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1、常州市小学阶段学业质量常规测试(三年级英语)听力训练A) 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,给下列句子排序。10( )Its time for the cake.( ) Whos that little boy?( ) Hes my cousin, John.( ) Welcome to my farm!( ) What a nice cake! B) 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答句。18( )1. A. No, it isnt. B. Im sorry. C. Thank you.( )2. A. Its red. B. Its twelve oclock. C. Its over

2、there.( )3. A. Its eleven oclock . B. Im eleven. C. Its a clock.( )4. A. Its an orange. B. These are oranges. C. They are oranges.( )5.A. Im fine. B. Im eleven. C. Its five. ( )6. A. Hes in the library. B. Hes my cousin. C. Shes my aunt.C) 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,将下面的句子填写完整。121._the _, please. OK.2. _drink _

3、in class.3._ my red pencil? Look, its _your _.4. Is _ a _? No, it _.5. Its _ _ breakfast, Liu Tao.笔试部分一、把下列句子重新排序组成一段完整的对话。(每空2分,共12分)A. Thank you. B. Hello, Helen. Is this my rubber?C. No, it isnt. Its my rubber. D. Hello, Mike.E. Wheres my rubber? Guess? F. Look! Its under the chair. Here you are.

4、二、.阅读对话,判断下列各句的意思是否与短文内容相符,相符的写 “T”,不符的写 “F”。 (15%)Hello, my name is Betty. Look at my study(书房). Its new and nice. Whats this on the chair? Its my jacket. Its red. Wheres my pencil case? Look! Its on the desk. You can see a pen, a ruler, a rubber and a pencil in it. Whats that under the desk? Oh, i

5、ts my ball. I like my study.( ) 1. This is Marys study.( ) 2. Bettys jacket is on the chair.( ) 3. The pencil case is in the desk.( ) 4. We can see a crayon, a pencil and a rubber in the pencil case.( ) 5. The ball is under the desk.三、 根据图片内容,填入所缺单词。(16分)1. A:_ this your _ ,Liu Tao? B: No, _ isnt. A

6、: _ your _ ?B: Its _ the book.2. This is a _ . That is a _ . 四、阅读短文,选出正确答案,并将选项填在括号内(每题2分,共10分)Tim: Wheres my cap? Wheres my cap?Mike: Dont shout,Tim.Tim: I cant find my cap.Mike: Is it behind the door? Close the door,please.Tim: No,its not here.Mike: Open your big English book. Is it in the book?Ti

7、m: No, its not here.Mike: Oh , no. Touch(触摸) your head (头).Tim: Oh ,Im sorry , Mike. My cap is on my head .( )1.Tim cant find his .A . cup B. cat C. cap( )2.The cap behind the door . A. is B . isnt C . are( )3.Is this cap in the book? A. Yes ,it is . B . No ,it is . C . No ,it isnt .( )4. “ your hea

8、d .”Mike said. A . Eat B. Shout C. Touch ( )5 .Tim found(找到) his cap at last.(最后)A . on his head B . in the book . C . behind the door五、阅读对话,完成下列表格。(8分)A: Look, this is my new schoolbag in my hand.B: Oh, its beautiful,Helen.A: Thank you, Yang Ling. Oh, wheres your ruler?B: Dont worry.(别着急。)Is it in

9、your pencil case?A: Look! It isnt here.B: Is it on that desk?A: No, my ruler is green. That ruler is blue.B: Look, its in your desk.A: Yes. Thank you.WhoThingsWhereHelenYang Ling小调查:下面的调查选项不计分,不是对你的学习进行评价,只是基本情况的了解,希望你根据实际情况填写。请在你认为最合适的选项的 内打勾。1、老师要求我们将课文全部注上中文。(1)从不这样(2)很少这样 (3)有时这样(4) 经常这样 (5) 总是这样2、阅读中碰到生词,老师让我们先通过上下文来猜测,而不是直接告诉我们中文。(1)从不这样(2)很少这样 (3)有时这样(4) 经常这样 (5) 总是这样3、阅读新的文章时,老师要求我们默读,而不是出声朗读。(1)从不这样(2)很少这样 (3)有时这样(4) 经常这样 (5) 总是这样4、我平时会看英语课外读物。(1)从不这样(2)很少这样 (3)有时这样(4) 经常这样 (5) 总是这样


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