want to想要Is this your book?这是你的书吗?Un

3、it 3 Is this your pencil?pencil铅笔isnt=is not不是thats=that is那是schoolbag书包pen钢笔crayon蜡笔pencil case铅笔盒;铅笔袋lunch box午餐盒where在哪里wheres=where isover there在那里Yes,it is.是的,它是。No, it isnt.不,它不是。Is this/that?这是/那是吗?This isnt这不是What is it?它是什么?Mr Fuller富勒先生on the floor在地板上Just beside the door就在门旁边Unit 4 Wheres

4、 the bird?bird鸟beautiful漂亮的under在下面desk课桌;书桌behind在后面on在上面chair椅子tree树guess猜How beautiful !多么漂亮啊!under your desk在你的课桌下面behind the door在门后面Its not here.它不在这儿。on your chair在你的椅子上面in my desk在我的课桌里面in the tree在树上Where is it?它在哪儿?Here you are.你在这儿。fly away 飞走Project 1 My puppypuppy小狗;幼犬Unit 5 How old are

5、 you?How old are you?你多大了?Im nine.我九岁了。How lovely!多么可爱啊!Here you are.给你。Youre out.你出局了。Make a wish许个愿What a nice cake!多么漂亮的一个蛋糕啊!Its time for the cake.到吃蛋糕的时间了。be late for迟到turn round and round团团转;打转fall to the ground落地,失败lovely可爱的right对的;正确的out出局want想要;想Its time for是 的时候了。Unit 6 What time is it?Wha

6、t time is it?几点了?wake up醒来mum妈妈oclock点钟breakfast早餐Hurry up.快点。class课;上课dinner晚餐bed床OK好;行lunch午餐bag包;书包these这些heres=here is这儿是Its time for breakfast.到吃早饭的时间了。Its time for class.到上课的时间了。Its time for dinner到吃晚饭的时间了。What are these/those?这些/那些是什么?Breakfast is ready.早饭准备好了。Its time for eat.到吃东西的时间了。Its ti

7、me for meet.到见面的时间了。Unit 7 On the farmfarm农场Welcome to欢迎来到they他们theyre=they are他们是pig猪those那些cow奶牛apple苹果pear梨chicken鸡duck鸭子orange橙子picture图画;照片who 谁whos=who is是谁on the farm在农场What are these/those?这些/那些是什么?Theyre它们是Are these/those?这些/那些是吗?Yes,they are.是的,它们是。No,they arent.不,它们不是。Is this you?这是你吗?cle

8、ver Tom聪明的汤姆from the farm来自于农场make ice cream做冰淇淋for his mum给他的妈妈Unit 8 Were twins!we我们were=we are我们是twin双胞胎之一aunt阿姨girl女孩man男人woman女人boy男孩baby婴儿cousin堂兄(弟/姐/妹);表兄(弟/姐/妹)name 名字Who is he/she?他/她是谁?Were twins!我们是双胞胎。Whos that girl?那个女孩是谁?Whos that little boy?那个小男孩是谁?very tall非常高also small也很小his cat and mouse他的猫和老鼠Project 2 A magic clockA magic clock一个魔法钟draw twelve pictures画12幅画cut out 剪下stick the doors on贴门上cut out the hand剪下指针pin on the hand钉上指针pin on a rubber钉上橡皮


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