丹麦简单介绍 英文.ppt

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1、,The Kingdom of Denmark,Denmark,The happiest country in the world,Thekingdomoffairytale,The southernmost of theNordic countries, it is southwest ofSwedenand south ofNorway, and bordered to the south byGermany.,Capital: Copenhagen (哥本哈根),It is the largest city of Denmark and the largest airport in th

2、eNordic countries(北欧国家). The city is thegovernmentalcentre of Denmark; it is one of the major financial centres of Northern Europe,Amalienborg Castle) 阿美琳堡宫,Statue of the Mermaid inLangelinie,长堤公园的小美人鱼铜像,National Flag,National Emblem 国徽,National Flower: Holly (冬青),National Bird: skylark(云雀),National

3、 Song:Der er et yndigt lan 有一处好地方,National Day:Apr.16th,Danish Food,Denmark Sandwiches,Danish pastry 丹麦酥,Denmark cookies,Famous people,Hans Christian Andersen,汉斯克里斯汀安徒生,He is the father of fairy tales,fairy tales,Customs,Danish people like using flowers as gifts, especially with 3,4carnation flowers

4、, representing the meaning of gratitude. White flowers in addition to the funeral,give to the bride at the time of the wedding ceremony and the time of baptism, the other times are considered to be taboo. Danes always send yellow flowers to visiters and red flowers to the people who will travel,Denm

5、ark also has special feelings for the ducks. In some cities, cars and pedestrians in the face of ducks, the ducks through comity.,Taboo(禁忌),Danish people avoid 13 and Friday as taboos. They are unwilling to be disturbed or talk business on that day They do not like to talk about the topic of political and social problems and do not like other people to inquire about their private affairs.,


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