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1、第三人称单数只要不是I和you, 又是只有一个的时候(既可以指一个人也可以指一个物品),就是第三人称单数1、 人称代词:he, she, it2、 具体指某一个人:my mother, Julia, Bob, Xiaoling, Ben, Mike 等等3、 指某一个物品:his desk, my desk, my book, the pen, a glass(玻璃杯)4、 this/that/the/a/one +可数单数名词例如:this tree, that man, a book, the picture, one pen动词第三人称单数变化规则(一般现在时) 1、 一般情况下,动词后

2、面直接加 s. 例如:workworks,getgets, readreads, saysays, playplays2、 以ch,sh,s,x 和 o 结尾的动词,在后面加es。 例如:dodoes, gogoes, watchwatches, catchcatches washwashes, finishfinishes, guessguesses, fixfixes3、以“辅音字母 + y”(辅音字母为倒数第二个字母,y为最后一个字母)结尾的动词,把 y变为 i 再加 es. 例如:study- studies try-tries carry-carries fly-flies cry-

3、cries4、 特殊: 例如:havehas, beam/is, *注:英语26个字母中,元音字母为:a, e, i, o, u,剩下的21个全都是辅音字母。第三人称单数用于一般现在时,描述一件经常发生的事,例如含有频度副词(always, usually, often, sometimes, never)的句子, 含有every+(day, week, morning, afternoon, evening, night)当句子是否定句或者疑问句时,如果句子含有be动词(is, am, are)或者情态动词(can, could, will, would, must, should, may

4、, might)时,则用这些词的否定形式(否定句)或把这些词提前(疑问句),如果句子不含有be动词或情态动词,则要使用助动词do来否定或提问,这时候原来的动词要用原形。1) He watches TV every night. (人称代词)否定句:He doesnt watch TV every night. (没有be动词或情态动词,用do。主语是第三人称单数,dodoes)一般疑问句:Does he watch TV every night?特殊疑问句:What does he do every night? How often does he watch TV?(他多久看一次电视?)2)

5、 She likes drawing pictures. (人称代词)否定句:She doesnt like drawing pictures.一般疑问句:Does she like drawing pictures?特殊疑问句:What does she like? Whats her hobby?3) It is usually rainy and cold in winter.(人称代词)否定句:It isnt usually rainy and cold in winter.一般疑问句:Is it usually rainy and cold in winter?4) Lily goe

6、s to school by bus. (具体人名)否定句:一般疑问句:5) Maths(数学) is my favourite subject. (科目)否定句:一般疑问句:6) My mother goes to work by car. (单数的人)否定句:一般疑问句:7) This is my teacher. (this) 否定句:一般疑问句: 8)That is a tree. (that)9) The red book is our teachers. (物品) 动词现在分词变化规则1、 一般情况下,动词后面直接加ing 例如:workworking, readreading,

7、saysaying, playplaying, studystudying, trytrying, flyflying, dodoing, gogoing, watchwatching, washwashing, guessguessing, singsinging, ringringing2、 以“辅音字母 + e”结尾的动词,把e去掉后再加ing 例如:dancedancing, drivedriving, givegiving, hopehoping, taketaking,comecoming, liveliving3、 重读闭音节:双写最后的辅音再加ing 例如:sitsitting

8、, runrunning, putputting, shopshopping, getgetting, forgetforgetting, beginbeginning, preferpreferring4、 特殊: 例如:lielying, diedying动词的现在分词用于现在进行时(am/is/are+doing)或者like/love/start/begin/finish等后面的动词1) The dog is running. (现在时)2) I am doing my homework in my bedroom. (现在时)3) Look, they are playing foo

9、tball in the playground. (现在时)4) I like reading books. 5) My hobby is drawing.6) Mike loves swimming.7) Lets start(=begin) cooking! 8) Does Julia finish doing her homework?情态动词(can, could, will, would, must, should, may, might)后面的动词用原形1) I can swim very fast.2) Can you do my homework?3) Could you please give me the book?4) I think I will want a cup of coke.5) They would come to my birthday party.6) You must go to school on weekdays!7) You should go home after school.8) May I read your book?


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