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1、Notice of Retraction After careful and considered review of the content of this paper by a duly constituted expert committee, this paper has been found to be in violation of IEEEs Publication Principles. We hereby retract the content of this paper. Reasonable effort should be made to remove all past

2、 references to this paper. The presenting author of this paper has the option to appeal this decision by contacting TPIIieee.org. Empirical Study on the Elements of Employment Ability ofCollege Students Based on Employing Unit Xu Honghua School of Management China University of Mining and Technology

3、, CUMT Xuzhou, Jiang Su, China E-mail: Wang Yanhua Quality cultivation; Factor analysis I. INTRODUCTION At present, employment of college students has become the focus of Chinese government, society and universities. Since the enrollment expansion of colleges and universities in 1999, the situation

4、of college students employment has become more and more severe. Many scholars and research institutions are looking for reasons and solutions for graduating student difficulty in obtaining employment. Some contribution conclusions that affect the employment of university students appeared, such as c

5、ollege student self-ability lack theory, university education system lag theory, total social demand deficiency theory and so on. No matter what lead to the difficult employment for college students, we can not ignore the issue of employment of university students. From the macro level, it is not on

6、ly related to economic development also the social stability; at intermediate level, it has subsequent effect on the number of new students in colleges as well as quality of human resources; from the microcosmic aspect, it will affect the students psychology and behavior. Therefore, this paper start

7、s from the perspective of employing unit, exploring their requirements for university students quality and ability through relevant interviews and questionnaire survey, concluding the elements of employment ability of college students, which provides related measures to the solutions of difficult em

8、ployment for college students, government and community. II. CONNOTATIONS AND RESEARCH OVERVIEW OF COLLEGE STUDENTS EMPLOYMENT ABLITY A. Connotations of Employment Ability For a long time, Chinese and foreign scholars have never stopped the study on the employment ability, but there is no uniform de

9、finition of employment ability still now. The International Labor Organization (IL0) holds that employment ability is a workers ability to secure and retain a job, progress at work and cope with change in work and life 1. British scholar Hillage and Pollard described employment ability as employabil

10、ity, it referred to being capable of getting and keeping fulfilling work and obtain new employment when necessary. Employability of university graduates refers to the ability in a dynamic process from job acquisition, maintenance job to re-selection and acquisition of new posts. Chinese scholars gen

11、erally agree that the employability of university students is a set of various qualities that students achieve employment smoothly and keep job opportunities; employability refers to the capability that college students obtain in school through knowledge learning and the development of comprehensive

12、 quality, which is able to achieve the ideal job, meet social needs and realize their own values in social life 2. Employability of university graduates is not simply refers to a particular skill or ability, but rather a collection of students various capacities, this concept includes entirely stude

13、nts various capacities 3. In content, which include learning ability, thought ability, practical ability, application ability, adaptability, etc. Learning ability is the ability to acquire knowledge, which is the cornerstone of employability; thought ability embodies the integrate of thinking abilit

14、y (including creative ability), and political identification, social insight, emotional and moral quality, and it is the symbol of college students maturities; practical ability refers to students ability to use knowledge, it is the extremely clever aspect of employment link and outside reflect of c

15、omprehensive application of various abilities; adaptability refers to the ability of psychological and physiological regulating of self-management in any environment, it is the key for university students to obtain job and change successfully from student-role to social occupation-role. We classify

16、the elements of employment ability into subjective factors and objective factors, subjective factors. Subjective factors can be controlled and changed, while objective factors are Technological Fund of China University of Mining Some proceed from college students themselves, believe that college stu

17、dents are lack in employment ability, career awareness and job search skills, their career expectations are too high or too low, and they feel confused and fear about the employment prospect, all these lead to difficult employment; Some analyze from the college enrollment policy, higher education sy

18、stem, establishment of curriculum system and management model of colleges, and put forward that higher education system and policy should be blamed for the effect on difficult employment; Some experts believe that difficult employment for college students in China present is inevitable outcome of th

19、e transformation of national economic development model, popularization of higher education, and enhancement of students awareness in pursuing their own value realization. We may pay attention to it but not need fear it severely. Other experts propose to solve college students employment difficulty

20、by effective employment guidance, which is inducted from the comparison of Chinese and western career design 5. Based on the researches of domestic and foreign experts, we easily find that difficult employment for college students continuously highlight the problem of general weaker employment, and

21、employability discrepancies also reflect the differences in the competitiveness level of colleges 6. We can see that there are two issues deserve attention: first, make clear the elements of current college students employability; second, how to enhance college students employability effectively so

22、as to help them to be successfully employed after graduation. Therefore, this article start from the reality of employing unit to verify the elements of college students employability, through analysis of these factors, finding effective countermeasures of enhancing the college students employabilit

23、y, and laying a foundation for the construction of development system of college students employability. III. RESEARCH IDEARS AND METHODS A. Research Idears According to the above theoretical basis and the study results of scholars at home and abroad, we know that there are many elements of college

24、students employability. This paper focuses on the individuals internal factors, accompanied by external ones. After extraction, we classify the elements of college students employability into 24 individuals internal factors: health status, professional position, professional knowledge, foreign langu

25、age proficiency, etc.; As well as five individuals external factors: gender, family background, popularity of graduated institutions, national employment policy, acquisitions of employment information 7. Thus the described characteristic level titles of related elements of college students employabi

26、lity are designed, coupled with enterprise nature variable, indicators to measure the leadership effectiveness of organization. Then we designed a questionnaire about the elements of college students employability and investigate relevant organization personnel. The major elements of college student

