译林英语6B Unit2 测试卷 (4).doc

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1、Unit2 good habbits知识点及课堂练习教学内容: 英译中1. try to form good learning habits2. Havemanygoodhabits3.get up early in the morning4. never go to bed late5. brush his teeth6. Beforebedtime7. at home8. put his things in order9. finish his homework before dinner10. listen to his teachers at school11. do well at

2、home12. keep his room clean and tidy13. help his parents14. have some bad habits15. do his homework late at night16. go to bed early17. feel sleepy in the morning18. know Liu Tao well19. went to bed late last night20. Im not sleepy.21.walk fast22. You shouldnt go to bed late.23. What habits do Wang

3、Bing and Liu Tao have?24. walk fast in the street25. have breakfast on time26. do their homework in the evening27. pick one28. four short horses29. run through the grass30. run very fast31. This is the way we wash our face.32. come to see her33. show you around our house34. Let me show you around ou

4、r house.35. go into the living room36. go into Tinas bedroom37. They are in Bobbys bedroom.38. see a lot of books and toys on the floor39. Whose bedroom is this?40. my brothers41. put your books and toys in order42. under the bed43. loot at the pictures44. run slowly45. walk slowly46. sing badly / w

5、ell47. do badly at school48.get up at six oclock in the morning中译英1. 试着形成好的学习习惯2. 有许多好的习惯3. 早上早早地起床 4. 从不晚睡觉5. 刷牙 6. 睡觉前7. 在家 8. 把他的东西放的井井有条9. 在晚饭前完成他的作业10.在学校听他老师的话11.在家做得好12.保持他的房间又干净又整洁13.帮助他的父母14.有一些坏习惯15.晚上很晚做他的作业16.早睡觉17.早上觉得困18.很了解刘涛19.昨晚睡觉很晚20.我不困。21.走得快22.你不应该晚睡觉。23.王兵和刘涛有什么习惯?24.在街上走得快25.准

6、时吃早饭26.晚上做他们的作业27.选一个28.四匹矮马29.跑过草地30.跑得很快31.这是我们洗脸的方式。32.来看她33.带你参观我们的房子34.让我带你参观我们的房子35.进入客厅36.进入蒂娜的卧室37.他们在波比的卧室。38.看见很多书和玩具在地板上39.这是谁的卧室?40.我哥哥的41.把你的书和玩具放的井井有条42.在床下43.看着图片44.跑得慢45.走得慢46.唱得不好/ 好47.在学校做得不好48.早上6点起床(Grammar)1.频率副词的区别:always: 总是 usually: 通常 often: 经常 sometimes: 有时 never: 从不。 这些副词可

7、以经常用在V.之前,助动词之后,be动词也是用在后面。Sometimes也可用在开头。 它们的频率从小到大的排序为:never-sometimes-often-usually - always. 而且看到这些词的话,一般都用一般现在时。2.early : adj. 早的。You are early. adv. 早地:She gets up early.3.late: adj. 晚的,迟到的。He is late. adv. He never go to bad late.4.before : prep. (介词) 后面接n. / V-ing.5.finish+doingStory time一

8、中英文互译1 好习惯_ 2 早上早起_3 从不迟睡_ 4 把他的东西摆放整齐_ 5 保持他的房间干净整洁_ 6 feel sleep_ 7 know me well_ 8 have some bad habits_9 walk fast_ 10 go to school late_二 根据中文或字母提示填空1 He has many good h_ .2 Please put your things in o_ .3 He never goes to bed l_ .4 He also does w_ at home .5 The girl keeps her room clean and t

9、_ .6 This boys room is_( 凌乱 ) .7 Im not_( 瞌睡 ) .8 He usually_( 完成 ) his homework late .9 Thats a_ ( 坏 ) habit .10 He _ ( 刷 ) his teeth in the morning .三 单项选择( ) 1 I can walk_ .A fast B quick C good( ) 2 He sometimes feels_ .A sleep B sleeping C sleepy( ) 3 He _ goes to school early .A alway B away C

10、 always( ) 4 My mother puts her things_ order .A in B on C at( ) 5 I know my friends_ .A good B well C fine四 按要求改写句子1 He has many good habits .( 改为一般疑问句 )_ 2 she never goes bed late.(对划线部分提问 )_3 Wang Bing always puts his things in order .( 改为否定形式 ) _ 4 He didnt finish his homework.( 改为肯定形式 )5 He kno

11、ws the students well .( 改为一般疑问句 )_五 根据中文提示完成句子1 他在夜里很晚的时候做作业He does his homework_ _ _ .2 他保持他的桌子干净整洁He_ his table_ and _ .3 他有时在早上感到瞌睡He _ _ _ in the morning .4 我很了解我的朋友I _ my friends _ _ .5 他通常在晚饭前完成作业He _ finishes his homework_ _ .Grammar and Fun time一 根据要求填写单词1 before( 反义词 )_ 2 late( 反义词 )_ 3 mes

12、sy( 反义词 )_ 4 clean ( 反义词 )_ 5 good( 反义词 )_ 6 finish( 三单形式 )_ 7sleep( 形容词 )_8put( 过去式 ) _ 9 habit( 复数形式 )_ 10 get( ing形式)_二 用括号内词的适当形式填空1 Do you have_ ( some ) good habits ?2 He always_ ( have ) breakfast on time .3 He _ ( sleep ) now .4 I want_( finish ) my homework .5 She usually_ ( walk ) fast .6

