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1、M1U1 What can you smell and taste?1. 词汇: watermelon西瓜 grape 葡萄 plum李子 cherry樱桃 strawberry草莓 guess 猜 purple紫色的 smell闻 taste尝 sweet甜的 fruit水果 crunchy易碎的 vine藤 sour 酸的 summer夏天2. 词组:a glass of watermelon juice 一杯西瓜汁 smell it 闻闻它 I think 我觉得 close your eyes闭上你的眼睛 sweet and nice又甜又美味 How about-? -怎么样? on

2、 a tall vine 在一条高藤上 3. 句型:-What do you have? -Close your eyes. Smell it. Is it -or-? -Its. , I think. -Now taste it. How does it taste? -Its. -What is it? -Its.What do you like?你喜欢什么?Do you like red ones or green ones?你喜欢红色的还是绿色的?A red apple for you and a green apple for me.一个红苹果给你, 一个青苹果给我How does

3、the red apple taste?那个红苹果尝起来如何?What nice grapes!多美味的葡萄啊!They are not sweet at all.它们根本不甜. M1U2 How does it feel?一 单词:soft 柔软的 hard坚硬的 rough粗糙的 smooth光滑的sharp锋利的 blunt钝的,迟钝的 thick厚的 thin薄的whose谁的 these 这些 those那些 toy bear玩具熊touch触摸 round 圆的 beach海滩 sand沙子blind 盲的 hear 听到 answer回答 hot 热的cold冷的 二 短语: S

4、o thick这么厚 put your pen in the bag把你的笔放在书包里 big and round又大又圆 smooth and soft光滑柔软 Take off my shoes脱掉鞋子 of course 当然 In the sand在沙子里 one of the brothers兄弟们之一take it to the lost-property office带到失物招领处 touch the elephant触摸大象 the last brother 最后一个兄弟 play in the school yard在校园里玩三 句型:1. -Whose.is this th

5、at? -Its.2. -Whose.are these those? -They are.2.How does it feel? 它感觉怎么样?3.Whats the matter? 怎么了?4.Theres something in the sand. 沙子里有东西。5.Here comes a man on an elephant. 有一个人骑着大象走过来。6.I like eating and drinking.我喜欢吃喝。 M1U3 Look at the shadow!一 单词: hill 小山 lawn 草地 path 小路 bench长凳 rise 升起 shadow 阴影 h

6、igh高的 again 再,又 paint画 cut 剪 stick 贴 sometimes 有时 grow 长成,变得 beautiful 漂亮的 soound 声音 behind 在-后面 bite 咬 fast 快的 follow 跟随 together一起 stop 停止 afraid害怕 二 短语 Look at 看- in the morning在上午 Rise behind the hill在小山后升起 On the lawn 在草地上 in the sky 在天空中 Grow short 变短 on the bench 在长凳上 Go down in the evening 晚

7、上落下 on the path 在小路上 Cut them out把它们剪出 at noon在中午 Also my friend也是我的朋友 stay behind me呆在我后面 Walk in front of me 在我前面走 walk down the road 沿着马路走 Hear a sound 听到一个声音 look back 朝后看 See a black shape 看到一个黑影 dont bite me 不要咬我 Be afraid 害怕 run away 跑掉 Follow him 跟着他 like his new friend 喜欢他的新朋友 Play with it

8、和他一起玩三 句型: 1. You are like me 你很像我 2. Lets play together.让我们一起玩 3. He is not afraid now.他现在不害怕了. M2U1 Sports一 单词: Play football 踢足球 play table tennis 打乒乓球 Play volleyball打排球 play badminton打羽毛球 Play basketball打篮球 poster 海报 Club 俱乐部 favourite 最喜爱的 Join 加入 never 从不 Swimsuit泳装 swimming cap 泳帽 Warm-up热身

9、exercise 运动 Before 在之前 clean 清洗 Healthy 健康的 strong强壮的 Spare 空闲的 hobby兴趣爱好二 短语: A badminton club 一个羽毛球俱乐部 my favourite sport我最喜欢的运动 Me too 我也是 join the club together 一起加入俱乐部 Who else其他的谁 would like to do 想要做某事 Let me see 让我看看 play badminton with me跟我一起打羽毛球 Talk with 与某人谈话 in the classroom 在教室里 Come w

10、ith us 和我们一起来 never play badminton 从不打羽毛球 Cannot be too long or too small 不能太长也不能太小 A pair of swimming goggles 一副游泳镜 get in your eyes 进入你的眼睛 Do warm-up exercises做热身运动 go into the water 入水 Make you healthy and strong 使你健康强壮 in my spare time 在我的空余时间三 句型: 1. -Doeslike-(doing)? -Yes,-does.No,-doesnt. 2.

