Unit 4 How life begin on the earth 知识点.ppt

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《Unit 4 How life begin on the earth 知识点.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 How life begin on the earth 知识点.ppt(35页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、佳作背诵,短语句子记忆,单词短语句型通考关,课堂限时检测,Teaching aims,1.Master the new words and phrases 2.Improve the ability of writing by making up sentences 3.Improve the abiliy of speaking and listening,1exist vi.存在;生存 (教材P26)They laid eggs too and existed on the earth for more than 140 million years. 它们(恐龙)也生蛋,在地球上生存了一亿

2、四千多万年。,(1)exist on 靠为生 Exist in 存在于之中 There exist某地有;存在 (2)Come into existence 产生;成立;开始存在 In existence 存在,They cannot such a small income. 靠这点收入他们不能够生活。,exist on,The organization in 1980. 这一机构成立于一九八零年。,came into existence,Translation Practice,我猜不出她的意图。,对他的答复我感到困惑不解。,I could not puzzle out her intent

3、ions,I feel puzzled at his reply.,道路被一块大石头堵住了。,The road was blocked by a huge rock.,她父亲阻挠她出国留学。,Her father blocked her plan to study abroad.,The project became so expensive that we had to pull out.,这个计划耗资太大,我们只好退出。,他将车停在路旁。,He pulled in at the side of the road.,据报道,两列火车在7月23日晚相撞,导致40人遇难。,Two trains

4、are reported to have crashed into each other on the evening of 23rd,July,leaving 40 people dead.,He was only badly hurt in the car crash.,在那次撞车事故中,他仅仅是受了重伤。,(1)v.欢呼,使高兴,为加油 cheer up 使某人高兴起来 cheer sb on (比赛中)为某人喝彩,加油,(2)n.欢呼声,高兴(情绪),激励 with words of cheer 用激励的语言 (3)cheerful adj. 快乐的,令人高兴的,观众们站起来为他们的球

5、队欢呼加油。,The audience stood up to cheer on their team.,他因为成功而感到高兴。,He cheered up for his success.,2.watch out for密切注视;当心;提防 (教材P31)Watch out for.当心,(1)watch/look out 留神,注意 watch over 守卫或保护某人、物;留心;注视,(2)watch n. 监视,观察,看守 keep watch (for) 看护,望风 on watch 值班 under watch 被监视,Summary,Exist Puzzle Block,Pull Crash Cheer up Watch out for,Assignments,1. Recite the words and phrases learned today. 2.Finish the writing pratice,Thanks for watching,


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