
上传人:紫竹语嫣 文档编号:5411947 上传时间:2020-05-03 格式:DOC 页数:4 大小:31.50KB
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1、六下英语总复习专项练习根据提示写单词 姓名:_1.很久以前,史密斯先生的房子后面有许多树。Long ,there a lot of trees Mr Smiths. .2.快点,亲爱的!轮到你了。Lets ,dear!Its now.3.让我们开始下一课。你能读一下这个故事吗,迈克?Lets the lesson.Can you the ,Mike?4.莉莉的姑妈经常穿着一件蓝色的毛衣和黑色的长裤。Lilys often a blue and black .5.在圣诞夜,我们玩了很多游戏。我们笑得很厉害。On Eve,we many games.We a lot.6.The king like

2、d (穿新衣服).7.Helen looks so nice (穿着白色连衣裙).8.We shouldnt (嘲笑) children.9.Foolish people always think they are (聪明的).10.Mrs Brown often (讲故事)to her children.11.Look.Mike (苦思冥想).12.Please (说一个句子).13.The little boy (指着) the king and laughed.14.今天早晨天气晴朗。我和迈克步行去公园。It _ _ this morning. Mike and I _ to the p

3、ark _ _.15.很久很久以前,森林里住着一位聪明的猎人。Long long ago, _ _ a _ hunter in the _.16.上周末我在动物园看了一场有趣的动物表演。猴子会骑自行车。狗熊会溜冰。Last weekend, I _ an _ _ show in the zoo. The monkey _ _ a bike. The bear _ _.17.请帮我从树上摘个橘子。Please _ an _ _ the _ for me?18.你看见桌子上的那些杯子了嘛?_ you see _ _ on the table?19.这里最初有很多树,但是现在没有了。There _

4、lots of trees here at _ , but there are no trees now.20.王兵正在问麦克有关他的国庆节假期。Wang Bing is asking Mike about his _ _ _ .21.上个周末我去游览了长城。I _ to the _ _ last weekend.22.十分钟之前,李先生在办公室里。Mr Li _in the_ten minutes_.23.我昨天在客厅里看报纸的。I _ _in the living room.24.爷爷正在网上看新闻。Grandpa is reading _ on the _ now.25.请用holida

5、y一词造句。Please _ _ _ with holiday.26.昨天,杨玲和妈妈去了一个购物中心。Yang Ling and her mother were _ a_ _yesterday.27.小心!那棵树周围有一些蜜蜂。Be _! There are some bees_ the tree.28.请不要把你的狗带入书店。Please dont _ your dog _ the bookshop.29.这个标识是什么意思?它的意思是“危险”。你不能进去。What does this sign _? It means “Danger!”. You cant _ _.30.有人在抽烟吗?我

6、能闻到烟味。Is _ smoking here? I can _ it.We can find_(许多标志)in the street.31._(小心)!The floor is wet.32.Lucy _(继续走).She finds a new_(购物中心)near the square.33This sign means “_(禁止吸烟)”.34.The children are _(远足)in the forest.35We shouldnt_(吃喝)in the bookshop.36.Is there a _(水果店)near the _(服装店)?37.Do you have a

7、ny_(我们城市的照片)?38._(从工厂排出的黑烟)makes the air dirty.39.The rubbish makes our city_(又脏又乱).40.We can _(乘公交到学校).41.To _(保持图书馆干净),we shouldnt_(吃吃喝喝)there.42.We can_(搬走那家工厂)from our city. We can _(多种些树) to make our city clean and beautiful.43.垃圾让城市变得又脏又乱。我们应该把垃圾让入垃圾箱里。Rubbish_ the city_ and messy.We should pu

8、t _ in the_.44.我们可以做什么来保持空气干净?可以多植树。What can we do to _the air_?We can plant more_.45.不要乱扔果皮。人们踩到会滑倒的。Dont _ fruit skins on the ground. People may slip on them and _.46.扫地、擦桌椅可以保持房子的清洁。To make the house clean, we can _the floor and _the tables and chairs.47.我们步行去上学吧,迈克。Lets _ _ school, Mike.48.不要使用太

9、多的塑料用品。Dont use plastic.49.我们用木头制作桌椅和其他物品。 We wood tables, and other things.50.太冷了,你不应该脱掉外套。 It is .You should not your coat.51.我们怎么做才能保护我们的地球?What protect our Earth?52.我们使用的大部分能源来自煤炭和石油。 Most our energy comes from coal and .53.圣诞节快来了,所有的孩子都很兴奋。Christma _ _. All the children are _ _.54.新年第一天,我们将要去拜访

10、朋友。On _ _ _, we are going to _ _.55.下周是国庆节,我们将要去北京。It is going _ _ the National Day holiday _ week. We are _ _ Beijing.56.他们将要在中秋节做什么?吃月饼和赏月。 What are they _ _ at the Mid-Autumn Festival? They are going to eat _ _ and _ _ _.57.My mother _(买了许多食物)last weekend.58._ (在春节第二天), we are going to visit our grand parents.59.Tomorrow, my family and I are going to _(吃一顿丰盛的晚餐)。60.We _(看了舞狮)yesterday. We had a good time.61.Bobbys mum is _(煮饺子)in the kitchen.62.I said “ _!”(春节快乐)to my parents. Then I got two red packets.63.They are _(讨论他们的假日计划)in the classroom. 64.My sister can _ (做美味的蛋糕)。


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