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1、 连词成句做题技巧第一、首先应该看清楚,这句子是问句还是陈述句?判断句子是问句还是陈述句,要看它所给的符号,是问号还是句号,在题目中一定会加以提示的,例如1. Did,where,come,uncle,from,your(?) (问句)2. Was,cloudy,in,yesterday,it,Dongguan(.) (陈述句)第2、 如果是问句,我们可以采用以下方法(1) 找出所给单词中,有没有一下疑问词: What what clour when where why how how old how much如果有这些疑问词,把这些词放在句首(2) 如果没有这些疑问词,看有没有以下这些助词B

2、e 动词(is, are) can (能,会) do does did 如果有这些助词,把这些助词放在句首(3)完成上面的步骤以后,接下来,找到人称代词(you,he,she,it,we,they)或是名词,把这些词放在助词后(4) 动词放在其次(5)时间地点居最后,地点前,时间后例如1. Did, what, you,do, night,last(?) What did you do last night?第三,如果要求连陈述句,我们可以采用以下方法:(1) 找到人称代词(you, he, she, it, we,they)或者指示代词(this,that,these,those)等,或者名

3、词,把这些词放在句首(2) 第二部分要找到动词,这些动词一般是: Be(am,is, are),或实意动词后(3) 时间地点居最后,地点在前,时间在后例如2. Was,cloudy,in, yesterday,it,Donguang.It was cloudy yesterday in Donguang.第四,完成以后,应该把连出来的句子,翻译成汉语,看是否能翻译得通。如果翻译不通,应该还要做进一步的检查。同学们学会了吗? 那我们一起来做下面的练习吧!1. did, where, come, uncle, from, your (?) 2.like, Canada, what, in, the

4、, was, food (?) 3. was, cloudy, in, yesterday, it, Dongguan (.) 4.did, what, you, do, night, last (?) 5.she, do, what, yesterday, did, morning (?) 6. played, he, with, friend, football, his (.) 7. was, typhoon, on, there, Sunday, a, evening (.) 8. wind, away, clothes, blew, my, the (.) 9. I, many, o

5、n, saw, leaves, the, street. (.) 10. going, tomorrow, swimming, are, to, you, go (?) 11. Gogo, is, net, going, surf, the, to (?) 12. going, what, is, do, to, vacation, summer, on, she (?) 13. going, what, is, do, to, vacation, summer, on, she (?) 14. are, going, play, they, friends, with, to (.) 15. last, I, some, night, read, books (.) 16. going, play, they, to, are, with, friend (?) 17. going, am, I, on, go, to, vacation (.) 18. going, is, to, Tony, get, today, haircut, a (.) 19.going, I, am, net, the, to, surf (.) 20. going, are, we, to, party, have, a (.)


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