
上传人:紫竹语嫣 文档编号:5570953 上传时间:2020-06-10 格式:DOC 页数:3 大小:585.91KB
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1、常州市小学阶段学业质量常规测试卷(一)(三年级英语)题号一二三四五六总分复核人得分得分 一、 根据图片,从方框内选择相应的句子完成对话,将编号按照顺序填在横线上(注意:其中有一项是多余的)。(5分)1. Yes, it is .2. Thank you.3. It is a pen.4. It is red and blue.5. It is under the chair.6. It is under the desk. A: Whats this on the desk? B: A:Is that your pen ? B: A:What colour is it? B: A:What a

2、 nice pen! B: A:Where is your ruler? B: 得分 二、阅读下面的句子,根据内容顺序给图片排序将序号写在图旁边括号内(5分)1. It is two oclock. Its time for class.2. Dont talk in class.3. Look at the blackboard, whats this? A robot.4. How old are you? Im nine.5. Whats this? ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )得分 三、阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,选择合适的单词填空。(5)Helen: Wheres my s

3、choolbag?Yang Ling:Whats that over there?Helen:Is that a lunch box?YangLing: Lets go and have a look.Helen:All right.YangLing:No.It isnt a lunch box.Its a green schoolbag.Helen:Oh,its my schoolbag.1. Whats that over there? 的意思是:( )A: 什么东西在那边? B: 在那边的那个是什么东西?2. Lets go and have a look. 的中文意思是:( )A: 真

4、好看。 B:让我们去看看。3. Is the schoolbag red? , it . A: Yes, is. B: No, isnt.4. Whats that over there? a . A: Its , schoolbag. B: Its , lunch box.5. What colour is the schoolbag? It is . A: red B: green得分 四、阅读上下文,选择正确的答案,完成对话(5)A Its for Sam.B Thank you.C Dont shout, John!D Its an egg.E Yes, please.John: Hi

5、,Bobby!Bobby: John: Sorry.Whats that?Bobby: John: Is this your egg?Bobby: No. Would you like a sweet?John: Bobby: Here you are.John: 得分 五、将下列句子按照顺序排列.(5)1. What time is it,please?2. Good moring ,Miss Li.3. Good moring Liu Tao.4. Its eight oclock.Its time for class.5. OK,Miss Li.6. Dont run.2得分 六、根据图填上适当的单词,每空填一词。(5)Im .What about you?Im .


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