沪教牛津英语三年级下册英语课件 Unit11 Mothers Day.ppt

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《沪教牛津英语三年级下册英语课件 Unit11 Mothers Day.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《沪教牛津英语三年级下册英语课件 Unit11 Mothers Day.ppt(12页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Mothers Day,English name: Linda Favourite colour: Family member:,father, mother, husband, baby and I,pretty,care,prepare 准备,surprise 惊喜,?,Ann,Jacky,Listen and choose,What is Jacky going to do for his mother? Hes going to _. Then he will _.,2. What is Ann going to do on Mothers Day? Shes going to _.,

2、A. buy some food B. buy flowers C. cook supper,A. do some housework B. make a card C. make a model plane,A,C,B,在对话中找出关键词,把它们画出来。,What are the presents?,A: Today is Mothers Day. Im going to What are you going to do for your mother? B: Im going to Then I will A: Why(为什么) are you going to ? B: Because

3、my mother A: I think your mother will be very happy. B: Thank you. I hope it will be a big surprise.,Fill in the blanks.,Today is _ Day. Jacky is going to buy some _ on his way home. Then he will cook for _. His mother is very _. She takes care of Jacky day and night. So Jacky wants to do some _ for

4、 her. Ann is going to make a _, and write “Thank you, Mum. I love you!” on it. Shes going to put it under her mothers _. That will be a _ surprise.,Mothers,food,supper,kind,housework,card,pillow,big,Read the dialogue fluently. Do something for your parents and write it down. (用4-5句话写写你打算为父母做的事。) 3. Surf on the Internet about Mothers Day.,Homework,深圳牛津英语同步微课观看指南: 一至六年级语数英全覆盖,下学期微课2018年2月份上线。 深圳一线英语教师哪里可以找到和新教材配合的微课呢? 在这里推荐“预课”APP,里面有“深圳版”的英语微课免费观看。手机下载就可以免费看所有的微课视频。 使用Ipad下载的用户可以搜索Iphone的手机应用就可以搜索到相关资源。 扫码马上下载免费微课,注册时可以不填写“邀请码”:,预习功课,上免费 “预课”,


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