译林小学英语五年级下5B期末模拟卷 5.docx

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1、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Chinese people usually _(visit) their relatives(亲戚) and friends at Spring Festival.2. The boy _(not have) lunch at school.3. Bobby sometimes _(fly) kites on Sundays.4. Tim _(have) some new toys now.5. _ the students _(play) football after school?6. Where _ your uncle_(work)? And how _h

2、e _(go) to work?7. What _ your father _(do) on his birthday?8. Who _(help) your with your lessons? Mike _.9. When _Jim _(go) to school?10. Why cant she _(go) to the party?11. Look! I can _(ride) a bike now.12. The girl _(want) _(read) some fairy tales.13. _(come) here and _(stand) with me.14. The gl

3、oves are too old. Dont _(put) them on.15. What are you doing? I _(make) a kite.16. Listen! Su Hai _(sing) an English song.17. Hi, _ your father _(clean) the bedroom? No, he _(sleep) in it.18. Look! What _ the children _(do) now? 19. Where is Tim? He _(cook) breakfast in the kitchen.20. Im hungry. Sh

4、all we _(cook) some food now?21. Would you like _ (swim) with us?22. Shall we _(go) climbing this afternoon?23. The monkeys like _(eat) vegetables.24. There _(be) any soup in the bowl.25. Can you show _(we) your new toys?26. Jack often goes _(skate) in winter.27. Hes asking me how _(get) to the shoe

5、 shop.28. What are you good at? Im good at _(draw) pictures.29. Its cold today. You should _(put) on more(更多) clothes.do / to do / doing / do-s / be1. like _ 2. Dont _ 3. want _ 4. Shall we _5. be good at _6. can /cant _ 7. should _ 8. My hobby is _9. go _ 10. _ good at 否定, _ _ good at11. Would you

6、like _ 12 how _ 一般现在时 : be, not, V, V-s1 be 型 肯定句 主语 + _ 否定句: 主语 + _ + _ 一般疑问句 _ +主语 ?2. Do型:非三单(1)肯定句: 主语+ _ (2) 否定句: 主语 + _ + _. (3)一般疑问句: _ + 主语+ _? (4) 特殊疑问句: 疑问词+ _ +主语 + _?三单(1)肯定句: 主语+ _ (2) 否定句: 主语 + _ + _. (3)一般疑问句: _ + 主语+ _? (4) 特殊疑问句: 疑问词+ _ +主语 + _?现在进行时: be, not, V-ing, 疑问词 (1)肯定句: 主语+

7、_+_ (2)否定句:主语+_+_+_ (3) 一般疑问句:_+主语+_? (4)特殊疑问句:_+_+_+_句型转换1. The boy is angry. (否定句)_ (一般疑问句)_2. They get together with their family. (否定句)_ (一般疑问句)_3. The students usually play football after school. (否定句)_The students usually play football after school. (划线提问)_The students usually play football af

8、ter school. (划线提问)_4. Jack often watch films at this cinema at weekends. (否定句)_Jack often watch films at this cinema at weekends.(划线提问)_Jack often watch films at this cinema at weekends. (划线提问)_5. My sister can grow grapes. (一般疑问句)_ (划线提问)_6. The man is cleaning his car. (否定句)_ (一般疑问句)_ (划线提问)_7. Th

9、e boy usually goes to school by metro (划线提问)_8. Put your bags on the table. (否定句)_9. Do you want to watch TV? (同意句)_各课微语言点复习U1. 在王子的宫殿_ the _ house 一些美丽的仙女some _ _因为她没有漂亮的衣服和鞋子_ she _ have any nice clothes _ shoes.在12点前回来_ _ _ 12 oclock读童话故事 read _ _ 读有关美猴王的故事read _ about _ _把一只鞋子留在了后面 _ a shoe _ 在森

10、林里行走 _ in the _He does not understand me_ The gloves _ (be) nice. Look! This pair of gloves _(look) great!Why _ you so sad? Why _ he _(look) so sad?Cinderella _(have) to do a lot of housework Nice gloves! Please try _(it) on. The coat _(not fit) her. Cinderella _(try) the shoe on, it _(fit).U2.离。远 _

11、 _ from 坐飞机去上海 go to Shanghai by _一名出租车司机 a _ _ 坐火车 _ the _大巴上的轮子 the _ _ the bus I dont think so _总坐在篮子里 _ sit in the _ 到达那里_ _在一艘轮船上工作 work _ the _ a pair of trousers(翻译)_把他的自行车给Sam看 Show _ _ _ Sam / _ Sam _ _Why c_ Bobby r_ his bike to school? B_ he is too y_.I live _ Flower Street. He lives _ Su

12、nshine town.Go to school on foot = _ to school. Go to school by bus = _ the _ to_Where _ your father _(work)? He _(work) at school.How _ the students _(go) to school? They _(go) to school on foot.U3到达你的家_ _ your home 在公园街站下车 get _ _ Park Station市图书馆在我家隔壁 City _ is _ _ my home. like shiny shoes(翻译)_从

13、。出来 come _ _ 向警察求助 _ a _ _ help她不知道选择哪个 She _ _ _ to chooseIn the UK, we ask “Wheres the _?” In the US, we ask “Wheres the _?”等我的老师 _ _ my teacher 在公交站台上 _ the bus stop上出租车 get _ the taxi 街上有太多的小车 _ _ _ many _ in the street沿着这条街走,在第三个交通指挥灯右拐,然后,沿着芒果街走,你可以看见那个电影院就在你的左边。Go _ the _. _ _ _ the _ _ light

