【精品】Unit3 Cartoon time(练习及解析)-译林版(三起)-六年级英语下册.doc

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1、【精品】Unit 3 A healthy diet Cartoon time(练习)译林版(三起)-六年级英语下一、从栏中找出能回答栏的选项。 ( ) 1 .What did you have for dinner yesterday evening? A. Yes, I do. ( ) 2. Do you have a healthy diet? B. Rice, meat and vegetables.( ) 3. Can we eat too much sweet food? C. Yes, we need a lot of rice.() 4. Do we need rice ? D.

2、 No, we cant.()5. Would you like some cola? E. Yes, please.二、看图补全对话。1.There is not _ food in the fridge.Sams mother: I _ _ go to the supermarket. Do you want to come _ me, Sam?Sam: Yes, Mum. Lets go.2.Sam sees some drinks.Sam: Mum, can I have _ _ ?Sams mother: Yes, but _ a small bottle. You _ drink

3、too much cola.3.Sam _ some fish too.Sam: I want this _ fish, Mum.Sams mother: OK.4.Then, Sam _ some rice.Sam: Mum, do we _ rice?Sams mother: Yes, we need a lot of rice. _ the big bag.5.Now they are going home.Sam: The fish is _ _ . Can we _ _ _, Mum?Sams mother: OK.Sam: Oh no!三、单项选择。( )1. -You shoul

4、dnt drink _cola. -Yes, Mum.A. too many B. much too C .too much( )2. -Are there _tomatoes in the fridge? - Yes, there are. A. a little B. a few C. some( )3.- Can I have_ orange juice? - OK. A. many B. any C. some( )4. -Mum, do we _ rice? -Yes. A. need B. needs C. need to( )5. She wants to _to the sup

5、ermarket, do you want to go _her? A. goes, with B. go, with C. go, and答案及解析:一、B A DCE二、1. much have to with 2. some cola take shouldnt3. wants big 三、CBCAB解析:1. cola意思是可乐,是不可数名词,太多可乐翻译成英文是too much cola, 本句意思是你不应该喝太多的可乐。2. tomatoes是可数名词复数,并且本句是一般疑问句,表示一些只可用a few,本句意思是冰箱里有一些西红柿吗?有的。3. can I have.?一般疑问句当想要得到对方肯定回答时,句中表示一些用some,本句意思是我能喝一些橙汁吗?好的。4. rice是米饭,是名词,need后面如果是名词,直接跟名词,本句意思是妈妈,我们需要米饭吗?是的。


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