2016年辽宁学士学位英语考试题答案 、大纲.doc

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1、2016年辽宁学位英语考试题答案抠抠3751 6206bao通过1. Joyce: Could you pass me the sugar?Larry: Sure. _A. Its all right. B. No problem.C. Here you are. D. Thank you. 2. Peter: I havent seen you for ages. _Tom: Just fine. Oh, I got married last year.A. What have you done?B. Are you all right?C. How are you doing? D. Ha

2、ve you got married?3. Operator: Good morning. Future Software. How may I direct your call?Customer: After Sales Service Department, please.Operator: _. Ill put you through.A. Just a moment pleaseB. I seeC. Thank youD. No problem4. Student: _, Id like to return these books.Assistant: OK. Oh, these bo

3、oks are a month overdue. Sorry, you have to pay a fine.I know. But how much should I pay?Assistant:Just a minute. Let me check.A. HiB. How are youC. Excuse meD. Hello5. Waiter: Prince Wales Restaurant. Good morning! Can I help you?Customer: Yes, I would like to book a table for two for tomorrow even

4、ing. Waiter: Sure, sir. _?Customer: Around 6:30.A. What time would you like to have your tableB. When are you comingC. What time do you want itD. When would you like to come6. Lee: Thank you for your delicious food last night. When I went home, I couldnt forget the appetizing dishes.Mrs. Lewis: _, a

5、nd you are welcome, at any time.A. Its very kind of youB. Im glad you like the dishesC. Not at allD. Thank you so much7. John: Hello, Im John. I read in the poster that youre looking for a student to work as a language assistant.Clerk: _ Are you interested in the job?John: I think so. But before I a

6、pply, could you tell me more about the work?A. How are you?B. Yes, we are.C. Hello.D. Thats right.8. Lily: Im really mad at Mom and Dad.Ann: Why? What have they done?Lily: I asked them for a leather jacket for my birthday and they just got me this stupid raincoat.Ann: Oh, _! Its a beautiful coat.A.

7、dont worryB. it doesnt matterC. dont complainD. come on9. Jean: Why couldnt you come to the party last night?Betty: Well, I couldnt get away from work early. Jean: _. A. I feel sorryB. What a shameC. It doesnt matterD. Do come next time10. Frank: Are you doing anything on Saturday evening?Bob: Nothi

8、ng special, _?Frank: Wed like to have you and your wife over for dinner this Saturday evening. Would you be able to come? A. whatB. whyC. whats the matterD. what do you mean11. George: Youre not looking very cheerful. _?Joe: Oh, nothing in particular. Im just a bit fed up.George: With your job? Joe:

9、 Yes, thats right. A. Are you OKB. Are you feeling wellC. How are youD. Whats the matter with you12. Jimmy: Hey, I heard that you have won the champion in the game. Congratulations!Paul: _. It wasnt easy, you know.A: Thanks B. Never mention itC. Please dont D. Yes, I am always the best.13. Bill: I g

10、ot the job you recommended me for last week.Jack: Thats great! _Bill: I really dont know how I can thank you enough.A. Congratulations.B. Good news. C. I feel so happy.D. Good luck.14. Tom: Mr. White. Im calling to say goodbye. Ill be leaving tomorrow. But before I leave, I want to thank you for wha

11、t youve done for me during my visit here. Mr. White: _, Tom. We are glad to have you. Now Im sure youre excited to be back home soon. Tom: Oh, yes.A. Dont say thatB. Its very kind of you to say thatC. Come onD. Thats all right15. Roy: _?Earl: Not really, I think I have broken my knees.Roy: Oh, my Go

12、d, wed better send for the doctor.A. Are you OKB. How do you doC. Is it you D. What can I doPart II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,

13、 B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage OneThe journey two divers made some time ago to the very deepest point on the earth makes us realize how much of the world still remains to be studied. The two men went down seven

14、miles to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean inside a small steel ball to find out if there are any ocean currents or signs of life. It was necessary to set out early, so that the ball would come to the surface in daylight, and so be easily found by the mother ship which would be waiting for it. The div

