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1、英语必修外研版m3 课时作业 2Would you like to help me find _ bed for my new house? Sure,but not now.I m heading for _ bed and a good sleep. Aa;a Ba;/ Cthe;/ Dthe; the 解析: 考查冠词。题干中“ 为新屋找张床” 中的床表泛指;(head)for bed 意为 “ 去睡 觉” ,相当于 go to bed,故选 B。 答案: B 3The test is too difficult for these children to understand, so

2、it should be _. Asimplified Bruined Cprepared Drequested 解析: 考查动词辨析。simplify 简化; ruin 毁掉; prepare准备; request请求,要求。根据句 意“ 这项测验对于这些孩子们来说太难了以至于无法理解,所以应该简化一下” ,所以本题选 择 A。 答案: A 4 Do you often come to your uncle s? Yes.It is the third time that I _ here. Acame Bhave come Ccome Dhad come 解析: 考查时态。根据句子结构:i

3、t is the.time that.可知 that 从句中的动词一般用现在完 成时。 答案: B 5_ I understand what you said about the building of the bridge,I can t quite agree with you about the building plan. ABefore BAs CWhile DSince 解析: 考查连词。根据句意“虽然我理解你的有关这座桥梁的建筑观点,但我还是不同意 你的建筑计划。”可知两个分句为让步关系,所以选while 。 答案: C 6Mary , I am very busy these

4、days.Could you please _ my pet cat? Alook for Bwatch over Ctake notice of Dcare about 8Class 4 and Class 14 will compete _ the championship of the football match. A with Bagainst C for Din 解析: 考查 compete 的用法。 compete with/against 表示 “与 竞争 ”;而 compete for 意为 “为 而竞争 ”;compete in 是 “参加比赛 (或竞赛 )”。根据句意可知

5、选C。 答案: C 9Spending so much money on a piano is out of _ for my father,who has no interest in music at all. Aadvantage Bstandard Cadvice Dcharacter 解析: 考查名词辨析。advantage优势; standard 标准; advice 建议; character 个性。句意: 对于对音乐根本不感兴趣的父亲来说,花那么多钱买一架钢琴不符合他的个性。 答案: D 10 I came to know that the situation _ that I

6、 should be there on time ,otherwise everything would become worse. Arequired Bwanted Cinquired Dacquired 解析: 考查虚拟语气。根据句意“我知道这个情况需要我准时到那,否则所有的一切将会 变得更糟。 ”require 后接句子中,动词要用should动词原形结构。 答案: A 11As we all know,while shopping,women are always bargaining _ the assistants _ the price of what they want to

7、 buy. A with ;with Bover;over Cover;with D with ;over 解析: 考查动词bargain 的用法。 bargain with sb. over sth.意思为 “就某物与某人讨价还 价” 。故正确答案为 D。 答案: D 12It may rain ,but _ I shall go out ;I must go to the airport to meet Lily, who comes to China for the first time. Atherefore Banyhow C however Dsomehow 14 Do you k

8、now why they will go to Beijing next month? I don t know,_ to know about it. Anor I want BI nor do want CI nor want Dnor do I want 解析: 考查倒装。 nor助动词主语是对前面否定的继续,答语的意思为“我不知道,我 也不想知道 ”。故正确答案为D。 答案: D 15The number of the people speaking Chinese _ becoming larger ,for a number of foreigners _ learning Chi

9、nese at present. Ais;is Bare;are Cis;are Dare; is 解析: 考查主谓一致。句意:说中文的人的数量越来越多,因为目前有许多的外国人在学 习中文。 a number of名词复数作主语,谓语动词用复数,而the number of名词复数作主 语,谓语动词用单数。 答案: C 二、完形填空 Amanda was really excited.They had _1_ many days,and finally ,that night ,the baby turtles would hatch out on the beach.So ,Amanda a

10、nd her father got up very _2_,took their torches,and _3_ made their way to the beach.Her father made her promise to _4_ the baby turtles ,not to make any noise. Crouching( 蜷缩 )quietly ,they waited.Amanda looked _5_,hoping to find the mother turtle, and she almost missed the _6_ of the first baby tur

11、tle. It was so tiny !It moved very clumsily,and without waiting for either its brothers or sisters or mother,it _7_ to run towards the sea._8_,more and more baby turtles appeared.Amanda and her daddy stayed hidden and _9_ ,watching the wonderful scene of that crazy race to the sea. But then somethin

12、g happened which, to Amanda ,seemed _10_.Some birds arrived ,and they started eating the little turtles.She kept looking everywhere to see whether the daddy turtle would turn up to give his babies a good _11_.But he never came. Amanda was watching all this with _12_ in her eyes,and when the first gr

13、oup of baby turtles finally reached the _13_ and were safe from the birds,she gave out a little cry of _14_. On their way home ,her father,who had noticed the tears in Aman da s eyes,_15_ to her that turtles were born that way.The mother turtle lays many eggs,_16_ them in the sand ,and off she goes.

