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1、三年级下英语期中测试题听力部分(60分)一、听录音,把你所听到单词的字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)( )1、A boy B bag C big ( )2、A small B short C tall( )3、A teacher B pupil C father ( )4、A woman B thin C Canada( )5、A he B brother C grandma 二、听录音,选择你所听到的图片,把序号圈出来。(10分) 1. 2. A B A B 3. 4. A B A B5. A B 三、听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的打,不相符的打。(10分)1. 2. 3

2、. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. ( ) ( )四、听录音,按录音顺序给下面图片排顺序。(10分)1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )4. 5. ( ) ( )五、听录音,根据录音内容,选择最佳答案,把序号写在括号里。(10分)( )1. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she is. C. Yes, she is. ( )2. A. Great! B. Nice to meet you. C. Im from China.( )3. A. Its small! B. Its big. C. Its a panda. ( )4. A. Hes my brother. B.

3、Hes my father. C. Shes my sister. ( )5. A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Nice to meet you. C. Bye.六、听录音,把下列单词补充完整。(10分)1. m_lk 2. g_raffe 3. br_ther 4. m_m 5. th_n 6. sh_ rt 7. t_ll 8. h_nd 9. p_pil 10. t_n笔 试 部 分(40分)七、找出不同类的单词,把序号写在括号里。(10分) ( ) 1A. Canada B. UK C. JAN ( ) 2A. pupil B. friend C. teach

4、er( ) 3A. family B. man C.woman ( ) 4A. short B. tail C. long ( ) 5A. big B. fat C. pig八、读一读,给下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话(10分)( )Whos that woman? ( ) Hi, mom! This is my friend, May. ( ) Nice to meet you. ( ) Shes my mother. ( ) Nice to meet you, too.九、请将左右两边的句子连起来,组成完整的对话。(10分)1. Where is she from? A. No, he

5、isnt.2. Whos that woman? B. He is tall. 3. Whats your name? C. She is from America.4. Is this your brother? D. She is my teacher.5. Look at that boy. E. My name is Jack十、阅读理解, 正确的写“ T ”, 错误的写 “ F ”。(10分) Jack: Come on, Sarah! Look at the pandas. Sarah: Oh, theyre so cute! I like them. Jack: I like t

6、he monkey! It has a long tail. Sarah: Yes. And it has a big mouth. Jack: Look! The monkey is eating bananas! Its so funny! HaaSarah: Yes, and its cute, too.( ) 1. Sarah likes pandas.( ) 2. Jack likes pandas.( ) 3. The panda has a long tail.( ) 4. The monkey has a small mouth.( ) 5. The monkey is eating bananas.


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