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1、 口译1Distinguished guests and ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure and honor to have this opportunity to speak on this auspicious occasion of welcoming new students to the university.First of all, I would like to congratulate each and every one of the incoming students here who worked long a

2、nd hard to win the privilege of studying at this fine university renowned for its excellent international programs.I have heard that 50 different countries are represented here. This is a great opportunity for you to learn from people of different cultures, backgrounds, religions and values.You may

3、be dreaming of developing a professional career in international organizations or considering becoming successful in the business world or in academic circles. That is admirable. Try with all your heart to accomplish it.2I am going to talk about recycling and how we deal with our rubbish here in Aus

4、tralia. For many of the products we use, we are able to recycle.This is the recycling symbol and this symbol is on many of the products we use. We recycle plastic. We recycle cardboard. We recycle tin.In our home we have two bins: one side of for recycling, like plastic; we put all the recycling thi

5、ngs in this side and we put rubbish in that side. The general waste and the recycling go into two bins that are on the footpath beside the road. The yellow bin is the recycling bin and the black bin is for general rubbish. The bins are emptied every week.3We are all intimately familiar with at least

6、 one language, yet few of us ever stop to consider what we know about it. The words of a language can be listed in a dictionary, but not all the sentences.Speakers us a finite set of rules to produce and understand an infinite set of sentences. These rules comprise the grammar of a language. They in

7、clude the sound system and the way in which sounds and meanings are related. This linguistic knowledge is, however, different from linguistic behavior. If you woke up one morning and decided to stop talking, you would still have the knowledge of your language. Language is a tool of communication. Bu

8、t if language is defined merely as a system of communication, then language is not unique to humans. A basic property of human language is its creative aspect.4It is vital importance and urgent necessity to think about how we can secure and maintain world peace and any decent life for future generat

9、ions.To achieve these goals, international cooperation is essential. I really wish that you become capable of contributing to achieving this international cooperation. Whatever you learn from each other will be a great asset in creating a peaceful, sound and sustainable global society in the future.

10、 I do hope that your studies, your friendships and your interactions at this university will be instrumental in solving the many difficult problems we face in todays world. 5It gives me a great pleasure to welcome you to this lunch. This enables us to resume in a more relaxed manner the interesting

11、conversation we have just had.Having already spent some days in our country, you may have become acquainted with some Norwegian traditions. One of them is to say a few welcoming words before treating our guests to a meal.For Norway, China is becoming a major partner in East Asia. Several visits on t

12、he government level between our two countries bear witness to an ever closer relationship between our nations.When the Norwegian government so strongly promotes closer cooperation with China, it is precisely because we believe we too have a lot to learn from increased contact, exchange of experience

13、s and broad cooperation.6In the United States, students generally spend a good deal of their time in college libraries either completing course assignments or pursuing research in connection with the preparation of required written work.Foreign students will thus discover that their academic success

14、 at a college or university in the United States will to a large extent depend on their competence in using the library. They will also find that, from the beginning, their professors expect them to find and evaluate information on their own, rather than providing the students with the specific fact

15、s to remember in lectures and course materials. The student must therefore develop skill in locating, selecting, and evaluating library materials. Most institutions give instructions on using the library during their orientation program for new students at the beginning of the year.7The United State

16、s has become far more dependent than in the past on foreign trade. There is an increasing need for merchants, bankers, diplomats, and soldiers able to communicate in foreign tongues.Yet this country has been remiss in educating a sufficient number of men and women with the requisite linguistic skill

17、s. Yielding to demands of “relevance”, American schools, colleges, and universities have long ignored language requirements. U.S. schools and colleges contain too many youngsters who cannot speak, read, or write any second language correctly-regardless of their national origin or native language.Com

18、pared with such countries as Switzerland or Holland, the United States is poorly equipped to teach foreign languages. The United States must seek to turn the tide of linguistic ignorance.8Teenagers are interested in how much an item will cost. They are interested in whether they are getting solid va

19、lue for their dollars. They want to know what service they can expect after buying the product. Advertisers let you know this.Probably the most effective appeal to teenagers is the appeal to their emotions of love and fear. Sales of cosmetics to teenagers approach $ 1 billion each year. Ads show how

20、 using a particular hair spray will make girls and boys more attractive to each other. Almost any product can use this appeal. Ads tell you that you will be more attractive if you eat, chew, drink, wear, or use any one of hundreds of different products. Then, of course, there are those ads that warn

