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1、1 广西柳州市柳江区2017-2018 学年八年级英语上学期期中试题 2 3 4 5 6 7 2017 年秋学期八年级英语期中质量检测答案 听力原文及参考答案 第一节 听音辨图听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。每个句子读两遍。 1WWF chooses the panda to be its symbol. 2Cambridge is a beautiful city in England . 3You can enjoy Beijing Opera at Lao She Teahouse. 4I think playing football is more exciting tha

2、n any other sports. 第二节情景反应听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。 5. How about watching a movie this Sunday? 6. How was your holiday? 7. Whats the matter? 8. Which sport do you like better,running or swimming? 9. What do you know about LaoShe? 10. Whats the population of Liuzhou? 第三节对话理解听五组短对话和五个问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话读两遍。 1

3、1. W: My English listening is poor. Could you give me some advice? M: You can listen to some English programmes on the radio. Question: What does the boy advise the girl to do? 12. W: What did you do yesterday, Ben? M: I went to watch a baseball game. It was really exciting. Question: What game did

4、Ben watch? 13. W: Who lives the farthest from school in your class, Tom? M: Li Lei lives the farthest, Jack lives the closest. Question: Who lives the closest to school in the class? 14. W: Will you travel by train, Tony? M: No, trains are always crowded at this time of the year. I plan to drive my

5、car. Question: How will Tony go to travel? 15. W: I dont like tigers. How about you, Jim? M: Well, I dont like snakes at all. They are dangerous. Question: What animals doesn t Ann like? 第四节语篇理解听一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读三遍。 Im Jim. My English is not good.This term I want to improve my English listening.

6、 My classmate Mark suggests I take some lessons at www.E. So I take listening lessons every Thursday and Sunday there. And I also listen to English news on the radio every morning. Now, my English listening has improved a lot. Next term, I plan to improve my English speaking by joining an English cl

7、ub. Do you know some good clubs? Please call me at 185-3475-2729 or send an email to me. Thank you. 参考答案 8 一、 1-4 DCBA 5-10 BBCCBA 11-15 CBCCB 16-20 BABAB 二、 21-25 CAABC 26-30 ACCAA 三、 31-35 CCCAB 36-40 CCABC 四、 41-45 ABBAA 46-50 BCCAC 51-55 BGAED 五、 56-60 FEBDA 六、 61. shy 62. south 63. coach 64.cla

8、ssmate 65.describe 66. scientists 67. produce 68. situation 69. developing 70.protect 七、 71. We climbed to the top of the mountain in the end . 72. We gave a warm welcome to Mrs Green in the first class. 73. Everyone can do something to help animals in danger. 74. It s very dangerous to play in the

9、street. 75. Each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day. 八、书面表达 Lao She Lao She is one of the greatest writers of modern China. Lao she was born in Beijing in 1899. He went to a teacher s schoo l in 1913. And then, in 1918, he finished school and became the head teacher of a primary school. He

10、 left home and went to England, and taught Chinese at a college in London in 1924. In 1929, he returned to China. He wrote Teahouse in 1957. It is one of his most famous plays. Lao She wrote many plays, nov els and short stories about peoples lives. He was named the People s Artist. 书面表达评分标准: 第一档( 1

11、3-15 分)所写内容 包括表格内所提供的所有信息,虽有少许错误,但语句通顺,表 达流畅,卷面整洁,数字达到要求。 第二档( 10-12 分) 能写出大部分内容要点,有部分语法错误,但语句基本通顺,表达基本清 楚,词数基本达到要求。 第三档( 6-9 分)能写出部分内容要点,表达虽不连贯,但能看出基本意思。 第四档( 1-5 分)能写出少量与主题相关的单词或短语,看不出完整句子。精品推荐强力 推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 9 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有


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