创新大学英语综合教程2 复习资料.doc

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1、创新大学英语综合教程2 复习资料(Unit 1) vocabulary 1, directions1) Despite a number of setbacks, they persevered in their attempts to fly around the world in a balloon.2) The two countries have always maintained close relations.3) He quickly sketch the view from the window.4) I met the old lady as i was walking do

2、wn a steep path out of the village.5) She carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out.6) I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.7) The swimming pool is drained and cleaned every winter.8) The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings.9) They went on a ten-mile

3、 hike through any other buildings.10) This kind of bookcase can easily be assembled using a screwdriver.11) The village of East Anglia are marked by beautiful churches with fine towers.12) Economic growth expected to average 2% next year.13) She stationed herself at the window to await his return.14

4、) If you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will give you a full refund.15) These plants will grow best in a humid atmosphere.(unit 2) 1) he struggled to retain control of the situation.2) His experience abroad provides a wider perspective on the problem.3) It is generally assumed that stress

5、is caused by too much work.4) The two pictures are similar, although not identical.5) Let me give an example to illustrate the point.6) Thousands of illegal immigrants in Japan have surrendered to police.7) The officials were eager to convince us of the safety of the nuclear reaction.8) The total va

6、lue of the paintings is assessed at $20 million.9) Despite growing pressure, the Minister of State refused to give way.10) She has acquired an email address and a site on the World Wide Web.11) The majority of residents here are decent citizens.12) The Army has set up mechanisms to help jobless ex-s

7、oldiers get work.13) The heavy traffic is a constant source of irritation.14) All his decisions have been entirely governed by self-interest.15) I dont understand the mentality of these teenagers.(unit 3)1) Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post.2) The doctor

8、 said he was optimistic that the little boy would make a full recovery.3) They held a spectacular firework display to mark the new millennium.4) He always has the well-being of the masses at heart.5) The retired worker is very enthusiastic about neighborhood affairs.6) She showed a great talent for

9、acting at an early age.7) During the earthquake, much of the relief work was done by volunteers.8) The affair is a symptom of a global economic crisis.9) Someone who is alert is good at noticing what is happening round them and reacts quickly and intelligently.10) He bought the land because he could

10、 see that it had development potential.11) I cant concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on.12) My grandfather chose teaching as his career; its the only job hed ever done.13) Henderson recalled that he first met Pollard during a business trip to Washington.14) It really irritate me whe

11、n he doesnt help around the house.15) It is universally acknowledged that dogs have an acute sense of smell.(unit 4)1) After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again.2) Of the six people in the plane that crashed, only one survived.3) There is little chance that we will su

12、cceed in changing the law, nevertheless, it is important that we try.4) You need to feel the rhythm of the music in order to dance properly.5) Several glasses slide off the tray and crashed to the floor.6) The factory has now cease production and will close next month.7) He wept bitterly when it was

13、 time for us to leave.8) It was reported that millions of Jews were slaughtered in the concentration camps during World War .9) I grabbed the door handle, pulled the door open against the force of the wind, and ran up the stairs.10) She was awakened by a noise at two in the morning.11) Listen! Someo

14、ne is tapping on the window.12) The target audience for this advertisement was mainly teenagers.13) “Quiet, someone may hear us!” she whispered.14) Four women, walking two abreast, approached, their shoes loud on the wooden walkway.15) To my astonishment, it had completely disappeared.(unit 5)1) All

15、 these small states were unified into one nation.2) We shall defend, our city, whatever the cost may be.3) The hotel offers a high standard of service at competitive.4) He is the CEO of a multimillion-dollar enterprise.5) New Zealand has beautiful natural landscape with green hills and mountains.6)

16、The fence marks the boundary between my land and hers.7) I like the challenge of learning new things.8) The mountain was finally conquered by climbers in 1982.9) Doctors are sometimes threatened with violence if they dont do what patients want.10) Its difficult to preserve your dignity when you have

17、 no job and no home.11) Our country has grown rich because of its commerce with other nations.12) Much of our countrys artistic heritage was destroyed during the war.13) The defendant claimed that he had a fair trail.14) Their religious conviction prevented them from taking up arms.15) Retired group

18、s were driven from their homes to alien regions.(unit 6)1) Journalists are reporting that the situation has now normalized.2) In 1972, our country established diplomatic relation with Japan.3) A/an overwhelming majority of the members were against the idea.4) Richardson played a/an vital role in the

19、 teams success.5) Who will preside over the meeting hasnt yet been decided.6) They all doubt about the governments long-term economics strategy.7) Chinese Literature brings you contemporary Chinese novels, stories, plays and poems.8) The result of the election was released through official channels.

