What is civil engineering(原版).doc

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1、What is civil engineering?Engineering is the practical application of the findings of theoretical science so that they can be put to work for the benefit of mankind. Engineer is one of the oldest occupations in the history of mankind. Without the skills included in the field of engineering our prese

2、nt-day civilization could never have evolved. Civil engineering is a subject has a very close relationship with human,it has a long history ,but it is also full of vigorous.Now civil engineering is defined as the civil engineering is the floorboard of technology to build all kinds of engineering fac

3、ilities. It means that both applied materials, equipment and the survey, design, construction, maintenance such technology activities, also refers to the object of construction, namely to the engineering facilities service our life, production directly or indirectly build on the ground or undergroun

4、d, onshore or underwater, such as houses, road,railways, bridges, dams, port, power stations, airports, hydraulic structures, water supply and drainage and protection engineering and so on.Provide good function, comfortable beautiful space and channel to meet human activities need, also performance

5、for waterproof infestations, water conservancy and environmental management, this is the primary purpose and the starting point of the civil engineering.Shelter,one of the primary needs of mankind, is provided by civil engineers. The efficient planning of water supply and irrigation systems increase

6、s the food production in a country. Shelters, apart from just being shelters, have been constructed by civil engineers to provide a peaceful and comfortable life.The development of civil engineering went through a long phylogeny. Build house is the earliest civil engineering projects mankind begins,

7、 in paleolithic times. People perched on the trees, or live in a natural cave, afterwards, as the population increase, people start to use stone or branches to build self-stipulation themselves imitate natural cover up, this is the beginning of civil engineering.From slave society, feudal society, t

8、o today, civil engineering, each in material, construction technology and theory various aspects have made great progress. The engineering marvels of the world, starting from the pyramids to todays thin shell structures, are the result of the development in civil engineering.Any discipline of engine

9、ering is a vast field with various specialisations. The major specialisations of civilengineering are Structural engineering, Geotechnical engineering, Fluid mechanics, hydraulics and hydraulic machines, Transportation engineering, Water supply, sanitary and environmental engineering, Irrigation eng

10、ineering, Surveying, levelling and remote sensing and so on.Civil engineering material is the foundation of civil engineering, the new material appears will promote architectural forms innovation, with design and construction process correspondingly improvement and innovation. Civil engineering mate

11、rial is gradually developed from scratch associated with human society advances and productive forces development of society, from natural material to artificial material, from handicraft production to industrial production several stages.In the neolithic age, humans began using the natural material

12、 such as clay wood to built house, with the development of human production tools, natural stone material begin extensively use, 19th century steel, cement, concrete and reinforced concrete civil engineering material appears and application, is the civil engineering materials revolution in the histo

13、ry. In the 20th century appeared plastic alloy, stainless steel and some new civil engineering materials with special function, which makes the 21st century civil engineering materials developed towards lightweight high stength, high durability, functionality, intelligent high-performance materials

14、and environment-friendly green building materials.In todays world, civil engineering works all over the world, such as famous Sydney Opera House, Shanghai World Financial Center, and so on, The original beautiful earth added to a beautiful colour dressed up by civil engineers, with its nature origin

15、al features constitute a beautiful new colour world.The development are both exciting in this subject and its employment. With the urban construction and road construction continues to heat up, the employment situation of civil engineering continued to rise in recent years. Find a job, in terms of t

16、he majority of graduates are not difficult, however, the employment prospects of civil engineering and the direction of national policy and economic development is closely related, the pay levels in recent years, showing a tendency that management ia pay more than technology, and shift from technolo

17、gy management, the shift from technology to management, however, for most students of civil engineering are not easy.Engineering is the practical application of the findings of theoretical science so that they can be put to work for the benefit of mankind. Engineering is one of the oldest occupation

18、s in the history of mankind. Without the skills included in the field of engineering our present-day civilization could never have evolved. Civil engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction of structures that are intended to be stationary, such as buildings and

19、 houses, tunnels, bridges, canals, highways, airports, port facilities, and road beds for railroads. 土木工程是工程学的一个分支,它主研究各种固定建筑物的设计和建造,包括建筑、房屋、隧道、桥梁、河道、公路、机场、港口设施以及铁路路基的设计和修建。 Among its subdivisions are structural engineering, dealing with permanent structures; hydraulic engineering, dealing with the

20、flow of water and other fluids; and environment/sanitary engineering, dealing with water supply, water purification, and sewer system, as well as urban planning and design. 它又可分为结构工程,主要研究永久性建筑;水利工程,主要研究水和其他流体的流动;环境/卫生工程,主要研究水的供应、净化和排水系统,以及城市规划与设计。 Civil engineering offers a particular challenge beca

21、use almost every structure or system that is designed and built by civil engineers is unique. One structure rarely duplicates another exactly. 土木工程学科特别具有挑战性,这是由于工程师设计和建造的每一幢建筑物或每一个系统几乎都是独一无二的,一种结构几乎不可能与另一种结构完全相同。Even when structures seem to be identical, site requirement or other factors generally r

22、esult in modification. Large structures like dams, bridges, or tunnels may differ substantially from previous structures. 即便外表看上去相同的建筑物,由于场地要求或其他因素的改变通常会导致设计方案的不同。大型建筑物如堤坝、桥梁或隧道工程,可能与以前的结构有实质差异。Engineers are required to have solid knowledge of mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Mathematics is very

23、 important in all branches of engineering, so it is greatly stressed. 工程师要具有牢固的数学、物理和化学知识。在工程学中,数学是非常重要的,要予以重点强调。A civil engineer is a member of the civil engineering profession. They may work in research design, construction supervision, maintenance, or even in sales or management. Each of these ar

24、eas involves different duties, different emphases, and different uses of the engineers knowledge and experience. 土木工程师是土木工程专业人员,他们可以从事研究设计、工程监理、维护维修、甚至销售或管理等工作。每个领域有不同的职责、不同的侧重点,运用的工程知识和经验也不同。Classroom Exercises Much of the work of civil engineers is carried out outdoors, often in rugged and difficu

25、lt terrain or under dangerous conditions. Surveying is an outdoor occupation, for example, and dams are often built in wild river valleys. Bridges, tunnels, and skyscraper under construction can also be dangerous places to work. In addition, the work must progress under all kinds of weather conditions. The prospective civil engineer should be aware of the physical demands that will be made on him or her.


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