14、When the baby turtles hatch out , they have to try to _17_ the sea on their own. Amanda was really glad to have learned so much about the turtles,_18_ she felt sad when remembering the eaten baby turtles.As they continued home she realized deeply that she was _19_ than the turtles she had parents an

15、d brothers and sisters and they helped her and _20_ her so much right from the day she was born. 语篇解读: Amanda 在父亲的陪伴下去看了小海龟出生的过程,这不仅使她懂得了很多道 理,并且让她更深地感受到能够得到家庭的爱是多么幸福。 1A.waited Bplanned Ctraveled D walked 解析: 根据下文 “.and finally ,that night ,the baby turtles would hatch out on the beach.” 可 推知, Aman

16、da 和父亲等了好几天,终于在那个晚上海滩上的小海龟就要孵化了。 答案: A 2A.late Bslowly Csuddenly Dearly 解析: 根据上下文提到的“ that night ” 及“ took their torches” 可推知, Amanda 和父亲起得很 早。 答案: D 3A.quickly Bcarefully C hurriedly Daimlessly 解析: 天没亮, Amanda 和父亲举着火把出发了。由此可推知,他们应该走得很小心。 答案: B 4A.adopt Battend Crespect Dprotect 解析: 根据下文 “ .not to m

17、ake any noise. ” 可知,父亲要Amanda 许诺不制造噪音,因此应该 是尊敬它们,不打扰它们。 答案: C 5A.around Bup Cback Ddown 解析: 根据下文 “ .hoping to find the mother turtle.” 可知, Amanda 四处张望,希望找到海龟 妈妈。 答案: A 6A.performance Bappearance Ccry Dswimming 解析: 根据下文 “ more and more baby turtles appeared. ” 可推知, Amanda 四处张望,差一点就 错过了第一只小海龟的出现。 答案:

18、B 7A.failed Bforgot Cstarted D wanted 解析: 根据上文 “ .and without waiting for either its brothers or sisters or mother.” 可知,第一 只海龟出世后,没有等待后出世的“弟弟妹妹 ”和妈妈,顾自朝海边冲去。 答案: C 8A.Finally BSurprisingly CHappily DGradually 解析: 逐渐地,更多的小海龟出现了。 答案: D 9A.quiet Bcurious C nervous D worried 解析: 根据上文 “Her father made he

19、r promise to _ the baby turtles ,not to make any noise.”及“Crouching quietly , ”可知, Amanda 和爸爸藏在那里,静静地观察着发生的一切。 答案: A 10A.unbelievable Bhorrible Cdisappointing Dboring 解析: 根据上文 “ .run towards the sea.” 可知,终于第一批小海龟到达了大海。 答案: B 14A.satisfaction Bfear C happiness D surprise 解析: Amanda 看到一些小海龟成功地到达大海的时候,

20、发出高兴的欢呼声。 答案: C 15A.listened Bmoved Cturned Dexplained 解析: 根据下文内容“ that turtles were born that way.on their own. ” 可知,父亲看到Amanda 哭了,就给她解释这是海龟的出生方式。 答案: D 16A.hides Bputs Cstores Dabandons 解析: 海龟妈妈把蛋藏在沙子里,然后就离开。 答案: A 17A.cross Breach Capproach Dleave 解析: 根据文章可知,小海龟出生后就会向大海冲去。一路上会遇到海鸟的袭击,但是爸 爸妈妈是不会出现

21、的。由此可推知,小海龟需要靠自己到达海里。 答案: B 18A.because Band Cbut Dso 三、短文填空 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。 Hospital emergency rooms treat injured fingers all the time.Without treatment,a bad cut can lead to permanent damage.But how should a person know when a bleeding cut is serious enough to require m

22、edical attention? Here are some tips from Dr.Martin Brown,chairman of the department of emergency at Inova Alexandria Hospital in Virginia. 1Laceration( 裂口 ) The medical term for a cut or tear in the skin is a laceration._1_A long cut on a finger can likely be treated without a visit to a doctor if

23、the wound is not very deep.However,if you have a short but deep laceration,you will need professional attention. 2Fingertips cut off Some injuries , like a fingertip that gets cut off , might even need surgery( 外科手术)to repair._2_More often ,cutting down the bone is what is done because reattaching a

24、 fingertip is often not successful. 3Bleeding _3_Small cuts usually produce what is known as venous(静脉的 )bleeding.This means the blood flows steadily from the injury.The bleeding will often stop when pressure is put on the wound.In most cases holding direct pressure with a clean cloth for four to fi

25、ve minutes would do.But if a cut appears to be pumping blood out with some force,this may be a sign of arterial( 动脉的 )bleeding._4_ Finally ,always keep this in mind:even a cut that does not require medical attention must be kept clean to prevent infection.Small cuts should be cleaned gently with cle

26、an water._5_Then cover it with a clean,dry bandage. AHow a wound bleeds can be a sign of how serious it is. BThat requires a specialist to either cut down the bone or reattach the fingertip. CThis kind of injury should be treated by a medical professional as soon as possible. DThe first signs of thi

27、s disease include difficulty opening the mouth. EUse a washcloth to clean the area if the wound is dirty. FWith a cut finger ,holding the hand above the heart can reduce the loss of blood. GThe length is usually not as important as the depth. 答案: 1.G2.B3.A4.C5.E 四、短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的

28、以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号,并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线划掉。 修改:在错的词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1.每处错误及修改均限一词; 2只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。 Dear Tony, Thank you for your letter.To tell you the truth,I ve thought a lot of about whether you should buy a laptop computer help you w

29、ith your study.In my opinion,you d better not.For one reason ,it s very easy for you to develop some bad habit once you have it,such as playing computer games ,see movies and so on ,which will be a waste of time.For other reason,buying a laptop computer don t mean you can study well.If you want to make a progress,you need to put your heart into your study but work hard.Whether you had a computer or not is not the most important.Do you agree to me? I m looking forward to your reply! Li Hua


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