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1、Unit1Test A1. differentiating syndromes and treatment 辨证论治2. syndrome differentiation with eight principles 八纲辨证3. location of diseases 病变部位4. tendency of pathological changes 病势5. external disease factors 外感病邪6. duration of a disease 病程7. aversion to cold 恶寒8. nasal congestion 鼻塞9. sore,itchy throa

2、t 喉痒咽痛10. penetrate from the superficial layers to the interior of the body 由表传里11. changes in tongue coating 舌苔变化12. cold limbs 四肢厥冷13. pallor/pale face 面色苍白14. clear and copious urine 小便清长15. absence of thirst 口不渴16. primary disease 原发病17. pale tongue with white coating 舌淡苔白18. malar flush 颧红19. s

3、truggle between the anti-pathogenic factors and pathogenic factors 正邪相争20. yang/yin depletion/collapse 亡阳/亡阴21. reduced appetite 食欲减退22. abdominal distention 腹部胀满23. qi transformation 气化24. pseudo-cold and real heat 真寒假热二句子翻译1. The clinical manifestations of diseases, though intricate, can be analyz

4、ed with the eight principles according to the category, location and nature of disease as well as the conflict between the anti-pathogenic factors and pathogenic factors.疾病的临床表现尽管错综复杂,但基本上都可以用八纲从疾病的类别、病性、邪正盛衰方面进行分析。2. The differentiation of the exterior/interior syndromes is a relatively simple one

5、preliminary to the other principles.与别的辩证原则相比,辨别表里是第一步,而且比较简单。3. Interior syndromes are often associated with chronic diseases.They are characterized by high fever, aversion to heat, restlessness, thirst, scanty and brownish urine, constipation, reddish tongue with yellowish fur and rapid pulse.里证常与

6、慢性疾病有关,通常表现为以下症状:高烧、恶热、烦躁不安、口渴、小便短赤、大便秘结、舌红苔黄、脉数等。4. A clear understanding of the cold and heat syndromes is of great significance for identifying the nature of a disease and guiding the treatment.辨别寒证与热证,对于认识疾病的性质和指导治疗有着重要的意义5. Excess refers to excessive pathogenic factors and deficiency refers to

7、deficient anti-pathogenic factors (healthy qi), thus excess and deficiency are two principles summarizing and discriminating the predominance and decline of the two polar factors.实证主要指邪气盛实,虚证主要指正气不足,所以实与虚是用以概括和辨别邪正盛衰的两个纲领。Unit 21. in concrete practice 在具体操作中2. data collection 数据采集3. the first level

8、of inspection 望诊的第一步4. rosy cheek 红润的面颊5. eye contact 目光交流6. favorable prognosis 预后良好7. dull in response 反应迟钝8. heavy in body motion 身重9. slight illness 身体不舒服10. visual diagnosis 望诊11. regain health 恢复健康12. core substances 核心物质13. overall impressions 总体印象14. beyond the examination of SHEN 除望神外15. in

9、 an unbalanced state 处于失衡状态16. no coat/absence of coat 无苔17. greasy coating 苔腻18. course of an illness 病程19. be responsible for transportation and transformation 主运化20. indicative of 表现为21. long-standing disharmony 长期失调22. the underside of the tongue 舌下23. circulatory system 循环系统24. blood stagnancy

10、血瘀二句子翻译1. Inspection is a visual diagnosis made by a physician to determine the patients health condition and identify the disorders. It is one of the Four Diagnostic Technigues in Chinese medicine practice.望诊是医生用眼睛对病人进行观察医疗接病人的健康状况、进而推断病情的一种诊察方法,是中医四诊之一。2. False vitality is seen in patients sufferi

11、ng from prolonged and severe diseases with extremely declined essence and qi. It is sudden and momentary ,likethe last radiance of the setting sun, as described by the ancient people.假神见于久病重病、精气极度衰弱之人,一般比较突然、短暂,古人喻为“回光返照”。3. Complexion could be varied due to different constitution, geographical envi

12、ronment, seasons, weather and occupation.由于个人体质、地区环境、季节、天气和职业等差别,个人肤色也不尽相同。4. A normal tongue is seen as soft, flexible and slightly red with proper size, thin white moist coating evenly distributed on it.正常舌主要表现为舌体柔软,运动自如,色淡红,大小适中,苔薄白均匀铺于舌面。5. A stiff tongue shows blockage in the meridians and coll

13、aterals, and is usually seen in cases of apoplexy or a precursor to it.僵硬舌多为经络阻滞,属中风或中风先兆。Unit 31. tonify kidney yang 温补肾阳2. dispel cold 祛寒3. warm meridians 温经4. five-element(phase)model/theory 五行学说5. four properties 四气6. five tastes 五味7. lifting, lowering, floating, or sinking 升降浮沉8. alleviate spas