27、s employability based on employing unit were educed by statistical analysis of the collected data through SPSS17.0 software, which will provide guidance for universities and students in the promotion of employability. The questionnaire of elements of college students employability included two dimen

28、sions: internal factors of individual college students and external factors of individual college students. Title 1-24 was belonging to the first dimension, and 25-29 belonging to the second dimension. In addition, we have adopted 5-point Likert-scale to define the relevant factors level, the number

29、 1-5 respectively represents unimportant , general , important, very important and extremely important. B. Research Methods The sample of this paper is centralized in enterprises and institutions (mainly enterprise, select the leaders above middle-senior of each unit or human resources-related worke

30、rs as the investigation object. In this study, totally 1140 questionnaires were sent out, 994 were handed in, in which, 959 valid ones, with a collective rate of 87.19%, and an effective rate of 96.48%. An empirical study of non-experimental methods was adopt in this paper, initial data was collecte

31、d through questionnaire method, then statistical software SPSS 17.0 was used for further analysis. In this study, the mainly adopted statistical methods are: questionnaire reliability analysis, validity analysis, factor analysis and population mean analysis. C. Questionnaire Reliability and Validity

32、 Testing 1) Reliability analysis Reliability is a measurement of the reliability degree of data and conclusion, in another words, it is the degree of whether the measurement tool can measure the proceedings stably. This study used Cronbach internal consistency coefficient () to test the reliability

33、of the questionnaire. TABLE I. RELIABILITY STATISTICS Cronbachs Alpha Cronbachs Alpha Based on Standardized Items N of Items .902.90729 From the above table we can learn that, through the SPSS statistical analysis, the questionnaires Cronbachs Alpha value is 0.902, standardized value of is 0.907, wh

34、ich indicate that the questionnaire is of very good reliability. 2) Validity analysis Here we made use of KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) test and Bartlett Test of Sphericity to judge whether factor analysis were suitable for the variables. From Table 2 we could see that 936 KMO value was 0.897, according

35、to Kaisers criteria, it was very suitable for factor analysis if KMO values were between 0.8 and 0.9. The concomitance probability given by Bartlett Test of Sphericity was 0.000, less than significant level of 0.05, declined to zero, therefore rejected the null hypothesis and deemed that factor anal

36、ysis was suitable for factor analysis. It also showed that the questionnaire has high validity. TABLE II. KMO AND BARTLETTS TEST Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure. .897 Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 11178.589 df 276 Sig.Bartlett .000 IV. RESULTS A. Factor Analysis Results Factor analysis

37、is to construct a few representative factor variables that come from a large number of original variables, there is a potential requirement that all the original variables should have strong correlation to one another. We used principal component analysis method to analyze variables1-24 in the origi

38、nal questionnaire for the first time, determining the number of factor is 6 and getting 9 public factors. The cumulative factor variance rate was 65.456%, which ensured the significant role had on the information description of original variables. Then, we used Varimax method to rotate factor loadin

39、g matrix, and abolished the coefficient whose absolute value was less than 0.5, after rotation, the meaning of factor variables 1,2,3,4,5 were a little clear, respectively reflected the elements of college students employability: internal capacity, personal qualities, expand capacity, learning perfo

40、rmance, personal image. As the sixth factor covered only a variable, we removed the corresponding variable health status, and conducted the second factor analysis. The number of factors is still 6 this time, getting the following conclusions: KMO value of the questionnaire is 0.896, which is suitabl

41、e for factor analysis; The gained six public factors meanings were much more clearer, the first factor could fully explain the characteristics of personal qualities, the second factor could fully explain the characteristics of internal capacity, the third factor could fully explain the characteristi

42、cs of social work ability, the fourth factor could fully explain the characteristics of learning performance, the fifth factor could fully explain the characteristics of personal image, and the last factor could fully explain the characteristics of level of foreign language and computer. Detailed re

43、sults of factor loading rotation matrix would appear in Table 3. TABLE III. ROTATED COMPONENT MATRIX A Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 Usual performance/ professional position .703 Professional knowledge .665 Foreign language proficiency .750 Computer level .717 Educational level .801 Interpersonal skill .782

44、 Adaptability .768 Self-confidence .703 Initiative .673 Analysis ability .569 Organization ability .715 Leading ability .773 Learning ability Innovation ability Honest/Upright .753 Responsibility .734 Professional Ethics .798 Hard-working .753 Team cooperation spirit.738 Work experience .668 Organiz

45、ational citizenship awareness .553 Dignified and courteous manner .814 Personal image .813 Extraction method : Principal component analysis Rotation method : With Kaiser standardized orthogonal rotation method a. Rotation converged in 7 iterations. 937 From Table 3 we know that the first factor cove

46、rs five variables honesty / upright, responsibility, professional ethics, hard-working, team cooperation spirit, so it is called quality cultivation capability. The second factor covers four variables interpersonal skill, adaptability, self-confidence, initiative, so it is called individual internal

47、 capability. The third factor covers five variables analysis ability, organization ability, leading ability, work experience, organizational citizenship awareness, so it is named social work capacity. The fourth factor covers three variables Usual performance/ professional position, Professional kno

48、wledge, educational level, so it is called learning ability. The fifth factor covers two variables dignified and courteous manner, personal image, so it is called personal appearance charm. The sixth factor covers two variables foreign language proficiency, computer proficiency, so it is named as th

49、e certificates obtaining ability. Therefore, based on employing unit, we conclude that the main elements of the employability of college students are: quality cultivation capability, individual internal capacity, social work capacity, learning ability, personal appearance and charm, certificates obtaining ability. B. Results of Population Mean Analysis Through central tendency analysis of data, we derive the


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