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1、小学常用的60个动词短语 小学常用的60个动词短语read the letters读信buy a cake for him为他买个蛋糕be fine很好go to school去上学say hello to sb向某人问好say goodbye to sb向某人再见visit my school参观我的学校look at a photo看图片welcome to our school欢迎来到我们学校behind the lake在湖后面feed the birds 喂鸟make a note 写笔记in the zoo在动物园play football踢足球between the lakes在

2、湖中间have an ice cream吃冰淇淋close the gate 关门near the left of my house在我房子的左边on the left of the park在公园的右边in the middle of trhe playground在操场的中间play a game玩游戏on their left在他们左边pick the flowers摘花in Toms school在汤母的学校at the back of在的后面wake up叫醒look at the time看时间want to go to sleep想去睡觉be nice to sb对人好be fr

3、iendly to sb对人友好be polite to sb.对人礼貌be helpful to sb.对人乐于助人chat with each other互相交谈get a letter from sb.得到来信hear from sb.得到来信go home 回家write a letter写信have fun得到乐趣do sport做运动do exercise做运动keep a diary写日记send them to her发它们给他watch too much TV看太多电视listen to her听他want to know想知道show sb. sth.给某人看某物e-mai

4、l me发邮件给我practise with my friends与朋友门练习use sth.to do sth.用某物做某事go to the school library去校图书馆make model planes做模型飞机tell your friends about your school lifewalk him带他散步ask for help寻求帮助get some imfoemation得到信息say it again再说一遍hear sb. well听清楚have a trip旅行meet uo with sb.与某人见面need to pactise it more需要多练f

5、rom one to another从这到另一个organize the class trip组织旅行teach us English 教我们英语go to the Computer Club去电脑俱乐部go to her dancing lesson去他的舞蹈棵be busy doing sth.忙于某事on the football field在足球场at the end of在末尾know a lot about computers知道许多关于电脑from day to day 日复一日greet your partners问候你的搭档use sth.more than once不止一次

6、使用learn more about the world了解更多世界borrow your pen 借你的钢笔every day excpet Mondays每天除了星期一have no time to do sth.没有时间做某事like all the lessons喜欢所有课程start a role-piay开始分角色扮演start to learn English 开始学英语be good at擅长do well in擅长be clever at擅长like dancing喜欢舞蹈in Class1在一斑in the classroom在教室wear glasses戴眼镜look a

7、fter the e-dog 照顾电子狗live in Beijing住在北京make friends叫朋友read the book读书on this floor在这层in Nanjing在南京in the street在这条街far from原离start school开始上学meet sb.见某人meet new friends见新朋友after school放学后after class下课后listen to music听音乐love him very much非常喜欢他write about yourself写自己on the badminton court在羽毛球场地in the

8、swimming pool在游泳池talk with sb.和某人交谈eat in a restaurant在餐馆吃饭at the weekend在周末on the farm在农场collect the eggs收集鸡蛋sing a song唱歌play for效力in the next World Cup在下一届世界杯in Part One在第一部分in English用英语in the school Reading Club在英语俱乐部help you帮助你work with others合作at home在家stick your photo here把你的照片贴在这sound great

9、听起来好sweet smell闻起来香play happily玩得开心go to clubs 去俱乐部living place 居住地on Page 19在十九部分at school在学校have a good time玩得开心do morning exercises做早操at lunchtime在午餐时间in the playground在操场send a e-mail发邮件watch football games看足球比赛play badminton打羽毛球watch TV看电视play together一起玩under the tree在树下at the new school在新学校lo

10、ok at the posters看海报be answered被回答need to 需要eat nice food吃好的食物practise saying练习说inthe Building B在大楼B里clean the classroom打扫教室stand up 起立sit down坐下more than once不止一次dress as a ghost打扮成鬼at 8 p.m在下午八点make larnters做灯complate the notes完成笔记make some notes写笔记out of出自hear every thing听见所有have a holiday 有一个假期b

11、e on holiday度假see the doctor看病talk about讨论at Christmas在圣诞节be born出生on Monday在星期一in May在5月want a party想要个聚会finish homework完成作业buy mooncakes买月饼have a party举行聚会look for寻找in the year在一年里draw a picture画花western people西方人play a game完游戏write a plan写计划have to必须go there去那open the door开门close the window关窗by b

12、ike骑车by bus坐汽车come from来自at the shop在商店play with friends和朋友玩under the bed在床下make a card做张卡片go to my home去我家watch the moon赏月have a look看看have a party举行聚会buy a cake买蛋糕buy them买他们near the school在学校附近go fishing去钓鱼go running去跑步in the morning在早晨in the afternoon在下午at night在晚上in the evening在夜晚have a car 有一辆汽车eat dumplings吃饺子eat the cake吃蛋糕have a dinner举行晚宴


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