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1、Module 6 Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. .,一、语法,1.一般过去时: 定义:表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态. 时间状语:before 以前 yesterday 昨天 last week 上周 时间+ago前 in+年份 肯定句:主语+动词过去式+其他. 否定句: 主语+didnt+动词原形+其他. 一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其他? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?,句型演练,否定句:,一般疑问句:,肯定句:I bought you a pen.,简略回答:,I didnt buy you a pen.,Did

2、 you buy me a pen?,Yes, I did. No, I didnt.,二、知识点,1. of 表示所属关系(属于).的 Eg: The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V. We made a model of a Chinese spaceship. 2. make a model 制作一个模型 3. first (序数词 )“首先,第一”,序数词,表示次序的数词叫序数词,是由基数词变化而来的。,1 one -first 2 two-second 3 three-third 4 其余的序数词是由基数词后加-th 变化而来。,几个特殊变化的

3、序数词,1 five-fifth 2 twelve-twelfth 3 eight-eighth 4 nine-ninth,整十的序数词把 y 变成 i加-eth,1 twenty-twentieth 2 thirty-thirtieth 3 forty-fortieth 4 fifty -fiftieth 5 你能写出 sixty seventy eighty ninety 的序数词吗?,你对了吗?,1. sixty-sixtieth 2. seventy-seventieth 3. eighty-eightieth 4. ninety-ninetieth,几十几的序数词,十位数不变,个位数

4、变成序数词。,1. twenty-one 21-twenty-first 21st 2. thirty-two 32-thirty-second 32nd 3. ninety-nine 99-ninety-ninth 99th 4. 请写出66 83 48 55的序数词。,日期的表达 date,Whats the date today? Its March 28th.,Answer Questions:,1. What did Simon and Daming make? 2. Whats the name of the spaceship? 3. What did it take into

5、space first time? 4. When did it take Chinas first man into space?,They made a model of a Chinese spaceship.,Its name is Shenzhou V.,In 2003.,A monkey, a dog and a rabbit.,习题:一、补全单词,1.sp_ c_ _ 2.sp_ c_sh_p _ 3.m_ d_l _ 4.f_ _ st _ 5.m_ k_ _,二、英汉互译,1.make a model _ 2.粘在一起_ 3.把它们粘上_ 4.buy me a pen _ 5

6、.Chinas first person_,三、连词成句,1.for a i bought present you. 2.a pencil you did me buy? 3.a i them put in box. 4.is a for here present you. 5.the like roll paper this.,四、单项选择,1.Daming and Simon made a model _ a Chinese spaceship. A of B for 2.The name _ the spaceship is Shenzhou V. A with B of 3._ 2003, it took Chinas first person _ space. A On; into B In; into,Thanks!,


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