21、 of perspiration stains, or body odor. 1 贵宾们,女士们,先生们,我很荣幸能够有机会在这么美好的场合发言,以欢迎来到我校的新生。首先,我想对每一位通过坚持不懈的努力,有幸进入这所学校的新生表示祝贺。众所周知,这所学校以其优秀的国际性项目而闻名于世。我听说我们的学生来自50个不同的国家。对你们来说,这是一个很好的机会,可以向不同文化、不同背景、不同宗教和不同价值观的人学习。你们可能想要在一些国际性组织中发展你们的事业,或在商界或学术界取得成功。那很好,努力去达成你们的梦想吧。 2今天我将说说废品回收和澳大利亚是如何处理垃圾的。 我们用过的许多东西都是可以回

22、收的。这是可回收的标记。这个标记在我们使用过的许多东西上都有。我们回收塑料、硬纸板和易拉罐。在我们国家,垃圾桶有两边,一边是专门用来回收的,像塑料。我们把所有可回收的东西放在这边,把不可回收的垃圾放在另一边。一般的垃圾和可回收的垃圾都放在路边人行道的两个垃圾桶里。黄色的垃圾桶是装可回收的物品。黑色的装一般的垃圾。每星期桶里的垃圾会被清空。 3 虽然我们人人至少通晓一门语言,但很少有人会静心思考一下自己对语言究竟了解什么。语言的词汇可以在词典中列出,但并非所有的句子都能被词典所收入。说话者可以运用一组有限的规则来表达与理解数量无限的句子。这些规则组成了语言的语法体系,包括音系以及语音和语意之间联

23、系的规则然而,语言知识有别于语言行为。某天早晨你醒来后决定不说话,但你仍然具有你所掌握的语言的知识。语言是交际的工具。但如果把语言仅仅定义为一种交际系统,那它便不是人类的专有品。创造性是人类语言的一个基本属性。 4怎样才能获得和维持世界和平及保证让我们的后代过上幸福的生活,是我们现在最刻不容缓要考虑的重要问题。要达成上述目标,国际合作是非常必要的。 我真诚地希望你们能够为实现国际合作贡献出自己的力量。无论你们从对方那里学到些什么,对于将来建立一个和平、健全和可持续发展的全球性社会都是一笔巨大的财富。我真诚地希望你们在这所大学中所学到的知识、建立的友谊和相互间的交往将有助于解决我们当今世界所面临

24、的问题。 5很荣幸能够邀请到你们来参加这次午餐会。 这使得我们能够用轻松的方式继续我们刚才的会谈。在我们国家度过了一些时日,你们也许对我们挪威的习俗有了一定的了解。其中一个就是要在餐前对我们的客人说一些欢迎词。中国正成为挪威在东亚地区的主要合作伙伴。两个政府间的多次互访见证了两国越来越密切的关系。挪威政府极力促进与中国的密切合作,这正是因为我们相信我们在越来越多的交往、经验交流和广泛的合作中也有不少东西要学。 6 在美国,学生通常要花很多时间在学校图书馆里,或完成一门课的作业,或从事研究以便准备要写的报告。因此,留学生会发现他们在一所美国大学里的学习的成败,在很大程度上取决于其利用图书馆的能力

25、。他们也会发现教授一开始便希望他们自己去查找并评价资料,而不是在讲课时提供给学生需要记住的具体事实和课程资料。因而,学生必须提高查找、选择和评价图书馆资料的技能。 大多数学校在每一学年开始时所进行的新生入学指导计划中,就包括如何利用图书馆的指导。 7 美国对外贸的依存的程度越来越高。社会越来越需要能用外语进行交流的商人、银行家、外交官和军人。可是该国却没有培养出足够数量的、具有必要外语能力的人才。 迫于“相关”能力的培养,美国中小学、学院及大学长期忽视了对语言的要求。因此,中小学和学院里有太多的年轻人不能正确地说、读或写任何一种外语无论他们来自何处,母语是何种语言。与瑞士或荷兰相比,美国外语教学条件要差很多。美国务必要消除这种对语言的忽视。8 青少年对一件东西值多少钱感兴趣。他们对自己买的东西是否物有所值感兴趣。 他们想知道买了产品之后能够得到什么样的售后服务。而广告商会让你知道这一切。或许对青少年来说,最有吸引力的是符合他们诸如爱和恐惧这些情感要求的东西。卖给青少年的化妆品的成交额每年高达10亿美元。广告会向你展示如何使用某一种特定的喷发定型剂,就会使姑娘和小伙子对彼此更有吸引力。几乎任何一种产品都可以利用这种手段。广告会告诉你,如果你吃、嚼、喝、穿或者使用几百产品中的任何一种,你将会变得更有吸引力。当然,同时也会有一些广告提醒你如何避免汗渍或体臭等问题。


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