14、modic pain 缓急止痛9. clearing heat and purge fire 清热泻火10. warm the interior 温里11. strengthening yang 壮阳12. reverse the upward motion of qi 降气13. drying dampness 燥湿14. superficial wing heat syndrome 外感风热证15. herbal dispensary/shop 中药店16. stagnant blood syndrome 血瘀证17. activate qi and blood motion 行气活血18

15、. yang deficiency syndrome 阳虚证19. Galenical medicine 盖仑制剂(草药制剂)20. softening and eliminating swellings and masses 软坚散结二句子翻译1. He ascribed his failure of treatment to misdiagnosis. 他把治疗失败归因于诊断错误。2. Tears are constantly produce to lubricate the movement of the eyes. 不断产生的眼泪起到润滑眼睛的作用。3. Chinese medical

16、 researchers have successfully developed a new medicine to alleviate the cancer patients suffering. 中国医学研究人员已成功研制出一种新药来缓解癌症病人痛苦。4. Different from Guizhi (Ramulus Cinna momi), Rougui (Cortex Cinna momi) is often used to tonify kidney yang and dispel cold evil. 与桂枝不同,肉桂常常用于温补肾阳和祛除寒邪。5. Aromatic herbs

17、are often used in cooking. 芳香的药用植物常常用于烹饪。Unit41、中医药法traditional Chinese herbal medicine2、 治法Treatment strategy3、 易怒irritability4、祛痰expel phlegm5、补血tonify the blood6、八法the eight7、 吐法vomiting8、和法harmonizing9、 清法clearing10、补法tonifying11、营气nutritive qi12、抑郁depression13、方剂formula14、把误诊为.misdiagnose.as15、

18、洪脉flooding pulse16、清热clear heat17、补气tonify qi18、汗法sweating19、下法darning downward20、温法warming21、消法reducing22、肺气lung qi23、卫气protective qi24、脓肿abscess1、中医药学的实践包括理、法、方、药四个部分。The practice of traditional Chinese herbal medicine consists of theory, strategy, formulas, and substances.2、解表剂具有发汗、解肌、透疹等作用。Exter

19、ior-effusing formulas have diaphoretic, muscles-releasing and eruption-promoting effects.3、祛风剂具有疏散外风或平息内风等作用。Wind-dispelling formulas dispel or extinguish pathological wind, either external or internal.4、清热剂具有清热、泻火、凉血、解毒等作用。Heat-clearing formulas clear heat, purge fire, cool blood or counteract toxi

20、ns.5、补益剂具有保养人体气血阴阳等作用,主治各种虚证。Tonifying and replenishing formulas reinforce yang, replenish qi, nourish blood or supplement yin in deficiency condition.Unit 51.电刺激electrical stimulus2.生理功能physiological function3.联合in conjunction with4非创伤性的non-invasive5按摩疗法massage therapy6血液循环blood circulation7生命活动lif

21、e activities8经络meridians and collaterals9缓解疼痛pain relief10肌肉痉挛muscle spasm(cramp)11恢复平衡restore balance12得气arrival of qi(qi arrival) 13电针electro-acupuncture14耳针ear(auricular) acupuncture15血液供应blood supply16对应correspond to17穴位acupuncture point18拔罐cupping19火罐fire cupping20组织损伤tissue injury21内脏internal

22、organ(s)22抗体水平antibody level23内啡肽分泌Secretion of endorphin24临床实验Clinical trials Translate the following sentences into English1、针法是把毫针按一定穴位患者体内,运用捻转提插等手法来治疗疾病 Acupuncture refers to the insertion of fine needles into certain acupuncture points in conjunction with such needling methods as lifting, thru

23、sting and twirling to treat disease. 2、火罐的使用范围从早期的外科痈肿扩大到腰背肌肉劳损、头痛、哮喘、腹痛、外伤瘀血、一般风湿感冒及酸痛诸证 Indications of cupping extend from carbuncles and swelling at earlier stage to muscle sprains in lumbar and back areas headache, asthma, abdominal pain, traumatic congestion, general cold caused by wind-dampnes

24、s as well as aching pain.3、孕妇、妇女月经期、活动性肺结核、精神失常者、肌肉痉挛抽搐者不宜拔罐 Cupping is not appropriate for pregnant women, during periods, patients with active tuberculosis, or mental disorder, or with muscles spasm or convulsion.4耳针在治疗诸如肥胖、酒精中毒等方面效果显著。 Auricular acupuncture has been effective in treating problems