13、They _ ( go ) to bed late yesterday .7 He does_( good) at home .8 You _ ( should ) go to bed late .9 Liu Tao_ ( get ) up late yesterday .10 Can you_( put ) your things in order ?三 单项选择( ) 1 Does Su Hai have_ habits ?A some B any C a( ) 2 He _ to school from Monday to Friday .A go B goes C went( ) 3

14、The boy draws_ .A careful B carefully C be careful( ) 4 My key is on the floor . Can you _ for me ?A pick it up B pick up it C lift it up( ) 5 Can you teach_ English ?A I B me C my四 从栏中找出栏正确的答案 ( ) 1 Does he do his homework late? A No, I didnt .( ) 2 Is he running in the playground ? B Yes, he does

15、.( ) 3 Dont go to school late . C No, there arent .( ) 4 Did you go to bed early ? D Yes , I do .( ) 5 Can you help me ? E Id like some pens .( ) 6 Are there any rooms ? F OK( ) 7 What time did you go to bed ? G Yes, he is .( ) 8 Do you have a good habit ? H Yes ,there was .( ) 9 Was there a ball on

16、 the floor ? I At nine .( ) 10 Can I help you ? J Yes, I can .五 按要求改写句子1 Do you finish your homework early ?( 改为称述句 )_2 How often do you have breakfast on time ?( 根据实际情况回答问题 )_ 3 What habits do you have ?( 根据实际情况回答问题 )_ 4 She goes to bed late at night .( 改为一般疑问句 )_5 Listen to your teacher .( 改为否定形式

17、)_一 中英文互译1 进入起居室_ 2 看见许多书和玩具_ 3 在地球上_ 4 进入我的卧室_ 5 带你参观我们的卧室_ 6 put them in order_ 7 a bad boy _ 8 cry sadly_ 9 walk fast_ 10 learn well _二 用 括号内的适当形式填空1 Tom,_( not walk ) so fast .2 The boy_( catch ) the fish now .3 My grandma_( watch ) TV every day .4 His parents_( go ) to Beijing last week .5 We l

18、ike_( play ) football after school .6 Look. The girls_( sing ) in the room .7 _( be ) there any toys in your living room ?I _ ( have ) one .8 Who_( have ) a bedroom ?I _( have ) one .9 He often_( go ) to school by bus .10 Lets go_ ( shop ) .三 单项选择( ) 1 I usually go to work by _ bus , but yesterday I

19、 took_ Taxi .A a, a B the, a C / ,a( ) 2 The_ are behind the cat .A mouse B mice C mouses( ) 3 Miss Li_ a bag . I _ a book .A have, has B is, have C has, have( ) 4 There_ some bread and some apples on the tables .A is B are C be( ) 5 _ you_ your homework last evening ? Yes .A Did, do B Do, do C Do,

20、did四 从栏中找出栏正确的答案 ( ) 1Whose bedroom is this ? A Hes in his room .( ) 2 Can you see Bobby ? B No, I didnt .( ) 3 Whats in Bobbys bedroom ? C Its my brothers .( ) 4 Is it your brothers ? D You should put your things in order( ) 5 What should I do ? E Yes, I can .( ) 6 Where is Bobby ? F No.( ) 7 What

21、can you see ? G Therere some toys .( ) 8 Does she get up late ? H I can see a book .( ) 9 Did you do your homework ? I No, it isnt .( ) 10 Were there any books ? J Yes , she does .五 根据中文提示完成句子1让我们带你们参观我们的房子Let me_ you_ our house .2 他们进入起居室They_ _ the living room .3 他们看见许多书和玩具在地板上They_ a lot of books

22、 and toys _ _ _ . 4 你应该将你的书和玩具放整齐You should_ your books and toys_ _ . 5 我们应该早点起床We should_ _ _ .Sound time,Song time,checkout一 用 括号内词的适当形式填空1 _ Nancy_ ( do ) her homework yesterday ? 2 The _( child ) are playing .3 You cant_( hit ) the ball like this .4 Let me_( help ) you find your purse .5 They ar

23、e playing_( happy ) .6 Would you like_( buy ) things for New Years Day ? 7 I like_( make ) kites .8 The old man is walking_ ( slow )9 He can_( skate ) better than me .10 You must_ ( listen ) to your teacher in class .二 单项选择( ) 1 Look ! He _ his mother do his housework .A is helping B is help C is he

24、lpping( ) 2 _ are the boys doing ?They are singing in the room .A What B Who C How( ) 3 Dont talk here . My mother_ .A is sleeping B are sleeping C sleeping( ) 4 They walk_ .A slowly B slow C slows( ) 5 The girl is singing _ .A good B well C bad三 按要求改写句子1 The boy is doing badly .( 改为一般疑问句 ) 2The stu

25、dents should go to school early.( 改为否定形式)_ 3 Did they get up at six yesterday ?( 改为陈述句 )_ 4They dont keep their rooms cleans.(改为否定形式 )_四 根据中文提示完成句子1 这就是我们洗脸的方法This is the_ we_ our faces .2 你们应该保持你们的房间整洁You_ _ your room _ .3 他有许多坏习惯He _ many _ _ .4 玛丽每天早早地到学校Mary_ to school_ .5 请慢点走路Please_ _ .6 那是个好习惯Thats a_ _ .7 你应该帮你父母做家务You should_ your parents_ housework .8 他上学从不迟到He_ goes to school _ .9 我们通常在晚饭前完成作业We_ finish homework_ dinner .10 他有时在下午感到困He_ feels_ in the afternoon .


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