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1、 996369 D01 Module Equip Auth Guide v02 Page 1 Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division October 23, 2015 TRANSMITTER MODULE EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZATION GUIDE I. INTRODUCTION A transmitter with a modular or limited modular grant1 can be installed in diffe

2、rent end-use products (referred to as a host, host product, or host device) by the grantee or other equipment manufacturer, then the host product may not require additional testing or equipment authorization for the transmitter function provided by that specific module or limited module device. Modu

3、lar approvals are for tangible, clearly-delineated devices that operate when installed within, or attached to, a host product in one of the following four physical configurations (i.e., modular type): Single-modular transmitter:2 A complete RF transmission sub-assembly,3 designed to be incorporated

4、into another device, that must demonstrate compliance with FCC rules and policies independent of any host; Limited single-modular transmitter: A single-modular transmitter that complies with the 15.212(a)(1) modular rules, only when constrained to specific operating host(s) and/or associated grants

5、condition(s); Split-modular transmitter: An RF transmission system that complies with the requirements for a single- modular transmitter, that is separated into a radio front-end section and a control-element section, and can demonstrate compliance for a range of similar type hosts; Limited split-mo

6、dular transmitter: A split-modular transmitter that complies with the definition and technical rules for split modules only when constrained to specific operating host(s), and/or associated grant condition(s). The preceding modular types are described further in Clause III. In addition, the attachme

7、nt KDB Publication 996369 D02 provides other guidance for modules in the form of questions and answers. 1 FCC Public Notice DA 00-1407 initially established policies that allowed for Part 15 unlicensed transmitter equipment authorization certification for a modular device; DA 00-1407 is now replaced

8、 by rules in Part 15. The Second Report and Order FCC 07-56 (Docket No. 03-201) established rules under Part 15 ( 15.212 Modular Transmitters), provided clarification for modular grants, and established a new class for modular devices called split modular transmitters. FCC Public Notice DA 08-314 is

9、 a guide to help small businesses; small organizations (non-profits), small governmental jurisdictions, etc., comply with the 15.212 rules. 2 Also called self-contained transmitter module (FCC DA 08-314). 3 The definition as given in Item 3 of FCC DA 08-314 is: “A module generally consists of a comp

10、letely self-contained transmitter that is missing only an input signal and power source to make it functional. A module is designed to be incorporated into another device, such as a personal computer, personal digital assistant (PDA) or utility meter.” 996369 D01 Module Equip Auth Guide v02 Page 2 A

11、 host product itself is required to comply with all other applicable FCC equipment authorization regulations, requirements, and equipment functions that are not associated with the transmitter module portion. For example, compliance must be demonstrated: to regulations for other transmitter componen

12、ts within a host product; to requirements for unintentional radiators (Part 15 Subpart B), such as digital devices, computer peripherals, radio receivers, etc.; and to additional authorization requirements for the non-transmitter functions on the transmitter module (i.e., Verification or Declaration

13、 of Conformity) as appropriate (e.g., Bluetooth and Wi-Fi transmitter modules may also contain digital logic functions). To ensure compliance for all non-transmitter functions, a host product manufacturer is responsible for ensuring compliance with the module(s) installed and fully operational. For

14、example, if a host product was previously authorized as an unintentional radiator under the Declaration of Conformity procedure without containing a certified transmitter module, then a module is added, the host manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the host continues to be compliant with th

15、e Part 15 subpart B unintentional radiator requirements after the module is installed and operational. Because this may depend on the details of how the module is integrated within the host, the module grantee (the party responsible for the module grant) shall provide guidance to the host manufactur

16、er for ensuring compliance with the Part 15 Subpart B requirements.4 Single or limited-single modules, and the RF front-end section of a split or limited split-module, must be a separate physical assembly that can be installed into (or attached to) a host as a separate subassembly (e.g., daughter-bo