25、 ranging from obesity to alcoholism.Unit61、 外感热病externally contracted febrile disease 2、 伤寒cold-induced disease3、 温病warm disease 4、 (专题)论文treatise5、 外感咳嗽externally contracted cough6、 内伤咳嗽cough due to internal injury7、 脾水edema due to dysfunction of the spleen8、 肾精不足insufficiency of kidney essence9、 胃

26、寒stomach cold10、腹痛abdominal pain11痰饮(病)phlegm and fluid retention12、大肠经Large Intestine Meridian13、脾胃阳虚spleen-stomach yang vacuity14、少阴寒化证Shao yin cold pattern15、水谷之海reservoir of water and cold 16、胃气不足stomach qi disharmony17、肾阳kidney yang18、脾失健运spleen failing to move and transform19、纳差poor appetite20

27、、肾气不固insecurity of kidneyTranslate the following sentences into English1、 如果这一平衡遭到破坏,就会导致肾的阴阳失调。If the balance is disturbed, there will be disharmony between yin and yang of kidney.2、 这种病在初期会导致恶寒、发热、头痛、四肢酸软、脉浮等症状,属表里证。At its early stage, is characterized by aversion to cold, fever, headache, aching

28、pain and weakness of the four limbs with floating pulse, which belongs to the exterior syndrome3、 疾病发展的过程中,在一定条件下,表证和里证可同时出现。,During the course of disease and under certain conditions, there may appear simultaneous internal and external syndromes.4、 机体的阴、阳任何一方虚损到一定程度,常可另一方不足。When deficiency and detr

29、iment of either yin or yang reach a certain point, insufficiency of yin or yang often results.5、 脾胃气虚的病人应保持良好的饮食习惯。A patient with qi deficiency in the spleen and stomach should keep a good dietary habit.Unit 7短语翻译1、 妇科诊断:diagnosis in gynecology 2、 妇产科:gynecology and obstetrics3、 肾为水火之源:kidney being

30、the origin of both water and fire 4、 妊娠腹痛:abdominal pain during pregnancy5、 异位妊娠:ectopic pregnancy 6、 先兆流产:threatened abortion 7、 经前综合征:pre-menstrual syndrome8、 堕胎:induced abortion9、 早产:premature delivery10、 妊娠贫血:anemia during pregnancy11、 带下病:leukorrheal diseases12、 产后病:postpartum diseases13、 产后腹痛:

31、postpartum abdominal pain 14、 恶露不尽:prolonged lochia15、 产后血晕:postpartum fainting due to hemorrhage 16、 产后自汗:spontanneous sweating after childbirth17、 盆腔炎:pelvic inflammation 18、 月经过多:menorrhagia19、 乳房疼痛:breast pain 20、 小产:miscarriage21、 月经先期:advanced menstruation22、 月经后期:retarded menstruation23、 月经延长

32、:menostaxis24、 痛经:dysmenorrhea句子翻译1、 偏头痛与月经过多和子宫内膜异位症相关Migraine is associated with menorrhagia and endometriosis.2、克隆技术只提供给那些没有生育能力,又没有其他选择的人Cloning technique will be only for those people who suffer from infertility and have no other options.3、许多专家认为本病的主要发病机理是肾气不足,气血运行不畅致淤血内阻胞宫。A lot of experts thi

33、nk its main pathogenesis is that insufficiency of kidney energy and blood stasis due to qi stagnation causes blood stasis of uterus.4、有27.6%的未婚女性认为没有必要避孕,还有69.3%的未婚女性当问及长期避孕和一次性人工流产哪种行为更经济合算时,不能做出正确的判断。27.6% unmarried females considered it unnecessary to perform contraception,and another 69.3% could

34、 not tell whether contraception or induced abortion was cost-effective.Unit 8短语翻译1、 麻疹:measles2、 水痘:chicken pox3、 儿科生理学:pediatric physiology4、 未完全发育:immature5、 纯阳体质:pure yang constitution6、 小儿肺炎:child pneumonia7、 小儿哮喘:child asthma8、 儿科生理病理学:pediatric pathophysiology9、 病程:course of disease10、 伏邪:deep

35、-lying evils11、 小剂量:small doses12、 六淫:six environmental excesses13、 疠气:pestilential qi14、 消化能力弱:weak digestion15、 恰恰相反:just the reverse16、 治疗儿童的要点:key points in treating children 17、 及时治疗:treat in time18、 临床实践:clinical practice19、 恰当的饮食和生活方式:proper diet and lifestyle20、 天花:smallpox21、 杂病:miscellaneo