20、9) Please keep me fully informed of any developments.10) He asked several questions concerning the future of the company.11) The scandal about mayor caused a sensation.12) Hard work is essential. But theres also a time for rest and relaxation.13) A delegation of government officials will visit Germa

21、ny this Wednesday.14) In his speech he proposed that the UN should set up an emergency center for the environment.15) Preliminary market research has shown that most Americans prefer environmentally-friendly products.(Unit 1) structure 1,directions1) wherever she goes (她所到之处), there are crowds of pe

22、ople waiting to see her.2) Whichever you buy (不管买哪一个), there is a six-month guarantee.3) Whoever wants to speak to me on the phone (不管谁打电话找我), tell them im busy.4) Keep calm, whatever happens (无论发生什么事情).5) She leaves her bedroom window open, however cold it is (无论天气多么冷).(unit 2)1) To a great extent

23、(在很大程度上), she influences his decisions.2) They found that to certain extent age affected language-learning ability(在一定程度上年龄影响语言学习能力).3) He was weak to such extent that he could hardly stand up by himself(几乎到站不起来的程度).4) He had changed to the extent that i no longer recognized him(以至于我都认不出他来了).5) Ever

24、ything happened quickly to such an extent that i hadnt time to calm down and think it over(以至于我都没有时间静下来思考一下).(unit 3)1) We got ourselves to the railway station at 12.30, only to find that the train had already left(结果却发现火车早已经开走了).2) Michael tried to call the Embassy, only to be told that Marry was i

25、n meeting(结果却得知玛丽正在开会).3) They tried to frustrate us with failures, only to strengthen our determination(没想到却坚定了我们的决心).4) He stopped smoking for the sake of his health(为他的健康着想).5) They were ready to suffer death for the sake of their country(为了他们的国家).(unit 4)1) There are four factories in this town,

26、 each having over 100 workers.2) He rushed into the room. His face covered with sweat.3) She entered the room, nose red with cold.4) All the tickets having been sold. They went away disappointed.5) His legs badly hurt. He had to stay in bed.(unit 5)1) When it comes to the impact of weather on wood(谈

27、到天气对木材的影响), Humidity is the key player.2) When it comes to the opening of university campus to tourists(说到大学校园向游客开放), different people hold different views.3) When it comes to involvement of college students in business activities(说到大学生涉及商业活动), there are different opinions.4) While passing the ball

28、to Jim(把球传给吉姆时), John broke the window.5) While in prison(在监狱时), she wrote her first novel.6) Spartans were trained to fight while still little boys(还是小男孩时).(unit 6)1) Hurry up! Here comes the bus(公共汽车来了)!2) Chinas first nuclear test was carried out in October 1964. Then followed a second in may 196

29、5(接着的第二次是在1965年5月).3) Now comes your turn(现在该你了). Follow me please.4) Heres the money you lent me(还你借我的钱). Thank you very much.5) The sky had clouded over quickly. Then came a heavy rain storm(然后大暴风雨来了). (unit 1)structure 2, directions1) Arriving at the station, he found his train gone.2) Being poor

30、, he could not afford to buy books.3) Not wanting to give offence, they did so all the time.4) Turning to the left, you will find the post office.5) I dont like to sit here doing nothing.(unit 2)1) Whether she was available or not, he visited her house every day.2) Whether you are careful or not, fe

31、eding a baby is a messy job.3) It seemed to me that she was in trouble whether Mahoney lived or died.4) I got it wrong, what she wanted wasnt red one but the blue one.5) They arent doing this to make money but to help the church.(unit 3)1) They swept to victory in the council elections, which could

32、never have happened under the old rules.2) The current which is very rapid, makes the river dangerous.3) Weve tested three hundred types of boots, none of which are completely waterproof.4) One of the boys kept laughing, which annoyed Jane intensely.5) He gave several reasons, few of which were vali

33、d.(unit 4)1) I hope I can come back, even if its only for a few weeks(即使只能待几个星期).2) They will stand by you even if you dont succeed(即使你们不成功).3) He is an honest man, i must say, even though i disagree with him(尽管我和他有过分歧).4) He was always afraid of failure, even though he had made great achievements(尽

34、管他已经取得很好的成绩).5) Even though we have taken many measures(尽管我们已经采取了很多措施), this region is still affected by crime.(unit 5)1) The news that we are invited to the party is very exciting.2) There is possibility that he did/will not tell the truth.3) Word came that he had gone abroad.4) He proposal that we

35、 should enlarge production scale is to be discussed at the meeting.5) He further expressed his firm belief that Yao Ming could recover before Olympics.(unit 6)1) Upon hearing the news, the Chinese government sent another delegation to Russia.2) Upon being informed of the coming protestors, the committee changed the route of the torch relay.3) Upon hearing/being told that the CEO was ill, Harrison canceled his meeting with him.4) Upon being told that he had an emergency on the way to the company, we agreed that we should not punish him for his being late.


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