15、ers began preparations early in the morning and soon afterwards, when all was ready, the steel ball disappeared under the surface of the water. The divers felt as if they were going down steps as they passed through warm and cold layers of water. In time, the temperature dropped to freezing point. T

16、hey kept in touch with the mother ship by telephone telling how they felt. Then, at a depth of 3, 000 feet, the telephone stopped working and they were quite cut off from the outside world. All went well until some four hours later at 30, 000 feet, the men were frightened by a loud, cracking noise:

17、even the smallest hole in the ball would have meant instant death. Luckily, though, it was only one of the outer windows that had broken. Soon afterwards, the ball touched the soft ocean floor raising a big cloud of “dust” made up of small dead sea-creatures. Here, powerful lights lit up the dark wa

18、ter and the men were surprised to see fish swimming just above them quite untroubled by the great water-pressure. But they did not dare to leave the lights on for long, as the heat from them made the water boil. Quite unexpectedly, the telephone began working again and the faint but clear voices of

19、the divers were heard on the mother ship seven miles away. After a stay of thirty minutes the men began their journey up arriving three hours later, cold and wet through, but none the worse for their experience. 16. The purpose of the divers journey to the deepest point on the earth was to find _. A

20、. if there are water currents and life in the great depthsB. if people can stand the severe cold in the great depthsC. if there are steps in the great depthsD. if the telephone works well in the great depths17. The divers set out early in the morning so that _.A. they could return to the surface dur

21、ing the dayB. they could see at the bottom of the oceanC. they could avoid the cold at nightD. they could stay long at the bottom18. Which of the statements is true?A. The ocean water temperature decreases steadily with the depth.B. There are steps on the way to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.C. Th

22、ere are steps between the water layers of different temperatures.D. The water layers of different temperatures made the divers feel as if they were going down steps.19. As the divers went down to the ocean floor, the telephone _.A. kept working all the timeB. stopped working at a depth of 3, 000 fee

23、t and began working again after they reached the bottomC. stopped working at a depth of 3, 000 feet and began working again at 30, 000 feetD. stopped working at a depth of 3, 000 feet and began working again when they returned t the same depth20. On the ocean floor, the divers found that _.A. there

24、was no life but some small dead sea-creaturesB. fish were swimming as freely as they do near the surfaceC. fish were not swimming freely in the dark waterD. fish were not swimming freely under the high water-pressurePassage TwoThere are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-term. Information in l

25、ong-term memory can be recalled at a later time when it is needed. The information may be kept for days or weeks. In contrast, information in short-term memory is kept for only a few seconds, usually by repeating the information over and over. The following experiment shows how short-term memory has

26、 been studied. Henning studied how students who are leaning English as a second language remember vocabulary. The subjects in his experiment were 75 college students. They represented all levels of ability in English: beginning, intermediate, advanced, and native-speaking students. To begin, the sub

27、jects listened to a recording of a native speaker reading a paragraph in English. Following the recording, the subjects took a 15-question test to see which words they remembered. Each question had four choices. The subjects had to circle the word they had heard in the recording. Some of the questio

28、ns had four choices that sound alike. For example, weather, whether, wither, and wetter are four words that sound a like. Some of the questions had four choices that have the same meaning. Method, way, manner, and system would be four words with the same meaning. Finally the subjects took a language

29、 proficiency test.Henning found that students with a lower proficiency in English made more of their mistakes on words that sound alike; students with a higher proficiency made more of their mistakes on words that have the same meaning. Hennings results suggest that beginning students hold the sound

30、 of words in their short-term memory, and advanced students hold the meaning of words in their short-term memory. 21. Henning made the experiment in order to study _.A. how students remember English vocabulary by short-term memoryB. how students learn English vocabulary C. how to develop students ab

31、ility in EnglishD. how long information in short-term memory is kept22. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. Information in short-term memory is different from that in long-term memory.B. Long-term memory can be achieved only by training. C. It is easier to test shor