11、 Who else would like to join?其他还有谁想加入? 3. There is a badminton club in our school.在我们学校有个羽毛球俱乐部. 4. Enjoy yourself in the swimming class!在游泳课上过得愉快!M2U2 Cute animals一 单词: Bone 骨头 cat food 猫粮 parrot 鹦鹉 fish鱼 Dog food 狗粮 tortoise 乌龟 cute 较小可爱的 large大的 Bowl 碗 meat肉 shake摇 leave叶子 Mouse 老鼠 hungry饥饿的 clim

12、b爬 fat肥胖的 Jump跳 tired劳累的 catch捉住 hole洞二 短语: A large bowl of cat food 一大碗猫食 smell nice 闻起来不错 See an apple on the tree 看到树上一只苹果 Fall down 倒下 sleep in his basket 睡在它的篮子里 Wake up 醒过来 run away 跑开 Climb onto a door爬到一扇门上 jump off the door 从门上跳下来 Go back to his hole 回到它的洞里 be angry生气的三 句型: 1. How about Sam

13、? Sam怎么样? 2. He doesnt eat dog food at all .它根本不吃狗粮. 3. What animals do you like ?你喜欢什么动物? M2U3 Home life一 单词: Bedroom 卧室 living room起居室 bathroom浴间 Kitchen 厨房 wash 洗 cook 煮,烹调 Star 星星 tell 告诉 storybook故事书 Bedtime休息时间 chat 聊天 interesting有趣的 Holiday 假期 shell贝壳 二 短语 in the living room在起居室chat with my p

14、arents和父母聊天 do my homework做家庭作业 make a model plane制作飞机模型 wash my hair洗头发 cook dinner煮晚餐 turn off the lights关灯 have a look看一看 watch TV with my parents 和父母一起看电视 at night 在夜晚 look at the stars 看着星星 tell me a lot about告诉我很多关于- tell us a fairy tale 为我们讲一则童话故事 a lot of interesting stories 许多有趣的故事 have a h

15、oliday在度假 play beach ball over there在那玩沙滩球三 句型: 1. What are they doing now? 他们在干什么? 2. They are telling us a lot of stories about themselves.他们正在为我们讲许多关于他们自己的故事 3. What a beautiful beach!多漂亮的海滩啊! 4. 现在进行时Module3 Unit1 Sounds1. Be doing 正在做某事2. noisy 吵的;有噪音的3. outside 在外面4. loud 大声的5. quiet 安静的6. bel

16、l- doorbell- wind-bell 铃;门铃;风铃7. television-TV 电视机8. a thick card 一张厚纸板9. crayons 蜡笔10. string(uncountable)绳子11. a pair of scissors 一把剪刀12. excuse me 不好意思;打扰一下13. hear sth. 听见14. too quite/loud 太安静/太吵闹15. be careful 小心;仔细16. be in front of 在的前面17. doze 打盹18. on the bench 在长凳上19. be awake 醒来20. be pu

17、zzled 困惑的21. live by 住在边上22. pond 池塘23. have a bath 洗澡24. sing songs 唱歌25. old tortoise 老乌龟26. fly away 飞走27. have a nap 打个盹28. in the end 最终,最后Module3 Unit2 Time1. get up 起床2. brush-brushing teeth刷牙3. have-having breakfast 吃早餐4. a quarter to /past 5. oclock 点6. be late 迟到7. half past 点半8. wash face

18、 洗脸9. Friday evening 周五晚10. Lets have dinner 我们吃饭吧。11. back home from work 工作完了回家12. its time for bed 该是睡觉的时候了13. do a puzzle 玩拼图14. so much fun 那么有趣15. Finish doing sth. 完成做某事16. Watch the cartoon 看卡通;看动画片17. On the sofa 在沙发上18. battery 电池19. wake up 醒来20. leave home 离开家21. all the way 一路上22. stop-

19、stopped-stoppingModule3 Unit3 Days of the week1. always-usually-often-sometimes-never2. fromto从到3. school library 学校图书馆4. Chinese chess club 象棋俱乐部5. have a good time 享受美好时光6. visit my grandparents 拜访我的爷爷奶奶7. see a film 看电影8. play badminton 打羽毛球9. go to the park 去公园10. play basketball 打篮球11. play foo

20、tball 踢足球12. in the middle of 在的中间13. clever 聪明的14. shy 害羞的15. kind 善良的16. play sports 做运动Module4 Unit1 A Music Class1. play the violin/guitar/drum/piano/triangle2. its time for Music Class上 音乐课的时间到了3. whose 谁的4. over there 在那里5. beside 在边上6. play a guessing game 猜一猜7. piper 吹笛手8. be full of 充满;到处都是

21、9. here you are 给你10. musical instrument 乐器Module4 Unit2Festivals in China1. have some classes 上一些课2. the Old Peoples Home 敬老院3. the Spring Festival 春节4. important 重要的5. buy new clothes 买新衣服6. traditional food 传统食物7. have a big dinner 吃大餐8. money in red envelopes 压岁钱9. watch firework 观看焰火10. colorfu

22、l多姿多彩的11. watch dragon boat race 观看龙舟赛12. eat rice dumplings 吃粽子13. look at the beautiful moon 赏月14. eat mooncakes 吃月饼Module4 Unit3Story time1. duckling 小鸭子2. swan 天鹅3. nest 巢穴4. ugly 丑的5. make a nest 筑巢6. the fourth 第四7. sit on 坐在上8. lovely 可爱的9. worm 虫10. too heave 太重11. lonely 孤单的;孤独的12. swim away 游走了13. drive away 赶走


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