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1、迎来送往Interpret the following dialogue alternatively into English and Chinese:A: 先生,请问您是从美国来的约翰逊先生吗?B: Yes, I am David Johnson. And you must be Mr.Zhang.A: 是的,我叫张明。约翰逊先生,我一直在此恭候您的来到。B: Thank you for coming to meet me. Just call me David. First name is more friendly than lastname.A: 好的,欢迎您到上海来,旅途可好?B:

2、Not too bad. But we were later than expected. Our plane delayed taking off as we ran into astorm. We were held up for several hours at the airport, waiting for the storm to clear up. Buton the whole, we had good flying weather.A: 嗯,您也安全无恙到达了,经过这么久的旅行肯定很累了,我们直接开车回宾馆吧。B: Yes, I am rather tired. But Il

3、l be all right by tomorrow.A: 但愿如此,我们明天晚上为您安排了一个宴会。B: Youre very kind, indeed. Ill be glad to come.A: 好的,我们王总要我想您问好,遗憾的是他不能亲自来接你。:B: It doesnt matter at all.A: 我祝您能在此过得愉快。有什么需要,请跟我说。我去推行李车,您到行李台那里等我吧。B: Thank you so much. You take the traveling-bag and I can manage the casesA: 都齐了,我们的车等在外面,我们走吧。B: Y

4、es. Lets go.宾馆入住A: 晚上好,欢迎光临富平饭店。能为您效劳吗?B: Yes, Id like to check-in, please.A: 好的,请问您的姓名?B: Yes, its Robert Smith.A: 先生,您有没有预约?B: Yes, for tonight.A: 请稍等,我查一下预约纪录让您久等了,我们恐怕没有你们的预约纪录。您在哪里预约的?B: Thats very strange. It was made about two weeks ago through our travel agents at home,Orient Tours, Californ

5、ia.A: 请稍等,我再查一下预约纪录让你久等了,我们恐怕没有东方旅行社以您的名义所做的预约纪录,你有确认函吗?B: No, we dont, we only have a copy of our itinerary.A: 请给我看一下好吗?这恐怕不够充分。B: Well, do you have a room for us?A: 我们恐怕没有三人房了,但是我们可以另加一张床在双人房里,这样合适吗?B: Yes, thats fine.A: 很好,先生。请登记吧,您能用印刷体大写写上你的名字吗?B: Yes, here you are.参考译文迎来送往A: Excuse me, sir, ar

6、e you Mr. Johnson form the United States?B: 是的,我是美国来的大卫约翰逊,你一定是张先生了。A: Yes, Im Zhang Ming. Mr.Johnson, I have been expecting you.B: 谢谢你来接我。就叫我大卫吧,称呼名字比称呼姓要更亲切一些。A: OK. Welcome to Shanghai. Did you enjoy your trip?B: 还可以,但是比预期的晚到了。下大雨,班机推迟了,我们在机场等到天气转好才起飞。总的来说,飞行天气还不错。A: Well, you arrived safe and so

7、und. I suppose you must be very tired after the long trip, so wewill drive directly to the hotel.B: 是的,是很累了。但我明天就能恢复。A: I hope so. We shall give you a dinner party for tomorrow evening.B: 你们真好,我很乐意前往。A: Good. Mr. Wang, our general manger, sends his greetings to you, but regrets that he is unableto c

8、ome to meet you in person.B: 没关系的。A: I hope youll have a pleasant stay here. If theres anything you need, please let me know. Ill get a luggage cart and meet you over there at the carrousel.B: 谢谢,你拿这个行李包,我来提箱子。A: Everything is here. (I think we have everything.) Our car is waiting outside. Shall we

9、go now?B: 好的,走吧。宾馆入住A: Good evening. Welcome to the Pingfu Hotel. May I help you, sir?B: 我要登记住宿。A: Certainly, sir. May I have your name, please?B: 我叫罗伯特史密斯。A: Do you have a reservation with us, sir?B: 有的,预约今晚。A: Just a moment, please. Ill check our reservation recordThank you for waiting, sir. Imafr

10、aid we have no record of your reservation.Where was it made?B: 这就怪了。我大约是两个星期前在家里,通过加州的东方旅行社代办的。A: Just a moment, please. Ill check our reservation record againThank you for waiting, sir. Imafraid we have no record of any reservation made by Orient Tours in your name. Do you havea confirmation letter

11、?B: 没有,我们只有一张影印的旅程表。A: May I see it, please? . Im afraid this wouldnt be enough.B: 那么贵店有没有我们可住的房间?A: Im afraid we have no triple rooms but we can put an extra bed into one of our double rooms.Would that suit you?B: 好的,那样很好。A: Very good, sir. Will you register, please? Could I ask you to put your nam

12、e in block capitals?宴会招待Dialogue 1A: 女士们、先生们,请随便坐。我们今夜准备了中国式的酒菜,希望各位都会喜欢。B: That sounds delicious.A: 我想大家都熟悉,就不必再做介绍了。B: Its wonderful to meet so many friends here.A: 这是中国式的冷盘,请大家随便用点。B: Please dont worry about us. We wont miss anything that is nice.A: 大家多吃点烤鸭。B: Yeah. Its skin is crisp and its meat

