外研版一起小学英语三下《Module 6Unit 1 Here are his hands.》PPT课件.ppt

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《外研版一起小学英语三下《Module 6Unit 1 Here are his hands.》PPT课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版一起小学英语三下《Module 6Unit 1 Here are his hands.》PPT课件.ppt(26页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Module 6 Unit 1 Here are his hands.,Head and Shoulders Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes, Head and shoulders, knees and toes, eyes and ears and mouth and nose.,Sing a Song,Game:,guess and point 猜一猜并指出来,head,arm,hand,foot,leg,heads,legs,feet,hands,arms,Lets chant:,One

2、 hand, two hands, Clap, clap, clap. One foot, two feet, Stamp, stamp, stamp. feet是foot的复数形式,单数 复数 head heads arm arms hand hands leg legs foot feet,What are they going to do? They are going to draw a monster. Whats it like? It is,listen and Answer,We are going to draw a picture on the computer.,What

3、 shall we draw?,computer 电脑 shall 该,要,monster,Here is his head.,And here is his body.,这个是他的头。,monster,Here are his arms.,Six arms.,这些是他的手臂。,monster,Here are his hands.,Ten hands.,这些是他的手。,monster,Here are his leg and his foot.,这些是他的腿和脚。,Here are his arms.,Here are his hands.,Here are his legs.,Here a

4、re his head.,Follow and Read,单数 复数 head heads arm arms hand hands leg legs foot feet 单数is 复数are,Practise,here is这个是 here are这些是,Here is his head.,Here are his hands.,Here are his feet.,Here is his eye.,Here are his hands.,Here are his legs and his feet.,Here is his head.,Here are his heads.,Here are his hands.,Here are his feet.,Here is his body.,Here is his body.,Here are his feet.,Here are his eyes.,Draw a picture of a monster: 画一幅怪物像并介绍。,1、听课文录音,注意模仿语音语调. 2、课下请学生整理自己的房间并拍照,准备下节课向全班介绍。,Homework,Thank you!,


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