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1、Readers Worksheet for Good English (Senior 2)Class高二(6)班 Name 李展珊 No. 22 Title of the book The Secret Garden Author Frances Hodgson Burnett1) Who are the main characters? Describe the character you like best:Dcikon,a boy who shuttles back and forth at glade all day. He always together with his anima

2、ls friends . He knows their habit of each animal also can grows all kinds of plants. Dcikon although a kid of poor, he is very kindhearted. And he helps Mary to remove many wrongs. Let Mary become more health and clear up. At the end, he dressed up the Secret Garden with Mary,let it become more and

3、more beautiful!2) Write a short summary of the story in some lines:When her parents are liked by cholera, Mary Lennox is sent to England. Misselthwaite Manor is a foreboding place with many rooms. In the grounds she finds a key to a secret garden. As soon as she enters the garden, it becomes her own

4、 world. One day she hears cries in the manor and behind a door and is too ill to leave his bedroom. When Marry takes him in his wheelchair to visit the secret garden, he begins his recovery.3) Select at least 30 new words that you have learned in the book and write down their Chinese meaning:English

5、 rudesniffedscolwledspiritsstaircaseChinese粗鲁轻蔑地说皱起了眉头情绪楼梯English heartbrokenSort ofbleakmoorsIn truthChinese伤心死了差不多吧荒凉的荒野说真的English pathwaywinding walksbarewintryfar andChinese小道弯曲的小路光秃秃的像冬天一样另一头English trailingfloodingjuttingcheeryjuicyChinese蔓延洒满钻出来欢快的多汁的English rustyobjectpoking out oftugged atS

6、ure enoughChinese生了锈的东西从.伸出来拽了一下果不其然English fumbled forgallopingunwanteddig in itfrom beforeChinese摸着我疾驰的多余的把它翻一翻以前的4) Copy down some good and beautiful phrases and sentences:EnglishChineseHalf the birds and foxes round hered be dead if I couldnt.我要是不能,这儿附近一半的鸟儿和狐狸早就死了。Gave her a lopsided gein 冲她咧嘴笑

7、了笑Theres nowt not to like with our Dickon.我们迪肯没有让人不喜欢的地方。Hurling herself into her chair一屁股坐到椅子上The usual scowl nailed to her face脸上永远是那副愁眉苦脸的样子。Shot her a meaningful look意味深长地看了她一眼A glimmer of light一丝微光Cheer him up让他振作起来His way with animals他对付动物的办法Plucked at the bedcover拽了拽床罩Sighed with relief放心地舒了一

8、口气Whats all this?这都是怎么回事?Puffing himself up显得不可一世Working his way up to a right tantrum在使性子准备大发脾气Felt a wave of anger sweep over her感到胸中升起一股怒气Never came sooner than Mary thought.玛丽没想到,永远很快就不永远了。Blinked the rest of his tears眨巴了一下眼睛,把其余的眼泪挤干净Shot her grateful looks向她投去了感激的目光Filled him with tenderrness是他心里充满了温暖Whatever was the world coming to?这世界到底是怎么了?He was seeing to 他就是要照料Going where youve no business没事别瞎凑热闹End up rather famous最终名扬天下It was to here the voice had called him.声音召唤他去的是这个地方。


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