显示器控制协议 DDCCI 规格书.pdf

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1、Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 1 of 1 1C4Bxxxx-0 x S/N: DDC/CI Command VCP Feature reply op code RC ; Result Code 00h NoError 01h Unsupported VCP Code (*) CP ; VCP op code from Feature request message TP ; VCP type code 00h ; Set parameter 01h ; Momentar

2、y MH ; Maximum value High byte ML ; Maximum value Low byte SH ; Present value High byte SL ; Present value Low byte n : Nack (No ack) (*) The checksum is still computed by using the 0 x50 virtual host address (*) If Monitor reply “Unsupported VCP Code” message, maximum value and present value are re

3、plied as follows. MHML=FFh, FFh SHSLl=00h,00h (Interval : 50m sec. ) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” PC Monitor Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 10 of 10 2-3-2) VESA standard Command 2) Set VCP Feature Set VCP Feature The Set VCP Feature instructs the

4、 monitor to change the parameter specified by the minor op-code. If the host attempts to select a value that exceeds the permissible adjustment range the monitor selects the largest permissible value. S 6Ea 51a 84a 03a CPa SHa SLa - CHKa P Receive 03H as Set VCP Feature COMMAND CP ; VCP op code SH ;

5、 High byte SL ; Low byte (Interval : 50m sec. ) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” PC Monitor Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 11 of 11 2-3-3) VESA standard Command 3) Save Current Settings Save Current Settings This command instructs the monitor to save

6、 all programmable values to nonvolatile Memory (User memory area). S 6Ea 51a 81a 0Ca CHKa P Receive 0CH as Save current settings op code (Interval : 200m sec. ) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” PC Monitor Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 12 of 12 2-3-4

7、) VESA standard Command 4) Capabilities Request Capabilities Request A Capabilities Request message shall be issued by the computer to a device to instruct the addressed device to reply with a Capabilities Reply. S 6Ea 51a 83a F3a OFS(H)a OFS(L)a CHKa P Receive F3H as Capabilities Request Command OF

8、S(H) : Offset value high byte (*1) OFS(L) : Offset value Low byte (Interval : 40m sec. ) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” S 6Fa 6Ea LNa E3a OFS(H)a OFS(L)a Data(0)a Data(1)a Data(2)a - - - Data(n)a CHKn P E3 ; Capabilities reply op code LN ; Length (Byte length + 80H) Data() : Capability strings

9、 data (ASCII code) Support data Ver.1 “prot()”,”type()”,”cmds()” and “vcp()”. Example: ( Prot(Monitor) type(crt) Model(LCD15XX) ; - Need actual Model name Cmds( 01 02 03 ) vcp( 10 12 14 16 18 1A 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 ) ) “vcp()”, ”type()” ,”mccs_ver()”,”asset_eep()” and “mpu_ver()” (No need to suppor

10、t “e_edid_sel() , now) - Refer to “VESA DDC/CI Implementation Guide) PC Monitor Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 13 of 13 “vcp()” : VCP data is an ASCII string of monitor control panel functions. All op-codes must be represented by two ASCII hexadecimal ch

11、aracters. Spaces between op-codes are optional. The supported enumeration value of the non-continuous VCPs which have multiple supports should be described by following way. The VCPs which are required to show the capability of enumerate value are shown in the “Enum value in VCP()” of attached VCP t

12、able. Ex. VCP(10 12 14(01 02 04 05 08) Above strings means “Contrast, Brightness and Select color preset(sRGB Native 5000K 6500K 9300K) are supported”. If VCP Page is supported, Ex.; vcp(10 12 14(01 05 06 08) 16 18 1A 50 92) vcp_p02(00 11 12 18) (Space is not necessary beside with “(“ or “)” but nec

13、essary with each VCP codes.) “type()”: The Monitor type information is defined by following strings. Type(LCD) ; LCD monitor “mccs_ver()”: The supported MCCS version can be defined by following strings. The monitor which uses the protocol in this document must support the version 1.1 or later. Ex.;

14、mccs_ver(1.1) “asset_eep()” : The models that support commands “Asset read 2. “send again” the offset from the most recently transmitted Capabilities Request, indicating the computer did not receive a response and wants a retransmit; 3. “send next” the offset from the most recently received Capabili

15、ties Reply plus the number of bytes in the message fragment. (new offset = old offset + fragment length) (fragment length = message length 3). With these restrictions the computer can make three requests: start over, send current, and send next. See Capabilities Reply message for further details. 2.