32、t-term memory than long-term memory.D. Henning gave a separate test on vocabulary to his subjects. 23. From Hennings results we can see that _.A. beginners have difficulty distinguishing the pronunciation of wordsB. advanced students remember words by their meaningC. it is difficult to remember word

33、s that sound alikeD. it is difficult to remember words that have the same meaning24. The word “subject” in the passage means _.A. the college course the students takeB. the theme of the listening materialC. a branch of knowledge studiedD. the student experimented on25. The passage centres on _.A. me

34、moryB. two kinds of memoryC. short-term memoryD. an experiment on studentsPassage ThreeEaster is probably the most important Christian holiday on the calendar because it commemorates Christs resurrection from the dead. Like many other religious holidays, though, Easter has incorporated many traditio

35、ns from pagan beliefs and pre-Christian rites of seasonal regeneration. The word Easter has Indo-European roots and means “dawn”. This is a direct reference to the pagan goddess of dawn and new life. The egg, a symbol of Easter, is a sign of fertility which reflects ancient spring renewal rites and

36、beliefs that have been absorbed into the Christian tradition. Even the Easter bunny who brings the eggs was the escort of the Germanic goddess Ostara, who had a holiday named after her that fell on the vernal equinox. This serves to underscore the pagan elements that still remain a part of this quin

37、tessential Christian holy day.In the United States, Easter is celebrated in several ways. On Easter morning children usually begin their day by looking for Easter eggs that the Easter bunny has hidden for them. Of course, most children know that the eggs were hidden by their parents, not the Easter

38、bunny. In fact, many children help their parents color the Easter eggs, knowing that soon they will be eating them as a snack on Easter day. Some cities have Easter egg hunts at the local parks.Since Easter is always celebrated on Sunday, many people attend “Sunrise services” at their local church.

39、In fact, more people go to church on Easter Sunday than at any other time of the year. Sunrise services begin very early in the morning, usually right about the same time as when the sun begins to rise, and last until almost noon. After church families gather and have a big holiday feast.Easter also

40、 marks the coming of spring. People are usually happy that winter is over, so parks are usually full of people who want to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. 26. Which of the following best defines Easter?A. It is partially religious. B. It is a Christian holiday.C. It is purely a religious tradit

41、ion.D. It is the most important Christian holiday. 27. The Easter egg represents _.A. springB. new lifeC. productivityD. Easter28. What is the main point of the third paragraph?A. Children like eating eggs on Easter.B. Children help their parents on Easter.C. People participate in many activities on

42、 Easter.D. A lot of people go to church on Easter.29. The celebration of Easter does not include _. A. eating Easter eggsB. hunting Easter eggsC. buying gifts for childrenD. having religious ceremonies30. Why do people go to parks on Easter?A. Because spring is coming. B. Because it is part of the c

43、elebration.C. Because the air is fresh on that day. D. Because they feel free on that day. Passage FourOne of Britains few distinctive contributions to the world culture may be doomed, according to a survey that suggests holiday postcards are being emailed and texted extinction. More than half of th

44、e 1000 holiday-makers interviewed said they had decided to send fewer cards, turning instead to their electronic rivals. A quarter of the respondents dismissed postcards as old-fashioned and slow to arrive. A further 14% admitted that thinking of something to fill the space was too challenging, comp

45、ared with a call home. Although officially invented by a Hungarian, Emanuel Herrmann, 1869, the idea of illustrated cards was taken up with most enthusiasm in Victorian Britain, joining Gothic architecture and landscape gardening as fields in which the country excelled. “If the British postcard did

46、become extinct we would lose for ever something of great importance to the nation,” said Chris Mottershead of Thomson Holiday, which commissioned the poll Marie Angelou of Sussex University, who has investigated the importance of sending and receiving postcards, backed him. “Postcards are nothing li

47、ke phone calls, instant texting and direct photo shots via mobile,” she said. “All these are useful, practical devices, but postcards offer something else, something additional that is not mundane and simply functional, but imaginative and personal. They can evoke the real atmosphere of our holiday in a way that nothing else can do. Theyre also for more than a mo


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