17、ard subassembly). The method used for input and output electrical connections5 to the host may be soldered, cabled, wired, or use plug-in connectors.6 A module cannot solely be the implementation of a design specification. Only the control-element section of a split-module device may comprise softwa

18、re, which is certified as companion code to a specific RF front-end (section). A host product using a component that has been authorized as a module, subject to the requirements described below and the conditions of the grant, may be: (1) marketed and sold with the module built inside that does not

19、have to be end-user accessible/replaceable, or (2) marketed with the module being end-user plug-and-play replaceable.7,8 A modular grant is obtained by requesting certification for equipment as a modular device, or requesting a permissive change to convert an equipment certification from a non-modul

20、ar to a modular device grant; the FCC Form 731 application procedures ( 2.1033, etc.) are used in both cases. An applicant for a modular filing must indicate on the Form 731: 4 In some cases, a transmitter with an equipment authorization may be both a module and Class B personal computer peripheral,

21、 separately authorized under a Declaration of Conformity or a grant of certification, and marketed as both. 5 Electrical connections to a module generally consist of input signal and power source to a completely self-contained transmitter module. 6 When the antenna is not on board the module, the ap

22、plicant must demonstrate how the antennas and/or use only in restrictive host environments that have been approved are ensured e.g., 15.204(b), 2.929(b). Appropriate testing, installation instructions, and grant conditions are required. 7 A transmitter can be certified as a module, and also marketed

23、 as an end product to be used as a stand-alone device or a computer peripheral, as long as the module and the end product remain identical, and any control that will cause operation of the device in violation of the regulations is not provided. 8 If a DoC or certified Class B personal computer perip

24、heral is also certified as a transmitter that is not certified as a modular device and is used within a host and is not accessible, the host containing that transmitter must use this guidance to determine if further testing is required. See question 14 in attachment 996369 D02 Q and b) Submit the fo

25、llowing additional exhibits: 1) A cover letter requesting modular approval that includes an itemized list documenting compliance with the modular approval requirements in the 15.212 rules for unlicensed modules, or the licensed module approval conditions in Clause IV of this document; and 2) Clear a

26、nd specific instructions describing the conditions, limitations, and procedures for third-parties to use and/or integrate the module into a host device (see Clause II below). 3) For non-Software Defined Radio transmitter modules where software is used to ensure compliance of the device, technical de

27、scription must be provided about how such control is implemented to ensure prevention of third-party modification; see KDB Publication 594280. 4) For split modular transmitters, specific descriptions for secure communications between front-end and control sections, including authentication and restr

28、ictions on third-party modifications; also, instructions to third-party integrators on how control is maintained. 5) For Software Defined Radio (SDR) devices, transmitter module applications must provide a software security description; see KDB Publication 442812. When the grant is issued it, shall

29、state the device-description modular type, and if applicable, the limiting conditions of the authorization. II. COMPREHENSIVE INTEGRATION INSTRUCTIONS For proper integration of modules in end products, it is required that detailed and comprehensive instructions must be provided to the integrators, s

30、o that any subsequent associated party (grantee, host manufacturer, original equipment manufacturer (OEM), integrator, or end-user) can clearly understand the conditions and limitations for authorized uses of the modular transmitter. These instructions must be included as one of the Form 731 exhibit

31、s. While modules can provide great flexibility for third parties without requiring additional compliance demonstrations for the transmitter function, additional technical requirements may call for separate equipment authorization information for compliance demonstration (e.g., for RF exposure compli

32、ance and hearing-aid compatibility, for devices with specific antennas, or specific host/enclosure configurations). A host product incorporating a certified device cannot take advantage of the pre-existing certification of the component transmitter module without conformity with the specific require

33、ments in the instructions. Also, a transmitter module grantee is responsible for including the necessary details for ensuring compliance for RF exposure requirements and the associated usage conditions for portable, mobile, and fixed-mount equipment configurations, as applicable. III. MODULAR TRANSM

