2016新概念第一册 Lesson 79-80 课堂及课后练习.doc

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1、新概念一Lesson 7980 课内语法三、重点语法must 与needmust 表示“必须”、“应当” I must go to the grocers. 我得去趟杂货店。 You mustnt make a noise! 你不该弄出噪音来! Must I call the doctor? 我必须请大夫吗?need表示“需要”、“必须”。作助动词时多用于疑问句和否定句,如:Need I make an appointment?我需要约一下时间吗?You need not hurry.你不必太匆忙。need 也可作实义动词,这时就要有人称、数及时态上的变化,疑问句中也需用助动词do。如:We

2、need a lot of things this week. 我们这周需要许多东西。He needs some money. 他需要一些钱。Do you need any sugar? 你需要一些糖吗?What do they need this week? 他们这周需要什么东西?新概念一Lesson 7980 课内语法考核一、单词连线vegetable 希望money 单子hope 蔬菜list 事情thing 钱need 购物shopping 需要二、选择。1.I must _ to the bank today. A.goB.goesC.wentD.going2.Need I _ a

3、bottle of beer? A.buysB.buyC.boughtD.buy3.How much water_ there in the bottle? A.isB.areC.haveD.has4.My brother enjoys_ to music. A.listenB.listensC.listeningD.to listen5.Dont be late .You_ be there on time. A.mayB.canC.needD.must6.Youd better_ to see the doctor. A.goB.to goC.goingD.went7.Dont worry

4、, Ill take good care_ Polly. A.for B.ofC.withD.to8.Both Kate and I_ ready for the picnic now. A.is notB.is gettingC.are gettingD.an getting9.You may go and ask him. He knows _ about Japanese. A.a fewB.fewC.a littleD.little10.He_ the bus and found a seat next to the window. A.gets on B.got onC.gets o

5、ff D.got off新概念一 L7980 课前测试一、单词1、购物 2、单子 3、蔬菜 4、需要 5、希望 6、事情 7、钱 8、食品杂货 9、水果 10、文具 11、报刊零售人 12、药剂师二、词组1、购物 2、许多 3、打算做某事 4、-怎么样 5、写一张购物单独 6、一点也不 7、去肉店 8、需要做某事三、句型转换1.He has got much milk.(改为一般否定句) 。2.They have got many bananas.(改为一般疑问句)?3.Im making the bed.(对划线部分提问)?4.We need some potatoes.(对划线部分提问)?

6、5.She often does some shopping on Sundays.(改为一般否定句)。四、用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Listen!Who_(sing)in the next room now?2.Let s _(take)the chairs to the room.3.He _(write)four letters to his wife every month.4.Tom_(play)basketball with Jack an hour ago.五、选择1.It was my first try .I _to do better next time . A.supp

7、ose B.feel C.think D.hope2.My father _to London last year. A.has gone B.has been C.went D.goes 3.Im going shopping.I _home soon. A.am back B.will be back C.come back D.will go back to4.Where are the students?Are they in _? A.the Room 406 B.Room 406 C.the 406 Room D.406 Room5.He hurt her _badly _she

8、had to see a doctor. A.too,that B.so ,that C.either or D.too to6.Youd better _to see the doctor. A.go B.to go C.going D.went7.Dont worry,Ill take good care _Polly. A.for B.of C.with D.to8.Both Kate and I _ready for the picnic now. A.is not B.is getting C.are getting D.am getting9.You may go and ask him.He knows _about Japanese. A.a few B.few C.a little D.little10.He _the bus and found a seat next to the window. A.gets on B.got on C.gets off D.got off六、翻译1、我们都需要什么? 2、他们还有啤酒和葡萄酒吗?3、我得去一会食品店。 4、你在干什么?5、碗橱里有几只杯子。


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