【精品】Unit5 Grammar time(练习及解析)-译林版(三起)-六年级英语下册.doc

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1、【精品】Unit 5 A party Grammar time(练习)译林版(三起)-六年级英语下一、连线。a. a clown1.b. some fruit2.c. some drinks3.d. some balloons4.5.e. some snacksf. some toys6.二、 翻译句子。1. -你今天晚上将要干什么?-我今天晚上要去一个派对。 -_ are you _ _ _ this evening?-I am _ _ _ a _ .2. 你打算在派对上做什么?_ are you _ _ _ _ the party?3. 谁要去买派对上吃的零食?_ _ going to _

2、 _ for the party?.4. 他要在派对上讲一个故事。 He _ _ _ _ a story at the party.5.-我们打算什么时候举行生日聚会?-我们将在这周日举行聚会。 - are we have the ?-Were going to have the party .6.-你打算带什么来参加聚会?-我打算带些小吃和饮料去聚会。- are you to the party?-Im going to some and the party.三、 阅读短文并判断正误,用T / F 表示。It is May Day next Sunday, and it is also To

3、ms birthday. He is going to have a party at home. His friends will come and they are all going to give presents to him. They are going to sing and dance. They are going to be very happy. Toms parents are going to give him a model ship. After lunch, they are going to a park. They will play games ther

4、e. They are going home at 4 oclock. After dinner, they are going to the supermarket.( )1. It is New Years Day next Sunday.( )2. Toms birthday is on the 1st of June.( )3. They are going to play games.( )4. The model ship is a birthday present from Toms parents.( )5. Tom will be happy. 答案及解析:一、1.f 2.e

5、3.d4.c5.b 6.a二、1.What going to do going to have party 2.What going to do at 3.Who is buy snacks 4.is going to tell 5.When going to birthday party this Sunday 三、FFTTT解析:1. 由短文中的关键句“It is May Day next Sunday, and it is also Toms birthday.”可知下周日是五一劳动节,而不是元旦,故为F。2. 由短文中的关键句“It is May Day next Sunday, and it is also Toms birthday.”可知下周日是五一劳动节,也是汤姆的生日,即汤姆的生日在五月一日,而不是六月一日,故为F。3. 由短文中的关键句“After lunch, they are going to a park. They will play games there.”可知他们将一起去公园做游戏,故为T。4. 由短文中的关键句“Toms parents are going to give him a model ship.”可知汤姆的父母将送一个模型船给汤姆,故为T。


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