16、 Capabilities Reply A Capabilities Reply shall be used to reply to a Capabilities Request message with a fragment of data starting at “offset”. Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 15 of 15 The protocol is designed to be simple for the device to imple

17、ment: The device is free to choose the most convenient fragment size from one message to the next. The only state information the device should need to maintain is the current offset and length of the most recently transmitted fragment. On receiving a Capabilities Request message, the device shall e

18、xamine the “offset” field: 1. If equal to zero, the device shall set the current offset to zero and send the fragment from offset zero (0). 2. If equal to the current offset, the device shall re-send the fragment from the current offset. 3. If equal to the “current offset” + “fragment length”, the d

19、evice shall update the current offset (current offset := current offset + fragment length) and then look up (or calculates) the next fragment to send and sends it. 4. If the device has reached end-of-string, it shall send a fragment with the next offset but zero data bytes. This will indicate an end

20、 of string. 5. Otherwise, the device shall set the “current offset” to zero and send the fragment from offset 0. Capability strings sample ( type(LCD) vcp(04 06 08 0E 10 12 14(01 02 04 06 07 08) 1E 20 30 3E 54 62 68 8A 8C 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F A0 A8 B4 B6 E3) vcp_p02(37 38 39 3B 41 47 64 65) mccs_ver(1.1)

21、asset_eep(32) mpu_ver(01) ) Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 16 of 16 2-3-5) VESA standard Command 5) Get Timing Report Get Timing Report This command instructs the monitor to return current horizontal and vertical timing information in a monitor timing re

22、port message to the host. S 6Ea 51a 81a 07a CHKa P Receive 07H as Get Timing Report COMMAND (Interval : 40m sec. ) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” S 6Fa 6Ea 06a 4Ea SSa HHa HLa VHa VLa CHKn P 4Eh ; Timing message op code SS ; Timing Status byte bit 7 = 1 Sync freq. Out of range bit 6 = 1 Unstab

23、le count bit 5 = 2 Reserved must be 0 bit 1 = 1 Positive horz sync = 0 Negative horz sync bit 0 = 1 Positive vert sync = 0 Negative vert sync HH ; High byte of Horizontal frequency (*1) HL ; Low Byte of Horizontal frequency (*1) VH ; High byte of Vertical frequency (*1) VL ; Low byte of Vertical fre

24、quency (*1) (Interval : 50m sec. ) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” (*) The checksum is still computed by using the 0 x50 virtual host address PC Monitor Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 17 of 17 (*1) For description of frequency data, refer to follows

25、 “AccessBus spec. Ver.3” “Section 7”. 7.6.1. Timing Report The timing message reports the current Horizontal and Vertical synchronization frequencies. The monitor transmits this message to the host in reply to a Get Timing Information message or optionally whenever it detects a change in video mode.

26、 The status byte returns sync polarity and whether the report is valid. The monitor sets bit 7 if the sync frequencies are not supported. Bit 6 is set if the monitor cannot accurately determine what the sync frequencies are. It may also return unstable count (bit 6) during mode changes if the monito

27、r has not yet locked to the new sync rates. Unstable count may be temporary condition. The host should resend the request timing command after a 1 second delay to give the monitor time to lock to the new signals. Horizontal and Vertical sync rates are reported in the frequency domain as 16 bit value

28、s. Horizontal sync is reported in 10hz increments from .01khz-655.35khz Vertical sync is reported in .01hz increments from .01-655.35hz. Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 18 of 18 2 - 4 ) NMV Custom Command for User 2-4-1) NMV Custom Command 1) EEPROM read

29、EEPROM read This command instructs the monitor to read and send data on addresses that PC appoint . S 6Ea 51a LNa C0a 09a NLa AHa ALa CHKa P Receive 09H as EEPROM Read COMMAND NL: Read Byte Number AH: Start address to read. (High) AL: Start address to read. (Low) (Interval : 40m sec. .) - Refer to “

