Unit 5 Dinner’s ready公开课教案.doc

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1、Unit 5 Dinners ready Part A Lets talk Lets survey 教学目标1 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,要求模仿正确、语调自然,并能在情景中进行角色表演.。2 能够在情景中运用句型 What would you like for dinner? Id like some 询问和回答朋友或家人想要吃的东西,增强关心他人的意识。3 能在情景中恰当运用功能句:Whats for dinner? Dinners ready!4、对中西方餐饮文化有一定了解。树立学生健康饮食意识,培养学生健康的饮食习惯。学情分析:四年级的学生已经学了一年多的英语,大多数对英语学习兴

2、趣浓厚,本课是关于食物类的英语单词,内容和学生生活实际联系密切,容易激发学生学习的兴趣,并能将新学的句型里较好的运用在实际生活中。 教学重点1知道并能够正确朗读课文,模仿正确,语音标准。2 能听懂、会说Lets talk中的对话,并能联系实际做调查。教学难点:将所学句子联系实际进行表演,加以灵活运用。教具准备多媒体课件、单词图片、录音机及本课磁带。教学过程1、热身(Warm-up)(1)出示课件,呈现学习目标,教师和学生边听录音边拍手说唱歌曲“What would you like?”(2)教师创设情境,T:I will tell you a good news.I opened a new

3、restaurant,It is happy restaurant.I will divide you in to two groups,Group A and Group B,you will have a competition,Which group walk faster,you can go to my restaurant for free.(3)复习(review)教师借助幻灯片图片,让学生快速说出PPT所呈现图片的英文。2、新课呈现(Presentation)(1)教学句型Whats for dinner?教师接着说Its six oclock in the evening.I

4、ts dinner time.I am hungry.Whats for dinner? 导入新句型,教读单词dinner,理解句意。(2) 教学句型What would you like for dinner? Id like some 活动一 T:Whats for dinner?Now Lets go to my restaurant to see.(ppt 展示很多食物图片)教师顺势说Id like some beef and rice,please.(教读这个句型)T:What would you like for dinner?引导学生回答Id like some and .(教读

5、这两个句型)注意纠正发音及语调。 活动二 同桌之间开火车互相问答操练:What would you like for dinner? Id like someand. 活动三Make a survey:T:now turn to page 48,four students form a group,ask your partners with the question What would you like for dinner? And finish the form, and then make a report. I will give you 3 minutes to prepare.

6、四人一组用新句型进行调查,每组派一名代表作报告。 (3) 教学句型Dinners ready!T: You did a good job!We all order our dishes,now our rice is ready! Fish is ready!.So our dinners ready!(教读句型)T:When I say dinners ready,What should you say?Ss: Thanks. (4)文本学习T:Now,Our dinners ready!Mike and his parents will have dinner too,Lets liste

7、n to the talk and answer the two questions.活动一:听录音回答问题。What would Mike like for dinner?What would Mikes father like for dinner?活动二:听录音并跟读,注意语音和语调。活动三:小组分角色朗读,个人分角色朗读。活动四:完成PPT 呈现的课文挖空练习。4巩固与扩展(Consolidation and extension)(1) 、Group workT:Work with your partners to prepare your talk,you can choose on

8、e situation.情景一:吃晚饭的时间到了,你问家人晚餐吃什么。情景二:吃晚饭的时间到了,你和家人或朋友要去餐馆吃饭。 以上情景二选一,三分钟时间准备,到讲台前来表演。(2)、Lets chant本环节,利用本节课重要句型编一个朗朗上口的chant,配上相应动作,起到复习总结的作用。(3)、PPT呈现营养膳食金字塔图片T:Look at this form, they are healthy diet.in our daily life,we should eat more rice,beans,fruits and vegetables,we should eat less oil,fat and sweet,they are bad for our health.we should form a good eating habits.让孩子了解营养膳食非常重要,培养孩子养成好的饮食习惯。 (4)做活动手册本单元Lets talk部分的配套练习。 5 布置家庭作业:1 Read the talk to your parents.2 Try to order the dishes for your parents.


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