36、us diseases22、 阴不敛阳:yin is not capable of checking and controlling yang23、 稍治疗就有效:respond to light treatment句子翻译1、 当时的研究表明:66%的儿科医生认为在青春期医学方面,他们没有受过充分的训练。Studies at that time showed that 66 percent of pediatricians thought they had insufficient training in adolescent medicine. 2、 应该鼓励家长帮助孩子独立自主,避免对孩

37、子过度保护。Parents should be encouraged to avoid overprotection and to help their children to be independent. 3、 对本药品有过敏史者,孕妇哺乳期妇女及小儿禁用。The product is contraindicated in patients allergic to it and in children and nursing women.4、 儿童比成人更容易患病。Children are susceptible to disease than adults.5、 根据中医理论,大部分儿科

38、疾病和三个主要的脏器有关,他们是肺、匹、肝。According to TCM theory ,there are three main organs responsible for the majority of pediatric disease. They are lung ,spleen and liver.Unit 9短语翻译4. 软组织 soft tissue5. 治疗方法 therapeutic methods6. 创伤疾病 traumatic diseases7. 正骨科 bone-setting department8. 脱位 dislocation9. 慢性劳损 chroni

39、c strain10. 解剖结构 anatomic structure11. 先天发育不全 congenital aplasia12. 营养状况 nutritive condition13. 脏腑功能失调 visceral dysfunction14. 邪毒感染 infection of pathogen15. 地域因素 geographic factors16. 放射线 radioactive rays 17. 发病时间 time of onset 18. 发病过程 process of onset 19. 畸形 deformity20. 弥漫性肿胀 diffuse swelling 21.

40、 弹性固定 elastic fixation22. 重叠移位 overlapped displacement 23. 肌肉萎缩 atrophy of muscles 24. 功能锻炼 functional exercise 25. 功能恢复 functional recovery26. 患病部位 diseases part27. 皮下气肿 subcutaneous emphysema句子翻译1. 中医骨伤科学历史悠久,它是在中国人民长期与各种损伤疾病作斗争的过程中产生的。Orthopedics and traumatology of TCM has a long history ,and it

41、 has developed from the Chinese peoples struggle against various traumas.2. 元代的太医分为九科,内有疮肿兼折疡病。Medical institution in the Yuan dynasty was composed of nine departments, in which there was a bane-setting department.3. 创伤病因分为两类:内因和外因。Etiology of trauma falls into two categories:exogenous pathogenic fa

42、ctors and endogenous.4. 中医对骨伤的诊断独树一帜,可分为问诊、望诊、闻诊、触诊、量诊。The diagnosis of Orthopedics and traumatology has its unique characteristics in TCM and includes inquiry ,inspection and olfaction ,palpation and measurement.5. 外治有很多方法,如外用药物、手法、固定、手术、功能锻炼,根据病情选择不同的治法。External therapy consists of many methods ,s

43、uch as external application of medicine ,manipulation ,fixation ,operation and functional exercise ,which should be chosen according to the disease condition.Unit 10短语翻译1.治未病prevention first2.中医经典文本a classic Chinese medical text3.预防医学preventive medicine 4.急病emergency disease5.疾病治疗disease interventio

44、n6.生死攸关a matter of life and death 7.原因不明的疾病idiopathic diseases 8.基因组解码untangling of the genome9.病理机制pathomechanism10.特殊体质specific constitution11.生活方式lifestyle 12.在紧急情况下in dramatic situations 13.发现疾病 disease detection14.难以察觉的症状subtle manifestations15.恢复平衡reverse imbalances16.致命疾病life-threatening illn

45、esses 17.一成不变的hard and fast 18.替代医学alternative medicine 19.发挥巨大作用play a huge part in 20.诊断准确 accurate diagnosis 21.饮食和生活习惯dietary and lifestyle habits 22.幸福安康well-being23.收益为零a net gain of zero24.进入稳定期hit a plateau句子翻译1.长期以来,相对疾病的治疗,中医更看重疾病的预防。Chinese medicine has long valued preventive medicine abo

46、ve emergency disease intervention.2.中医简明性的优势在于它能用明了的术语解释大部分疾病的进程并很快提出预防措施。The advantage of TCMs simplicity is its ability to lucidly explain,in its own terms,most of disease processes,and then to right away be able to suggest preventive solutions.3.预防医学让我们重新审视我们生活的各个方面、我们的选择、我们的价值观以及我们的生活方式。Preventive medicine calls us to re-examine every aspect of our lives,our choices,our values,and our lifestyle.4.4000多年来,中医没有靠实验室试验和直观研究进行治疗,而是发展了其他发现疾病的方法。TCM developed other methods of disease detection for over 4,000 years without l


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