34、ITTERS SUBJECT TO 15.212 RULES a) A single-modular transmitter is a self-contained, physically delineated, component for which compliance can be demonstrated independent of the host operating conditions, and which complies with all eight requirements of 15.212(a)(1) as summarized below. See 15.212 f

35、or more detailed information, and 2.901, et seq., for general certification requirements. 1) The radio elements must have the radio frequency circuitry shielded. Physical components and tuning capacitor(s) may be located external to the shield, but must be on the module assembly; 2) The module must

36、have buffered modulation/data inputs to ensure that the device will comply with Part 15 requirements with any type of input signal; 996369 D01 Module Equip Auth Guide v02 Page 4 3) The module must contain power supply regulation on the module; 4) The module must contain a permanently attached antenn

37、a, or contain a unique antenna connector, and be marketed and operated only with specific antenna(s), per 15.203, 15.204(b), 15.204(c), 15.212(a), 2.929(b); 5) The module must demonstrate compliance in a stand-alone configuration; 6) The module must be labeled with its permanently affixed FCC ID lab

38、el, or use an electronic display (see KDB Publication 784748); 7) The module must comply with all specific rules applicable to the transmitter, including all the conditions provided in the integration instructions by the grantee; 8) The module must comply with RF exposure requirements (see Clause V

39、below). b) A limited single-modular transmitter is a transmitter that does not meet all eight requirements listed in 15.212(a)(1), and compliance can be demonstrated only for specific host(s) and the applicable operating conditions in which the transmitter will be used. For example, manufacturers ha

40、ve flexibility with respect to requirements such as module shielding, buffered modulation/data inputs, and power supply regulation. If one or more of these functions (shielding, buffered modulation/data inputs, power supply regulation) are provided by a specific host or hosts, then the module can be

41、 granted as a limited module that is limited to that specific host or hosts. The responsible party must demonstrate how it will retain control over the final installation of the device such that compliance of the product is ensured; for example, by limiting the installation to a specific host or hos

42、ts. A limited modular approval is based on conditions established in the application such as: the host device(s) into which the module can be installed; documented requirements for professional installation; the antenna separation distance from persons; or, the locations where a device may be used (

43、e.g., outdoor only). c) A split-modular transmitter is comprised of two basic components: (1) the “radio front-end” or radio elements, and (2) the transmitter control element (may be a firmware/software element). Split transmitter modules must comply with: the single modular requirements of 15.212(a

44、)(1), summarized in II a) above, with the exception of items 1) and 5); in addition, the split-module transmitter requirements of 15.212(a)(2), as summarized below: 1) Only the radio front-end must be shielded. The physical components, crystal, and tuning capacitor(s) may be located external to the

45、shielded radio elements. The interface between the split sections of the modular system must be digital, with a minimum signaling amplitude of 150 mV peak-to-peak; 2) Control information and other data may be exchanged between the transmitter control elements and the radio front-end (see V below for

46、 further guidance on the type of information to be provided in a filing); 3) The sections of a split-modular transmitter are installed for testing on a host platform that is representative of the platform(s) intended for use. It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate the appropriatene

47、ss of the test platform for compliance to a widespread range of common host platforms, i.e., not restricted to a specific host. For example, compliance may be demonstrated on an open (not within a specific host enclosure) reference-design circuit board, to demonstrate conformity independent of the h

48、ost environment. Therefore, note that when compliance is tested with the module enclosed in a specific host, then the split module must be limited; see d) below. 4) The radio front-end and transmitter control element must be certified as amalgamated elements by the responsible party. The responsible

49、 party must demonstrate the authentication method, to guarantee that only this coupling will operate the radio. Manufacturers may use means including, but not limited to, coding in hardware and electronic signatures in software, to meet these requirements, and the methods must be described in the application for equipment authorization. 996369 D01 Module Equip Auth Guide v02 Page 5 d) A limited split-modular is a transmitter that does not meet all the requirement


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