30、4-1) Interval Condition” S 6Fa 51a LNa C1a 09a Data(0)a Data(1)a Data(2)a - - - Data(n)a CHKn P Send 09H as EEPROM Read COMMAND (*) The checksum is still computed by using the 0 x50 virtual host address (Interval : 50m sec. ) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” PC Monitor Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFID

31、ENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 19 of 19 2-4-2) NMV Custom Command 2) Get VCPPage vcp(page0(10 12 14(01 05 06 08) 16 18 1A 50 92) page2(00 11 12 18) (Space is not necessary beside with “(“ or “)” but necessary with each VCP codes.) Page Max. Number. : Page 2 Page FF Page 2 - FE Pa

32、ge 1 Page 0 VCP : 00-FF (Current VCP table) Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 21 of 21 2-4-3) NMV Custom Command 3) Get Paged VCP Result Code 00h NoError 01h Unsupported VCP Code VCPP : Current VCP Page Value (from 00h to FFh) CP ; VCP op code from Feature

33、request message TP ; VCP type code 00h ; Set parameter 01h ; Momentary MH ; Maximum value High byte ML ; Maximum value Low byte SH ; Present value High byte SL ; Present value Low byte (*) The checksum is still computed by using the 0 x50 virtual host address If VCPP is not supported , then this com

34、mand is not returned to host. (Interval : 50m sec. ) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” PC Monitor Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 22 of 22 2-4-4) NMV Custom Command 4) Set Paged VCP High byte SL ; Low byte (Interval : 40m sec. .) - Refer to “4-1) Inter

35、val Condition” S 6Fa 6Ea 89a C7a RCa VCCPa CPa TPa MHa MLa SHa SLa - CHKn P Send C7H as Paged VCP Reply code. RC ; Result Code 00h NoError 01h Unsupported VCP Code VCPP : Current VCP Page Value (from 00h to FFh) CP ; VCP op code from Feature request message TP ; VCP type code 00h ; Set parameter 01h

36、 ; Momentary MH ; Maximum value High byte ML ; Maximum value Low byte SH ; Present value High byte SL ; Present value Low byte PC Monitor Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 23 of 23 (*) The checksum is still computed by using the 0 x50 virtual host address I

37、f VCPP is not supported , then this command is not returned to host. It is only for the confirmation of setting data by Set paged VCP. If application read data after sending this command, it can obtain a feedback from monitor. It can be canceled (if it is not required) by sending the commands which

38、write data to monitor. (Interval : 50m sec. ) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 24 of 24 2-4-5) NMV Custom Command 5) Get Power Status Result Code 00h NoError 01h Unsupported VCP Code D6h ; VCP op code of Display power m

39、ode TP ; VCP type code 00h ; Set parameter (should be this value) 01h ; Momentary MH ; Maximum value High byte (should be 00h) ML ; Maximum value Low byte (should be 04h) SH ; Present value High byte (should be 00h) SL ; Present value Low byte (value ; 1 : ON 2 : Stand_By 3 : Susupend 4 : Off) (*) T

40、he checksum is still computed by using the 0 x50 virtual host address (Interval : 50m sec. ) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” PC Monitor Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 25 of 25 2-4-6) NMV Custom Command 6) Asset Read Request The maximum data length w

41、hich can be read from monitor at once is 32Byte. (Interval : 40m sec. .) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” If monitor receive the offset or data length value which exceed the length declared in the capabilities strings, then it ignores the request and return the null packet. S 6Fa 51a LNa C1a 0Ba

42、 Data(0)a Data(1)a - - -Data (n)a CHKn P Send 0BH as Asset Read Reply . LN ; Length (Byte length + 80H) (*) The checksum is still computed by using the 0 x50 virtual host address (Interval : 50m sec. ) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” PC Monitor Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI EL

43、ECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 26 of 26 2-4-7) NMV Custom Command 7) Asset Write Request The maximum data length which can be written to monitor at once is 32Byte. (Interval : 50m sec. .) - Refer to “4-1) Interval Condition” PC Monitor Ver.1 Rev.0 Draft 2 CONFIDENTIAL NEC-MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC VISUAL SYSTEMS Page 27 of 27 2-4-8) NMV Custom Com


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