译林小学英语五年级下5B期末模拟卷 (10).doc

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1、20182019 学年度第二学期小学英语五年级下册(译林版)期末考试试题 听力部分(30%)一、听句排序 (每小题1分,满分6分)听录音,按你所听到的顺序用ABCDEF给下列图片编号,并将编号写在图下的括号内。每个句子读两遍。 1.2.3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( )二、听句应答 (每小题1分,满分6分)听录音,选出最佳应答语,并将其序号填写在题前的括号内。每个句子读两遍。( ) 1. A. Well done. B. What about you?C. Im sorry to hear that.( ) 2. A. Oh, please. B. Oh, t

2、hey are. C. Oh, thanks. ( ) 3. A. Eat sweets. B. Brush the teeth. C. Wash the face.( ) 4. A. Its fine. B. Its right. C. Its yummy.( ) 5. A. Dumplings. B. Rice cakes. C. Rice dumplings.( ) 6. A. He drinks some juice. B. He eats a lot of food. C. He likes eating chocolates.三、听选图片 (每小题1分,共6分听录音,根据你所听到的

3、内容,选出适当的图片,并将其序号填写在题前的括号内。每段对话读两遍。( ) 1. How can the woman get to City Bank? A. B. C. ( ) 2. What is the man doing? A. B. C. ( ) 3. How does the boy feel? A. B. C.( ) 4. What is John doing? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What would the man like? A. B. C. ( ) 6. What can the woman take? A. B. C. 四、对话理解 (每小题1分,共6分)

4、听录音,根据你所听到内容,选出最佳选项,并将序号填写在题前的括号内。每段对话读两遍。( ) 1. What should Wang Bing do? A. Have a rest.B. See the doctor.C. Go back home.( ) 2. What is Tom doing?A. Hes looking at the moon. B. Hes talking about the moon with his friend.C. Hes reading a book about the moon.( ) 3. Whats wrong with Mary?A. Her hand

5、 hurts.B. Her neck hurts. C. Her arm hurts. ( ) 4. When is Lisas birthday?A. In May.B. In June. C. In July. ( ) 5. Where is Tinas new house?A. In the city. B. In the town. C. Near the school.( ) 6. Whats in the fridge?A. Carrots. B. Potatoes. C. Meat.五、听力填空 (每小题1分,满分6分)听录音,根据所听到的内容,在相应的横线上填入一个正确的单词。

6、对话读三遍。 Mike wants to go to the City (1) _. Alice shows the (2) _ to him. Its on Main Street, (3) _ her home. He can take the (4) _ and get off (5) _ City Centre Station. The station is on the (6) _ side of Moon Street.笔试部分(70%)六、单项选择 (每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将序号填写在题前的括号内。( ) 1. Im sorry. I

7、 _ go now. Im late for work. A. canB. may C. have to D. would( ) 2. People in _ often open their presents as soon as they receive them. A. ChineseB. China C. the UK D. Japan( ) 3. _ Sam and Bobby playing games now? Yes. A. DoB. CanC. Is D. Are( ) 4. Please _ the birds. They are eating the apples. OK

8、.A. drive awayB. go awayC. fly awayD. move away( ) 5. Would you like _ milk in your coffee? Yes, but _ no milk in the fridge now.A. some; there is B. any; there is C. some; there are D. any; there are( ) 6. The Spring Festival is _ January _ February.A. in; andB. on; orC. in; orD. on; and( ) 7. Ther

9、e are _ stories in this book. The_ one is a fairy tale.A. five; fifth B. five; fiveC. fifth; five D. fifth; fifth( ) 8. I cant find my dog. Dont worry. Let me help you to _ it.A. look at B. look for C.look after D. look out( ) 9. Im sorry. _ A. Great! B. Thats OK. C. Youre right.D. Well done.( ) 10.

10、 Its two oclock in the afternoon. The child _ the floor.A. is sweeping B. are sweeping C. sweeps D. sweep七、词汇检测 (每小题1分,共16分) A) 根据首字母或中文提示,写出正确的单词。每空一词。1. We s_ talk in class. Please listen carefully.2. September, O_ and November are autumn seasons.3. I like playing the piano, but I cant play it_ (好

11、). 4. The bus is _ (满的). Lets go to the zoo by taxi.5. The meat _ (闻起来) good. I cant wait.B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。每空一词。6. Youre ill. Please take some _ (medicine).7. Jack drinks a lot of water, but he still _ (feel) thirsty.8. Your jacket is fine, but the trousers dont _ (fit).9. Dad is cooking eggs with