13、 is very tender. Im glad you like it.A: 中国的烹调丰富多彩。B: That makes it perfectly wonderful in appearance, smell and taste.A: 请多吃点鱼。B: The dinner was so delicious.A: 各位能够赏光到此,我感到非常荣幸。让我们举杯敬祝史蒂芬先生和夫人健康。B: Thank you all very much. I am sorry that I cant stay longer. Otherwise, I should like to call upon yo

14、u all.A: 各位干杯吧。 B: Cheers!Dialogue 2A: Whats the dish? They look so cute.B: 这是小笼。正宗的上海小点。沾着香醋,别有风味。A: Let me have a try. Would you please pass me the vinegar?B: 给你。A: Thank you. We have a good appetite. The cooking is excellent.B: 谢谢。请再多吃点宫爆鸡丁。A: Ive had enough. Thank you so much.B: 我很高兴你说喜欢吃。A: Oh,

15、 Im afraid its rather late. We have to go now. Mrs. Chang, thank you for your hospitality.B: 真的吗?你能再呆会儿吗?A: Id like to. But I have to go back earlier. Tomorrow I have a lot of things to do. Thanks foreverything!B: 没什么。我很高兴你喜欢今天的饭菜。A: Because you cook pretty well.B: 谢谢。祝你在上海一切顺利。A: Thank you. Good ev

16、ening.B: 再见。宴会招待Dialogue 3A: Mr. Zhou, nice to see you again. Its very kind of you to have invited me here.B: 我也很高兴再次与你相见,您能光临是我们的荣幸。A: Chinese people are known for their hospitality. Now Ive experienced it by myself.B: 您是用筷子还是刀叉呢?A: I think Ill try chopsticks and see if I can manage.B: 好的。那您是喝红酒还是白

17、酒呢?这里有王朝和茅台。A: I prefer Dynasty, Thank you.B: 好的。现在我们来尝尝菜肴吧。这是红烧海参。A: Very savory. Chinese cooking is famous all over the world.B: 你喜欢就好。这是香酥鸭,请趁热吃。A: Great! Its tender and crisp. Do you know how it is cooked?B: 先加各种佐料和香料蒸,然后用猪油炸脆。A: Oh, it must take a long time to cook!Whats this?B: 这是红烧扣肉菠菜。吃这道菜时喝

18、上一杯王朝酒特别香。A: Thats a good idea. The dish is good in color, aroma and taste at the same time. Thank youagain for such a nice dinner!B: 不客气。参考译文宴会招待Dialogue 1A: Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen, and make yourselves comfortable. We have prepared aChinese meal for this evening. I hope youll all li

19、ke it.B: 听上去很可口。A: I think you all know one another, so there is no need for any introduction.B: 在此见到这么多朋友,真是好极了。A: Here are the Chinese cold dishes. Please help yourselves and choose what you like.B: 请别客气。好吃的东西我们不会错过的。A: Have some more the roast duck, please.B: 好的,它的皮脆而肉嫩。A: Chinese cooking has a c

20、harming variety.B: 色、香、味都非常好。A: Please help yourselves to some more fish.B: 今天饭菜很美味。A: I consider it a great honor to have you all here. Let us drink to the health of Mr. and Mrs.Stephen.B: 十分感谢各位。我们很抱歉在此不能久留,否则定当一一拜候各位。A: Everybody! Cheers!B: 干杯!Dialogue 2A: 这道是什么点心?看上去好可爱。B: This is meat bun, an i

21、ndigenous Shanghai dish. If it is dipped in vinegar, the taste is especiallyenhanced.A: 让我尝尝,能不能麻烦您把醋递给我?B: OK.A: 谢谢。我们今晚胃口很好。您的厨艺真不错。B: Thank you. Please eat more Kongpao Chicken.A: 我已经吃了很多了,谢谢。B: Im so glad that you like it.A: 噢,恐怕太晚了。我们现在要走了。常太太,谢谢你的盛情款待。B: Really? Can you stay some time longer?A

22、: 我很愿意。但我必须早点回去。明天还有很多安排。谢谢您安排的一切。B: Not at all. Im glad that you like the dishes.A: 因为您烹饪水平很高。B: Thank you. Wish you all of the best in Shanghai.A: 谢谢,晚安。B: Goodbye.参考译文宴会招待Dialogue 3A: 周先生,很高兴再见到您。非常感谢您邀请我到这里。B: Nice to see you too and its a pleasure to have you here.A: 以前就听说中国人十分好客,今天我亲身体验到了这一点。B

23、: Would you like to use chopsticks or knife and fork?A: 我想试试筷子看看行不行。B: Well. Would you like wines or spirits?We have Dynasty and Maotai spirits.A: 我比较喜欢王朝。谢谢。B: OK. Now lets try the food. This is braised sea-cucumber.A: 非常鲜美。中国的烹饪世界闻名啊。B: Im glad that you like it. Heres the crispy roast duck. Please

