【精品】Unit1 Checkout time .doc

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1、【精品】Unit 1 The lion and the mouse Checkout time & Ticking time(练习)译林版(三起)六年级英语下一、写出下列动词的过去式。catch- _ become- _ see- _ run- _ can- _ bite- _dance- _ jump-_wake- _ let- _ 二、翻译词组。1.在森林里_ 2.又大又强壮_ 3.又小又弱_ 4.走过_ 5.吵醒, 唤醒_ 6.第二天_ 7.出来_ 8.就在那时_ 9.从那时起_ 10.变成好朋友_11.擅长_ 12.为欢呼_ 13.用力击打_ 14.把倒入_ 15.尽快交流_ 16.没

2、关系。_三、单项选择。( )1. The lion _ the net with his sharp teeth, but that_ help.A . bite; doesntB. bite; didntC. bit; didnt( )2.The lion asked _ “Who can help me?”A. happy B. sadC. sadly( )3. Mike is a _boy. He is writing _.A.carefully; carefullyB. carefully; carefulC. careful; carefully( )4. Dont speak _

3、in the library.A. loudly B. loudC. high( )5. Helen studies _ this termA. goodB. niceC. well( )6. Look, the baby_ . A. is sleeping B. sleeps C. is going to sleep( )7. He _ some water quickly and _ it into the hole.A. bring; pourB. brings; pourC. brings; pours( )8. I like helping people. What about yo

4、u? A. I like apples. B. Me too.C. Id like some coffee.( )9.She is good at _and _ .A. Art; dancingB. PE; singC. running; China( )10.Sam_found a hole _the ground.A. too; on B. also; in C. all; in四、阅读理解,判断正误,用T / F 表示。Onasunnyday,SmallBearwent boatingwithPapa.Theyboughthatsfirst.Papagotasmallhatfor his

5、bighead.SmallBeargotabighatforhissmallhead.Papashatwastoo small.SmallBearshatwastoobig!Theyexchanged(交换)hats.Justright!Then,theycametotheboat.Ithadtwoseats. Papasatonthesmallseat.SmallBearsatonthebigseat.PapaBear wastooheavy.SmallBearwastoolight.Theyexchangedseats.Justright!Afterboating,they hadlunc

6、hnearby.Papagot asmallbowl. SmallBeargotabigbowl.Thefoodinthe smallbowl wastoolittleforPapa.AndthefoodinthebigbowlwastoomuchforSmallBear.Theyexchanged bowls.Whatagoodmeal!( ) 1. SmallBear and Papa went boating on a cloudy day.( ) 2. SmallBeargotabighatforhissmallhead at first.( ) 3. The boat had two

7、 seats. One is big. The other one is small.( ) 4. Thefoodinthe bigbowl wastoolittleforPapa. ( ) 5. They exchanged the hats, the boats and the bowls.答案及解析:一、caught became saw ran could bit danced jumped woke let解析:本项练习需要掌握动词变成过去式的变化规则,动词变成动词过去式分为规则动词和不规则动词。不规则动词的变化形式要牢记在脑中,基本无规律可寻。 二、1. in the forest

8、 2. large and strong 3. small and weak 4.walk by 5.wake up 6.the next day 7. get out 8. just then 9. from then on 10. become good friends 11.be good at 12. cheer for 13. hit hard 14. pour into 15.talk soon 16.It doesnt matter三、CCCAC ACBAB四、FTTFF解析:1. 由文中关键句“Onasunnyday,SmallBearwent boatingwithPapa.

9、”可知天气是sunny,而不是cloudy,故此题为F。2. 由文中关键句“Theyboughthatsfirst.SmallBeargotabighatforhissmallhead.”可知一开始small Bear戴了一项大帽子在它的小头上,故此题为T。3. 由文中关键句“Ithadtwoseats. Papasatonthesmallseat.SmallBearsatonthebigseat.”可知船上有两个座位,一个大的,一个小的,故此题为T。4. 由文中关键句“Thefoodinthe smallbowl wastoolittleforPapa.”可知是在小碗里的食物对于Papa来说太少了,而此题意思正好相反,故为F。


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