14、s. Then go _ _ Street. You can see the _ _ your _公交车满了,我们不能上去了。The bus is _, we cant _ _. ( ) sure shoesU4Whats wrong with _(he)? He _(have) a _(咳嗽)The girl should _(have) a rest at home. _ Mike _(eat) too many sweets?Bobby often_(help) in the hospital My arms _(hurt) What _ your son _(do) after hom

15、ework ? He always _(watch) TV.吃一些药 _ some _ 坐在一张长凳上 sit on a _吃一些鸡肉对付晚餐 eat _ _ _ dinner Your have a temperature _我牙痛 I have a _ 刷牙 _ ones _在睡觉时间前_ _ I cant hear well _来医院_ to the _指着他的长脖子_ _ his _ _around our city _ ( ) school muchU5擦桌子 _ the _ 和我们扫地_ the _ _ us在厨房烧早饭_ _ in the _ 洗衣服_ _在客厅吃水果 eat _

16、 in the _ 在花园种葡萄 _ _ in the _那些害虫走了,但是瓢虫没走。The _ _ _. But the _ _Listen to the wind blowing _ put the kettle on _Look! The children _(dance) now.What _ your mother _(do) in the evenings? She often _(do) housework.Look! What _ your mother _(do) in the kitchen now? She _(wash) dishes.Where are the stu

17、dents now? They _(have) a PE lesson in the playground.I often watch the flowers _. I often listen the children _(sing)Mike often watches TV in the evenings. (划线提问)_Mike is watching TV now. (划线提问)_U6洗蔬菜_ _ 土豆烧肉_ with _在冰箱里寻找一些果汁 _ _ the _ in the _制作一份蔬菜沙拉 _ a _ _ 番茄汤_ _从葡萄上抓住一只瓢虫_ a _ _ the grapes把这些

18、害虫赶走_ the _ _Mike用小刀和叉子吃东西 Mike eat _ a _ and _The queen is coming t_ our little town. She is coming w_ her golden c_.That smells nice. (一般疑问句)_The meat is yummy. (划线提问)_Chinese people eat with c_. Western people eat with a k_ and f_ Mikes mother _(cook) in the kitchen now? No, she _. Look! _ the st

19、udents _(play) football in the playground now? No, they _._ your parents _(do) housework at weekends? Yes, they _.There _ (be ) any bread in the fridge.U7 节日 时间 活动 食物 在一些地方 in some _ September缩写_在八月 _ _ 在四月一日_ the _ of _M_ comes before April M_ comes after April写出th的发音音标Mouth_ with _ thank _ they _

20、mother_ third_Im happy as can be (翻译)_Halloween is on the _ of _. Children play “_ or _for_Mothers Day is on the _ _of _. Fathers Day is on the _ _of _人们在母亲节做什么事? What _ _ _on Mothers Day?谈论给妈妈的礼物 _ _ the _ for _她最喜欢的节日 _ _ _U8第四_第九_第十二_第十三_第二十_第三十_第三十一_第四十_Chinese people usually eat _ on their birt

21、hday. 在城市工作 _ in the _as soon as they receive their present(翻译)_一些伟大的英雄 some _ _ 你知道密码吗?Do you _ the _?一个答案 _ _ What a play! (翻译)_The door _(open) and Bobby _(go) in. The pig _(run) away and a cat _(come) out from a room.Look at Bobby and Sam. They start _( watch) TV now.There are _(twelve) months i

22、n a year. _(nine) is September.写th发音音标 those _ thin _ birthday_ third_ then_Today is the fifth of S_ . Its my birthday. I get a lot of presents f_ my family and f_. They are in nice b_. My parents give me a yellow box. There is a s_ in it, because I like reading. Jack g_ me a l_ box. Theres a toy tr

23、ain in it. W_ Sams box? Theres a basketball. Im very h_ to get it. Now, my friends are s_ the song “Happy birthday to you” to me. Its Saturday a_. Its sunny and w_. The boys and girls are p_ in the park. Look, Liu Tao and Mike are f_ kites. Helen is s_ under the tree. Shes d_ a picture. Some girls a

24、re riding bikes around the l_. _ Nancy? Shes at home. She has a high f_. She c_ come to the park today. She should t_ some medicine and should have a good r_.Hans is a poor(贫穷的)shoemaker(鞋匠)and Joe is a rich trader(商人)。They live in the same house. Hans lives downstairs(楼下) and Joe lives upstairs.Han

25、s likes singing very much. He always sings while mending(修补)shoes. He sings loudly(大声地).Joe doesnt like singing. So he says to Hans,“Hans, Ill give you a bag of money every day if you stop singing.”“Very well,”says the shoemaker.So he stops singing and gets a bag of money from the trader every day.

26、Day after day, he becomes(变得)richer and richer, but he fells unhappy and falls ill.One day, he comes to Joes home with all his money. He says to him,“Take your money back, I cant stop singing. It is my life.”Then he goes home and sings loudly.( ) 1.Hans and Joe are _ . A. friends B. brothers C. neig

27、hbours(邻居)( ) 2. Joe gives Hans some money because he _. A.likes Hans B. thinks that Hans is poor. C.doesnt want to listen to his singing.( )3. Hans gets a lot of money, and he_ . A. becomes happy B.makes friends with Joe. C. becomes rich, but he is unhappy( )4. One day, Hans gives back Joes money,

28、because_. A.he doesnt like money B.he is rich C.he cant stop singing( )5.From this story, we know . A.Money is very important(重要). B.Poor people dont like money. C.Happiness is more important than(比重要) money.Onedayacrowfindsapieceofmeat.She picks it up in her mouth and flies toatall tree. She is just going to eat the meat whena fox


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