24、 have it while its piping hot.A: 不错,又嫰又脆。您知道这是怎么做的吗?B: Steam it with various herbs and spices and then fry in lard to crisp it.A:那做这道菜一定很费时间啦!这又是什么?B: Braised pork slices trimmed with spinach. Its especially tasty to have a glass of Dynasty withit?A: 这个主意不错。这道菜色香味俱全。再次感谢您邀请我参加这个丰盛的晚宴。B: You are welc

25、ome!商务谈判A: To be frank, it would be very difficult for us to market your products at the price offered.B: 我们的报价与国际市场是一致的,是可行的。A: We have been approached by other suppliers with offers about 10% lower than yours.B: 低10% 吗?这不可能。你们把我们的产品和他们的作比较了吗?是同一档次的吗?A: Your product may have certain advantages over

26、 theirs, but the price gap shouldnt be as wideas 10%. We will have to turn to other suppliers if you dont make some reduction.B: 你想要减多少?A: A reduction of 5% is only reasonable.B: 恐怕你狮子大开口了,百分之五根本不能考虑,我们决不可能减去那么多。A: Then how much can you go down?B: 为了有助于你们推销产品,作为例外我们减价百分之一。A: You know, this is the fi

27、rst business contact between us. I sincerely hope a transaction can beconcluded. Lets split the difference and meet each other half way.B: 我十分同意你的观点。作为友好的表示,我接受你的建议。A: Thank you and Id like to sign our paper today.B: 好啊!我很高兴我们能够圆满成交。A: Me too.B: 我希望我们以后多多合作。购物A: 欢迎来到杭州丝绸市场。我们这里有各种各样的丝织品。B: This is r

28、eally a kingdom of silk!What a colorful display it is!A: 我能为您做点什么?您喜欢什么样子和颜色的丝织品?B: I want a blouse in traditional Chinese style with hand-made embroidery.A: 请来这边。希望这些架子上有您喜欢的样子。B: Wow, they all look fabulously beautiful and I really dont know which one to choose. Thisseems to be my size. May I try

29、it on?A: 当然可以。不过那件是中号的,您得穿大号的。试试看这件吧!B: Thank you. The material is nice, but I look pale in the color.A: 那这件红的怎么样?裁剪稍微有点不同,可能更适合您。B: Thank you. Look at these embroideries. Arent they pretty? I especially like these exquisitetraditional Chinese buttons.A: 是啊,图案中间的龙凤代表着祥和,还会给您带来好运。B: I see. This is th

30、e right thing Im looking for. I hope its not very expensive.A: 这件衬衫上的刺绣全是手工制成的,颜色又很多,式样又好。250块一件。B: 250 yuan? Thats a little out of my expectation.What about 350 yuan for 2 of this?A: 那不行。如果您真的喜欢我可以给你打个八折。200块一件怎么样?B: All right. Ill take 2.参考答案商务谈判A: 坦白说,你们的报价很难让我们在市场上成功地打开销路。B: Our price is in line

31、 with the world market and it is workable.A: 我们和其他的供货商接触过,他们的报价比你们低10%。B: 10% lower? Thats impossible. Have you compared our products with theirs? Are they thesame class?A: 你们的产品可能比他们的略有优势,但价格差也不可能10% 那么多。如果你不能减价的话,我只能找其他的供货商了。B: What did you have in mind?A: 至少减价5%才是合理的。B: I am afraid you are asking

32、 too much. A 5% reduction is out of the question. We can never goas far as that.A: 那么你能减到多少?B: To help you sell your product, well make an exception and reduce the price by 1%.A: 这是我们之间的第一笔生意,我真诚地希望能成交。让我们抛开分歧,各人让一步。B: I totally agree with you. As a gesture of our good will, we accept your suggestio

33、n.A: 谢谢,我想今天就把合同签了。B: O.K. I am glad we have brought our business talk to a successful conclusion.A: 我也是。B: I hope we will have more cooperation in the future.购物A: Welcome to Hangzhou Silk Market. We have a large variety of silk fabrics here.B: 这里真是丝绸的王国啊!这些陈列的货品真是五彩缤纷!A: What can I do for you? Do y

34、ou have a particular style or color in mind?B: 我想买一件衬衫,传统中国式样的,上面还要有手工缝制的刺绣。A: This way, please. I hope you can find something you like from these racks.B: 哇,这些简直太漂亮了,我都不知道该挑哪一件。这件的大小好像比较合适,我能试穿一下吗?A: Certainly. But thats a medium-sized one. You need a large regular. Will you try this one?B: 谢谢。质地不错

35、,但这个颜色把我的肤色衬的很苍白。A: Then what about this red one? It has a different cut and may fit you better.B: 谢谢。看看这些刺绣,太漂亮了!我特别喜欢这种精美的中国传统钮扣。A: Yes. The dragon and phoenix in the middle stand for prosperity and will bring you good luck.B: 我明白了。这正是我想要的,希望价钱不要太贵。A: The hand-made embroidery, various colors and the good style - Its 250 yuan.B: 250块?有点超出我的心理价位了。350块两件怎么样?A: Sorry. You can get a 20% discount if you really like it. 200 for each, OK?B: 好吧,我要两件。


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