12、 _ (tomato).10. _ (mother) Day is on the second Sunday of May. C) 根据上下文意思,选择方框内单词,并将序号填写在标有序号的横线上。A. place B. animals C. ride D. drives E. pick F. fun At weekends, I often go to Moon Farm with my family. My father (11) _ us there. I like playing with the farm (12) _ because theyre lovely and friendl

13、y. Sometimes I (13) _ on the horse. Father and mother (14) _ fruits on trees and sisters give carrots to the sheep. We always have a lot of (15) _there. We all love this (16) _ and dont want to go back home every time.八、看图填空 (每空1分,共12分) 根据图意,将下列对话补充完整,每空一词。1. A: Why cant we eat those mushrooms?B: _

14、they _ _ _ us. 2. A: Its twelve oclock. I _ _ go now.B: Wait! You leave your shoe behind.3. A: Are you sweeping the floor? B: No, Im _ _ _. 4. A: Su Hai, I cant find Moon Street. What should I do?B: You can _ a policeman _ _.九、补全对话 (每小题1分,共6分)将方框内所给句子的序号填写在相应的横线上,使对话完整、通顺。每个句子只能用一次。 A. Of course she

15、 can, Jane.B. I dont mind (介意). I like both of them. C. In the car. Its too far to go by bike.D. In the study I think, but Im not sure.E. Lets go up into the hill and fly kites.F. Eleven. I must finish my work first.Jane: What can we do today, Dad?Dad: (1) _Jane: Thats a good idea. How can we get th

16、ere?Dad: (2) _Jane: Can my friend Nancy go with us?Dad: (3) _Jane: What time do we leave? I have to tell her.Dad: (4) _Jane: All right. Which kite do you want to take? The red one or the blue one?Dad: (5) _Jane: Wheres the blue one? I want it.Dad: (6) _Jane: I see.十、完形填空 (每小题1分,共8分)根据上下文,选择最佳选项,并将其序

17、号填入题前的括号内。Big cats (大型猫科动物)Cats have a big family. Some are big and some are 1 . Some can be our pets (宠物) 2 some cannot.Tigers are the biggest (最大的) cats. 3 head to tail they can be 3.7m long. A great number of cats dont like 4 , but tigers often stay in water when it is 5 .Lions are the only 6 tha

18、t live together in a large family groups. Some lions work together to get food for group. They usually live in open places. So they can see a long way there and its 7 to run after other animals.All cats have good eyes, because they should catch small animals for their 8 . They also need to be fast,

19、and very strong. ( ) 1. A. whiteB. small C. long( ) 2. A. andB. or C. but( ) 3. A. On B. From C. Over( ) 4. A. waterB. fruits C. vegetables( ) 5. A. warmB. hot C. cold( ) 6. A. petsB. cats C. animals( ) 7. A. wrongB. difficult C. easy( ) 8. A. foodB. drinks C. breakfast十一、阅读理解 (每小题1分,共12分)A) 判断下列句子的

20、意思是否与图片内容相符,相符的在题前括号内写“T”,不相符的写“F”。( ) 1. Theyre in the park.( ) 2. It is a sunny and hot day.( ) 3. You can see a nice river in the picture.( ) 4. There is a bird in the tree.( ) 5. The woman in a hat is reading.( ) 6. You can see a panda between the bag and the ball. B) 阅读对话,在标有题号的横线上填入一个与对话内容相符的单

21、词。Angela: Hi, Paul. Its Angela. I find a great game for you on TV.Paul: Which channel (频道)?Angela: CCTV2.Paul: What should I do?Angela: Well, there are three questions (问题), and theyre all about music. I think youre good at it.Paul: Then what do I do if I know the answers? Angela: You send the answe

22、rs on a card to No 40, River Road.Paul: How can I get the questions?Angela: I know all of them.Paul: OK. Can you show me the questions when I see you at school on Monday?Angela: Oh, its too late. The answers should be there tomorrow. Paul: Well, please tell me the questions on the phone.Angela: OK.A

23、ngela wants Paul to take part in a TV (1) _. Its about (2) _. He should answer (3) _ questions and send the (4) _ to No 40, River Road. But the game ends (截止) (5) _. She has to tell Paul the questions on the (6) _. 十二、书面表达 (6分)根据下面的问题,以短文形式介绍一下自己。1. Where do you live?2. How do you go to school?3. Whens your birthday?4. What do you usually do on your birthday?5. Whats your favourite festival? Why?要求:1. 所写内容需包含以上所有信息,可适当补充内容。2. 条理清晰,语句通顺, 标点正确,书写规范。3. 不少于6句话。 Hello, my name is _. _


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