外研版(一起)二下Module 8《Unit 2 The horse is turning around》ppt课件1.ppt

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《外研版(一起)二下Module 8《Unit 2 The horse is turning around》ppt课件1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版(一起)二下Module 8《Unit 2 The horse is turning around》ppt课件1.ppt(13页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

M8 U2 The horse is turning around.,学习目标,1.认读单词:turn around again jump back come back 2.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: The horse is running. The horse is coming back. 3.能用-ing介绍某人或者某物的活动路线。,自学指导,1. 跟读新单词3次(第一次跟读1遍,第二次跟读3遍)。 2. 小组长领读2遍,然后对桌互相读1遍。 3.自学检测。,turn,around,turn around,again,jump,back,come back,run-running,turn-turning,jump-jumping,come-coming,自主学习课文,1. 听录音,了解课文大意。 2听录音,跟读课文3遍,注意模仿语音语调。 3.大声自由朗读课文一遍,然后对桌分角色朗读课文。,当堂训练,1.听录音完成课本48页活动3内容。 2.小组内合作练习课本49页活动6。 Amy is going up a hill. Now shes at the park.,学习小结,单词: turn around again jump back come back 句子: The horse is running. The horse is coming back.,


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