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1、 “开放本科”期末复习试题各专业 英语(1) 试题2012年12月第一部分 交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)1 一5小题:阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并 在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。1. I don,t like the spots programs on Sundays,A. So do IB. Neither do IC. Neither am I 2. What kind of TV program do you like best?A. I,m too busy to sayB. It,s hard to say, actuallyC.

2、I only watch them at weekend 3. Let,s take a walk.A, Yes, letsB. Oh, thanksC. Yes, please 4. Nice weather, isnt it?A. Im not sureB. Yes, it isC. Yes, it isnt 5. Oh, sorry to bother you.A. Thats okayB. No, you cantC. Thats good第二部分词汇与结构(共计20分,每小题2分)615小题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在 答题纸上写出所选

3、的字母符号。6. I have lived here_ 1997.A. forB. sinceC. at7.1 dont suppose he will attend the meeting, _?A. wont heB. will heC. do I8. _I enjoy most is _I can have a holiday from work.A. Thatthat B. WhatthatC. Whatwhat 9. Could you please pay me A. B. onC. in10. My father _ take me to work with him when I

4、 was a child. A. does B. used C. would11._ every day for 20 minutes.A. Exercise B. To exerciseC. Exercising 12. When I was a child,we _ wear a uniform for school.A. have to B. must C. had to13. Im tired. I _ working very hard. A. have B. have been C. had14.When was the building _?A. complete B. comp

5、letingC. completed15.I can do that job_ myself.A. byB. onC. with第三部分完形填空(共计20分,每题2分)1625小题:阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处 的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。More and more people (16) to install burglar alarms in their houses if they want to get insurance. Insurance companies (17) people in certain areas to

6、install the alarms before they will give them insurance for the past year. This is (18) to increasing crime in some parts of the country. This can be a problem for people (19) are struggling to make (20) ends meet. The alarms, (21) can be very expensive, need to be installed by an electrician. It is

7、 (22) that 20% of homes have alarms installed, and that another 20% of people plan (23) but have not installed them (24) The insurance companies told people (25) the alarms on all doors and windows.16.A. must B. have C. had17.A. have been asking B. have been asked C. asked18.A. caused B. because C.

8、due19.A. which B. who C. -20.A. - B. the C. all21.A. who B. that C. which22.A. estimate B. estimated C. estimating23.A. to have theminstalled B. to have them C. to have beeninstalling them24.A. still B. already C. yet25.A. install B. to install C. installed第四部分阅读理解(共计30分,每小题3分)2630小题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、(5三

9、个选项中选出一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写出所 选的字母符号。 短文理解1A survey has shown that people have stopped believing both the media and politicians. A similar survey carried out 5 years ago showed that 50% of people thought that what politicians said was usually not true, and that 35% of people thought that what they saw on t

10、he television or read in newspapers was not true. Now both those figures have increased sharply, to 80% of people not believing politicians and 70% not believing the television or newspapers. Experts think that these figures are not going to come down in the near future.Stories about politicians and

11、 journalists taking money from businessmen have caused the public to stop trusting them. Also politicians keep making promises that they do not keep. Mr Smith of York said, When the politicians make new laws, they only help their friends, not people like me,. Mrs Marley of Leeds said, The newspapers

12、 and television are not interested in what is true; they are only interested in money for advertising.It has got worse recently as more people can get news from the Internet and learn if the journalists and politicians are telling the truth or not. What can our politicians and journalists do? The on

13、ly answer is to be more honest.26.The number of people believing politicians and journalists has_.A. increasedB. not changed C. decreased27.Experts think this problem_.A. will get better soonB. will not get better soonC. will get worse soon28.Stories say businessmen give money to_.A. politiciansB. p

14、oliticians and journalistsC. journalists29.Mr. Smith thinks politicians make laws_.A. to help their friendsB. to help himC. to help everybody30.People can now check stories using_.A. the newspapersB. the televisionC. the Internet3135,小题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是正确(T)或错误(F)。 短文理解2John Preston lives in a

15、 flat in north London. He moved there after his wife died four years ago to be closer to his daughter? s family, and because his big detached house and garden were too much work for him as he got older. Its easier in the flat because the letting agent does everything that needs doing. The agent has

16、had the roof repaired and got the gutter replaced, but at the moment John is not satisfied because the window frames need painting and the garden looks neglected. The agent had the windows painted two years ago, but the painters didnt do it very well, so they need doing again. John pays over l, 500

17、a year for service and maintenance, and he thinks that its not good enough because the flats look shabby and a lot of things need repairing. His daughter, June, and her husband, Peter, on the other hand, have to do everything themselves or find builders to do it. They live in a large semi-detached h

18、ouse further out from the centre of London than John, but they are still near enough to see him often. They live in the suburbs with a nice garden where their children play. They moved there four years ago to have more space. The only drawback is that June,s husband has to commute into the centre of

19、 London every day, but, overall,they are happy with their decision. When they bought the house, a lot needed doing to it and it still does. June says, We have a list of things to do as long as your arm the roof needs repairing and the chimney needs mending. The bedrooms need decorating and we haven,

20、t had the broken windowpanes replaced yet in the conservatory. We need to fix the gate and repair the path it looks dreadful when you arrive. ”31.John lives in the centre of London.32.The agent hasnt done anything to John,s flat.33.June and Pete live near to John.34.There are broken windowpanes in t

21、he conservatory.35.The front of the house is in a good state(处于较好的状态).第五部分书面表达(20分)36.Directions: For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage on the topic Living In A Big City. You should -write at least 80 words and could base your -writing by using the hints given below.利用所给提示写

22、一篇短文,说明居住在大城市中的优缺点。city life is attractive with all its advantages and conveniencessupermarkets or shopping mallsdine out(外出吃饭)expansion(扩张)of the cityflowing into(涌人)作文题目:Living In A Big City参考答案第一部分 交际用语(共计lo分,每小题2分)1B 2B 3A 4. B 5A第二部分 词汇与结构(共计20分,每小题2分)6B 7B 8B 9C 10C11. A 12C 13B 14C 15A第三部分 完型

23、填空共计20分,每小题2分)16B 17A 18C 19B 20A 21C 22B 23A 24C 25B第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分,每小题3分)26C 27B 28B 29A 30C31F 32F 33T 34T 35F第五部分 书面表达(20分)Living In A Big CityMany people want to live in a big city. City life is attractive with all its advantages. For example, there are many large supermarkets and shopping mall

24、 from which you can buy anything you need. And many restaurants for you to dine out at any time. So, city life is very convenient.On the other hand, there are some disadvantages about city life. Most important of all, with the expansion of the city, a lot of people flow into the city and this makes the city over-crowded. This will lead to other problems such as pollution and traffic jam.In a word, city life is attractive as well as troublesome. You should think it over before moving to a big city.


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