《语言学教程》chapter 3 Morphology 的word文档.doc

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1、Chapter 3 Lexicon Time periods: two classesTeaching contents:3.1 definition of a word3.2 The formation of wordsTeaching aims and requirementsLearn by heart:1. The classifications of morphemes, such as free morpheme and bound morpheme, stem, root, inflectional affix and derivational affix. 2. Two way

2、s of word-formation such as inflections and derivations. Know: 1. The definition of morphemes, free morphemes, bound morphemes, stem, root, affix, inflection and derivation and so on. 2. Two different fields of morphology, including inflectional morphology and derivational morphology. Understand: 1.

3、 Definition of a word2. The classifications of word according to different aspects3. The formation of wordsTeaching focus and difficulties:Focus:1. The definition of morphemes, free morphemes, bound morphemes, stem, root, affix, inflection and derivation and so on. 2. The classifications of morpheme

4、s, such as free morpheme and bound morpheme, stem, root, inflectional affix and derivational affix. 3. Two ways of word-formation such as inflections and derivations.Difficulty: 1. Classification of morphemes2. Inflection and derivations. 1. Review what we have learned in last chapter, and ask some

5、students to answer the following questions: (5m)1) How are English consonants classified?2) How are English Vowels classified?3) What are phonemes and allophones? 2. Study 3.1 Definition of a wordA word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. Z

6、hang Weiyou (1999)a minimum free form Stability -internal structure (cant rearrange)relative uninterruptibility -internal structure (cant insert)Classification of words(1) Basic word stock & non-basic vocabularyContent words & functional wordsNative words & borrowed wordsVariable words & invariable

7、wordsOpen-class words & closed-class words Traditional parts of speech & additional four categories Classification of words (2)Variable words & invariable words (variability)variable words: the words whose form is changeable, words which might appear in different inflective and derivative forms, v.

8、n.invariable words: the words whose form is unchangeable, words which usually occur in the same form such as: since, in, for, of, at, on Classification of words (3)Open-class words & closed-class words (membership)-open-class words: membership is unlimited, n. v. (economic words, scientific words.)-

9、closed-class words: membership is comparatively limited. Pronouns, conj, prep. Articles.Classification of words (4)Traditional parts of speech & additional four categories Traditional parts of speech:N. v. adj. Adv. Prep. Conj. Interj.Article Additional four categoriesParticles : 小品词 infinite maker

10、to, negative maker not, subordinate units in verbal phrases.Auxiliaries: 助词(助动词、情态动词) Pro-form 代词形式 pro-v. pro-adj. e.g. He likes the animal, so do i. e.g. The desk is white, so is the chair. Determiners 限定词 the, a, some, all e.g. all the beautiful Chinese girls, 3. Study 3.2 The formation of word1)

11、 Ask the students to skip over this section and find out the answers to the following questions: a. What is morphology?b. What is morpheme? What is the biggest difference between morpheme and phoneme?c. How can we classify morphemes? 2) 3.2.1 MorphologyDefinition: the study of word-formation, or the

12、 internal structure of words, or the rules by which words are formed from smaller components: morphemes.For example: Verbs are formed by adding ify to either an adjective (adj.) or a noun (n.)在形容詞或名詞加-ify變成動詞*simple (adj.) simplify (v) 簡化*quality (n) qualify (v)使具有資格 *identity (n) identify (v) 認出Mor

13、phemesThe most basic element of meaning is traditionally called morpheme.The smallest meaningful components of words. E.g.: boyish孩子氣的;男孩似的 boy, -ish (two morphemes)3) 3.2.2 Types of morphemes (1)Those that may constitute words by themselves, 自由形式的詞素本身就是一個詞,可以單獨使用 e.g.: boy, girl, table, nation.Free

14、 morphemes PK Bound morphemesThose that cannot occur alone, Bound morpheme includes two types: roots and affixes.e.g.: -s in dogs, -ed in worked, dis- in dislike, un- in unable.A certain affix here refers to an inflectional affix: grammatical endingsTypes of morphemes (2)Root: the part left when all

