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1、模 块 9 welcome 欢迎 postcard cousin 表(堂)兄弟;表(堂)姐妹 dear 亲爱的 on holiday 在休假,在度假 travel 旅行;游历 came (come的过去式) 来 pop 流行音乐的 concert 音乐会 earth 地球,play played walk walked talk talked look looked cook cooked listen listened watch watched live lived,读一读,have do sing see go eat drink take make,had,did,sang,went,

2、saw,ate,drank,took,made,过去式,Module9 Unit1 Did he live in New York?,他住在纽约吗?,Welcome to China ! (欢迎来到中国!) Welcome to Beijing!(欢迎来到北京!),Did you come by train? Did you come by plane?,come came 来,过去式,你是乘火车来的吗? 你是乘飞机来的吗?,Look.Its a postcard from my cousin Dalong. 看,它是一张来自我表哥大龙的明信片。,postcard,postcards,He l

3、ives in the US.,the US=the USA=America(美国),他住在美国。,自由女神像,Does he live in New York?,the Statue of Liberty,他住在纽约吗?,No,he lives in San Francisco now.不,他现在住在旧金山。,金门大桥 Golden Gate Bridge,Did he live in New York last year?No, he didnt.He lived in Washington DC.。,他居住在华盛顿。,the White House白宫,他去年住在纽约吗? 不,他没有。,

4、Listen. “Dear Daming, Im on holiday in New York.” 听。“亲爱的大明,我在纽约度假。”,Did he travel by plane?,Yes,it says, “I came here by plane.”,是的,上面写着:“我乘飞机来这里的。”,他乘飞机旅行的吗?,a pop concert,“I went to and a basketball game last week.”,上星期我去听了一场流行音乐会,并参加了一场篮球比赛。,We went to a pop concert too. Yes! The school concert!,

5、我们也去听音乐会了。 是的!学校音乐会!,We also played basketball . At school ! Ha ha,我们也打篮球了。 在学校! 哈哈,Did he live in New York last year? No, he didnt.He lived in Washington DC.。,他居住在华盛顿。,the White House白宫,他去年住在纽约吗? 不,他没有。,Did he travel by plane?,Yes,he did.,是的,他乘飞机旅行的。,他乘飞机旅行的吗?,A:Did he live in Washington DC ? B:Yes

6、,he did.,A:Did he travel by plane? B:No, he didnt. He travel by bus.,他居住在华盛顿吗? 是的,他住在华盛顿。,他乘飞机旅行的吗? 不,他没有。他乘公共汽车旅行的。,Did he? Yes, he did./No, he didnt.,游览纽约,住在华盛顿,乘飞机旅行,参加一场足球比赛,游览旧金山,去听一场流行音乐会,talk to,watch,cook,help,walk,play,phone,小操练:,Did youhe,Grandma?,d,Yes, I hedid No, I hedidnt,Mum?,ed,ed,ed,ed,ed,ed,?,?,?,?,?,summary,询问他人过去是否做了某事时: Did +主语+动词原形+过去的时间? 回答:Yes,主语+did. /No, 主语+didnt. Eg:,Did he live in New York last year?Yes,he did./No, he didnt.,


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