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1、六年级知识点总结(下册)Unit 21. in front of 在物体外部的前面 例:There are some trees in front of the building. 反义词 behind 在这个楼前有一些树。 in the front of在物体内部的前面 例:There is a desk in the front of the classroom. 反义词 behind 或 at the back of 在教室的前部有一张书桌。2. next to 靠近,几乎例: She sat next to her mother. 她坐在她妈妈的旁边。 Its next to impo

2、ssible to win the game. 要赢那场比赛几乎不可能。3. cross,across 和through(都有穿越,穿过的意思,用法不同) cross 是动词 例:I want to cross that street soon. 我想迅速穿过那条大街。 across 是副词,指从一个平面的一端到另一端,如:海的一端到另一端,across the ocean, through是副词,强调在三维立体的内部穿过.还有抽象的意义,如度过了某段时间等。 如:through the tunnel 穿过隧道4. 问路的几个表达方法 How can I get to the + 你想去的地点

3、Where is the + 你想去的地点Can you tell me the way to the+ 你想去的地点5. 巧记时间名词前的介词的用法年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行。遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in。要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行。正午夜晚用at,黎明用它也不错。at也在钟点前,说“差”用to,past表示“过”。6. 巧记地点名词前介词的用法:里面、上面in和on,over,under上下方,in front of前,behind后,at是在某点上。来自from,朝前to,里面穿过是through,表面穿过across,到上面onto进into。在旁边beside,附

4、近near。7. fromto从到表示时间 例:I have classes from 9:00 to 11:30. 我从9点到11:30上课。表示地点 例:They flew from Beijing to Shanghai. 他们从北京飞到上海。8. beside,by,near的用法 (都有“在旁边”的意思,也可互相换用) beside多用于表达靠近人 例:Im standing beside you.我正站在你旁边。 by 多用于表达靠近物 例:There is a tree by the river. 河边有棵树。 near 表达的距离通常比 beside和by要远些 例:There

5、 is a river near my house. 在我家附近有条河。9. get home 到家 注:get to为“到”后接home,here,there等地点副词时省略to go home 回家 注:同样home 为副词省略to10. house,home,family的区别(都表示家,但所指不同) house房子,指居住的建筑物 例:His house is not far from here.他的住所离这不远。 home 指某人出生和居住的环境 例:He goes home very late。他回家很晚。family家庭或家庭成员 例:My family lives in Tia

6、njin. 我家在天津住。(家庭,做单数) 例:My family are watching TV.我的家人在看电视。(家庭成员,做复数)11. There be 句型 (表示“在有” ) 基本结构: There is/are + 某人/某物(主语)+ 某地/某时(地点状语/时间状语) 注意:is 和 are 要和后面主语保持一致,即: There is + 单数可数名词或不可数名词 There are + 复数可数名词 例:There is a book on the desk. 在书桌上有一本书。 There is some water in the glass. 在杯子里有一些水。 Th

7、ere are some birds in the tree. 在树上有些鸟。 另外要注意:当句子中出现几个并列的主语时,be动词要与靠近的主语的数上保持一致区别这两个句子 : There is a girl and some boys in the classroom. There are some boys and a girl in the classroom.12. There be 句型拓展(时态的变化) 一般现在时 There is /There are 一般将来时 There will be 和 There is going to be(单数)/ There are going

8、to be(复数)例: There will be a birthday party this evening. 今晚将有个生日宴会。 There is going to be a birthday party this evening. 今晚将有个生日宴会。 There are going to be two meetings this afternoon. 今天下午将有两个会议。There will be 否定形式是 There wont be一般疑问句是 Will there be? 回答 Yes, there will. / No, there wont.另: There is goi

9、ng to be/ There are going to be 否定形式是There isnt going to be/ There arent going to be一般疑问句是 Is there going to be? / Are there going to be?回答 Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Yes, there are. / No, there arent. 一般过去时 There was (单数) 和 There were(复数)例: There was a birthday party yesterday evening. 昨晚有个生日

10、宴会。 There were two meetings yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午有两个会议。 There was/There were 另: 否定形式是 There wasnt /There werent一般疑问句是 Was there? / Were there? 回答Yes, there was./ No, there werent.13. few,a few, little, a little的用法与区别 a few和few + 可数名词, a little 和little + 不可数名词 a few 和 a little 为肯定含义,意为 “一点,几个,少量,

11、 几乎没有” 。 few 和 little为否定含义,意为“很少,几乎没有” 。 例:He has a few friends.他有几个朋友。 He has few friends. 他几乎没有朋友。 We have a little time. 我们还有点时间。 There is little water in the bottle. 瓶子里没有多少水了。14. 关于look的短语 look for 寻找 look after 照看,照料 look out 小心 look out of 朝外看look forward to doing sth 盼望,期待 look around 四处看,到处寻找look like 看上去像 look through 浏览 look into 调查,向里看look up 仰望,向上看,查阅 look down 俯视,向下看,也可意为“看不起”15. get off “下车” ,反义词为 get on “上车”


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