15、 the affixes are removed 词根Stem: the part left when a certain affix is removed 词干Affix: the part which is attached to other words; usually bound morphemes 词缀E.g.: friend as in unfriendliness. Roots may be: Free: those that can stand by themselves, E.g.: black+board; nation+-al; orbound: those that c

16、annot stand by themselves, E.g.: -ceive in receive, perceive, conceive.Affix: normally divided into: Prefix (dis-, un-) prefixes occur at the beginning of a word.suffix (-en, -ify) at the endinfix (foot-feet) in the middlePrefix 前綴mis- 誤 mistake 誤解 over- 過分 overdo 做得過分 Prefixed modify the meaning of

17、 the stem, but usually do not change the part of speech of the original word. Exceptions are the prefixes be-, and en(m)-.Added to adjectives or nouns they turn the words into verbs.Suffixes modify the meaning of the original word and in many cases change its part of speech. Accordingly, there are n

18、oun-forming suffixes, adjective-forming suffixes, adverb-forming suffixes, and verb-forming suffixes.-er teacher, writer-ician “.(專)家,.工作者” electrician電工-bility “能力” possibility可能性 -hood “時期” childhood幼年時期,童年時期 -age “(人生的)某一時期” orphanage孤兒-ary (adj) elementary基本的, secondary第二位的 -ful (adj) beautiful美

19、麗的, delightful愉悅的, sorrowful悲傷的-en (V 使.) weaken使變弱 , darken, deepen-ize (v 化) modernize使現代化-ly (adj+ -ly=adv n + -ly= adj) slowly慢慢地, friendly友善的-ward (往方向) forward(adv)往前, eastward往東Stem: a morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix may be added, e.g.: friend+-s; write+-in

20、g, possibility+-es.A stem can be a bound root, a free morpheme, or a derived form itself.e.g.:*toler- (root) + affix ate: tolerate忍受 *quick (free morpheme) + affix ly: quickly *careless (a derived form) + affix less Inflectional affix: Bound morphemes which are for the most part purely grammatical m

21、arkers, signifying such concepts as tense, number, case etc.e.g.: -ed, -s, -erHe had regular features. 他五官端正。You will be for the high jump when whey find out youve crashed the firms car. higher education 高等教育Types of morphemes (3)Derivational affix: Bound morpheme which change the category or gramma

22、tical class of words.Added to other morphemes to create new wordse.g.:inter+language interlanguagein+visible invisiblesoft+en softenspeak+er speaker4) 3.2.3 Word-formation(1) InflectionNominal forms: boys, boysVerb forms: wants, wanted, wantingAdjective/adverb forms: smaller, smallest“Inflection”: i

23、s the manifestation of grammatical relationships through the addition of inflectional affixes, such as number, person, finiteness, aspect, and case, which does not change the grammatical class of the items to which they are attached. (2) Word formation a. CompoundTwo or more free roots combine to ma

24、ke a new word.Noun compounds: daybreak, playboy, haircut, windmillVerb compounds: brainstorm, lipread, baby-sitAdjective compounds: gray-haired, insect-eating, duty-freeEndocentric & ExocentricEndocentric: one element serves as the head, the relationship of “a kind of”; e.g.self-control: a kind of c

25、ontrolarmchair: a kind of chairExocentric: there is no head, so not a relationship of “a kind of something”, e.g.scarecrow: not a kind of crowbreakneck: not a kind of neckb. DerivationClass-changing:NV: lengthen, hospitalize, discardNA: friendly, delightful, speechlessVN: worker, employee, inhabitantVA: acceptable, adorableAN: rapidness, rapidityAV: deafen, sweetenAdjAdv: exactly, quicklyClass-preserving:NN: nonsmoker, ex-wife, bookletVV: disobey, unfastenAA: grayish, irrelevant


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