不用介词 的情况.doc

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《不用介词 的情况.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《不用介词 的情况.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、介词是表示词语之间语义关系的词类。介词与其后的名词短语一一“对号入座”对词语的搭配关系更是至关重要。但是在有些情况下,有些介词是可以省略的,有些甚至必须省略。1. 表示时间的短语中有next,last,one,this,every,each,some,any,all等单词时,省略介词:Can you go to schoolnextMonday?下周一你能上学吗?We moved herelastyear.我们去年搬到这儿。You can comeanydayfrom Monday to Friday.周一至周五你哪一天来都行。We have workedallday. 我们已经干了一整天活。

2、2. today, yesterday, tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow前,无介词:It is sunnytoday. 今天阳光灿烂。We will go to Beijingtomorrow. 我们明天去北京。3. 在不定冠词a/an的短语中:three meals a day 一日三餐4. what time前的at常省:(At)what timewould shecome here?她几点钟到这儿?5. 在last, wait, live, stay等延续动词后,for可省:Iwaitedseveral

3、 hours and then he finally came. 我等了好几个小时后,他才到。6. Wh-引导的名词性从句作介词宾语时,前面介词可省:The little boy had no idea (of)what to donext. 这个小男孩不知道接下来要做什么。7. 含有height, length, size, shape, age, colour, weight等的短语在句子中做表语时:She is just (of)the rightheightto be themodel we need. 她身高正适合我们所需模特的要求。Hershoesare (of) the same

4、sizeas mine 她的鞋子和我的大小一样。8. 在in the same way, in this way, in another way等短语中,in常省:Please tryto doit again(in)the same way. 请用同样的方法再做一次。9. 在口语中,星期前的on常省:Why dont you come and play(on)Sundayevening?星期日晚上到我家来玩不好吗?10. 以下句型中,介词常省:(1)have(no) difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth做某事有(没)困难/麻烦:(2)be busy(in) doin

5、g忙于做某事(3)keep sb busy(in) doing sth使某人忙于做某事(4)spend/ waste time(in) doing sth花时间/浪费时间做某事(5)There/ It is no use/good(in) doing sth做某事没有用(6)keep/ prevent/stop sb(from) doing sth阻止(防止)某人做某事(7)have a good time(in) doing sth因做某事而开心(8)lose no time(in) doing sth抓住机会做某事(9)There is no point(in) doing sth做某事毫无意义(10)take turns(at) doing sth轮流做某事(11)end up(by) doing sth以干某事而告终(12)be engaged (in) doing sth专心做某事哪些情况下必须要用介词,哪些介词在哪些情况下可以省略,这些都需要我们认真区分,牢牢记住,以免画蛇添足,在使用中犯错。


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