写我最敬佩的人Aron Ralston 英语作文.doc

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1、Essay TwoThe person who impresses me most is Aron Ralston, a man who lost his arm but is still climbing. In 2003, he went climbing in Utah. On his way to the mountain top, everything was fine until the painful moment happened. As a consequence of a natures little joke ,his right arm was caught under

2、 a 2,000-kilo rock. he could not free his arm, as a result, he stayed in the middle of the mountain for five days. When his water ran out, he realized that he must do something to save himself. Afterwards, he made a tough decision, to cut off half his arm by himself, which most of us would never make. After climbing down the mountain, he met two walkers fortunately. He was rescued! His story and the spirit in it inspired not only me but also many people around the world.This is the man who impresses me most.


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