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1、医学英语词汇课程名称 医学英语词汇授课专业 中医翻译06级必修课 专业课( )授课方式 课堂讲授();实践课( )考核方式 考试();考查( )总学时数 4*18=72Terminology-from termthrombocytopenia lymphocyticleukemiacarcinoma 癌 hepatitis 肝炎cholesterol 胆固醇 医学英语术语:上述这些单词来源于希腊或拉丁词根,有特定的医学含义,我们将之统称为医学英语术语(medical term); 医学术语学:而将专门研究它的学问称为医学术语学(medical terminology):An introduct

2、ion to the language of veterinary and human medicine第一章 医学英语术语学概述医学英语术语学(medical terminology)是研究医学术语的起源和发展的学科,也是向广大医务工作者、医学院学生、医学科学研究人员提供科学的方法以提高对医学英语术语认知能力的一门专项技能,同时也是医学与语言学结合的跨学科研究方向。涉及学科门类:医学 人类学 词汇学 词源学 社会学 英语史等一、 医学英语术语学简介1、 几个词汇学方面的基本概念词素-组成词的基本元素,是语言中语音和语义的最小结合体。词根-含有明确的词汇语义,在单词中表达主要的意义的词素叫做词

3、根(root)。词缀-只有语法意义、而没有词汇意义(例如表示名词复数的-s),或者虽有一定的词汇意义、但在词中只表达次要的意义的词素,称为词缀(affix)。 2、医学术语与基本词素 Psychiatrist-psych /iatri /ist Physiology-physi /o /logy二、 医学英语术语词源学、发展史(了解)及其学习的意义1、来源于拉丁语、古希腊语词缀可与不同的词干一起,擎生无数新词。auto:auto-activation auto-antibodyauto-infectionautoserumautovaccinemicro:microscopemicro-sec

4、tionmicrospherocytemicrobacteriamicrosurgeryhydro:hydracidshy-draemiahydrocephaloidhydro-derma2、发展史最早将希腊语用于描述医学解剖和生理学现象的是西方医学之父-希波克拉底(Hippocrates),后由罗马人传向世界。 3、学习医学英语术语的意义 10万 1万 0.15万30三、 医学英术语的特征1、医学英语词汇的意义比较稳定医学英语中有众多的习惯用语和专用术语,其词义的稳定性,使它们在表达某一概念或现象时,总是被重复使用。如change dressings(换敷料),goose flesh(鸡皮疙

5、瘩),contrast medium(造影剂),blue spot(青斑),peptic ulcer(消化性溃疡),whooping cough(百日咳)等。 2、医学英语词汇不具有感情色彩有很多普通词汇,在医学英语中与在日常英语中使用起来给人的感觉大不一样。responsible:(1)The pilot of the plane is responsible for the passengers safety. (2) Bacteria or their products are responsible foremost instances of food poisoning. 3、医学英

6、语少用具有夸张、比喻含义的词汇,注重事实和逻辑医学英语需要的是科学性和严肃性。并且,医学英语用词较具体化,这样才能表达得清楚和准确,不至于引起误解.如汉语中的“患者”,在医学英语中可有各种具体情况的“患者”.(1) A diabetic is not allowed to take sweets. (糖尿病患者是不能吃糖果的。) (2)In a severe case of diphtheria the prognosis depends largely upon how early in the course of the disease an adequate amount of anti

7、toxin can be administered). (百喉严重患者的预后,多半取决于在病程中是否能及早给予适量的抗毒素。) (3) The prescriber and the user of this product must master the terms hereof. (开处方的医生和使用本品的患者均须掌握文中术语。)(4) Cataracts are classified according to the age of the individual,etiology,and morphologic characteristics of the opacity. (白内障是根据患

8、者的年龄、病因和晶状体混浊的形态学特征来分类的。(5) He is a renal transplant recipient. (他是一位肾移植患者。) 4、医学英语以书面语为主,不适合诵读osteoarthropathy(骨关节病)lymphadenopathy(淋巴结病)glomerulonephritis(肾小球性肾炎) 5、医学英语多使用书面语动词代替动词短语,名词或名词短语代替动词。absorb-take indiscover-find outobserve-look atcancel-call offThe occurrence of peptic ulcer in some pa

9、tients with hiatal hernia may necessitate consideration of both diagnoses. (对一些裂孔病患者,出现消化性溃疡时,须考虑两种疾患的诊断。)四、 医学英术语的分类(一) 普通英语词汇特定医学含义massdeliveryhumortender (二)英语化的拉丁语或希腊词汇 1、部分化学元素 2、部分化学元素和绝大部分抗生素 3、生物碱、氢氧化物、酸根 4、其他全英语化的术语 (三)含拉丁源、希腊源词素的合成词汇 hepatitis- hepat it is embryology-embr o logy physician-

10、 physi c ian gastroscopy-gastr o scopy五、 医学英语术语构词规则(一)、四大基本成分词根neur(o)-neuroscience神经科学 neurokinin神经激肽 neurology神经病学 neurosis神经衰弱 neuritis 神经炎两大起源 拉丁词根与希腊词根 eg:眼 oculo- oculomotor nerve ophthalmo- ophthalmology 鼻 naso- nasopharynx rhino- rhinitis 肺 pulmo- COPD P-pulmonary pneumono- pneumonia 肾 reno-

11、 renovascular nephro- hydronephrosisSome examples of root words:Component Meaning Example BLAST- germ, immature cell blastoma = a cancer made of immature cells CARCIN- cancer carcinogenic = cancer causing CARDIO- heart cardiotoxicity = toxicity to the heart CYTO- cell cytotoxic = toxic to the cell D

12、ERMA- skin dermatitis = inflammation of the skin HISTIO- tissue histology = study of tissue HEPATI- liver hepatoblastoma = liver cancer MALIGN- bad / harmful malignant = growing, spreading NEPHRO- kidney nephrotoxic = harmful to the kidneys NEURO- nerves Neuroblast = an immature nerve cell ONCO- mas

13、s / tumour oncology = the study of cancer OSTEO- bone / bony tissue osteosarcoma = bone cancer PAED- child paediatric oncology = study of childhood cancer SARCO- tissue sarcoma = tumour of bone, muscle, or connective tissue TOXO- poison toxicology = study of poisons 前缀 位于词根或单词前,赋予词根或单词新含义。 anti-agai

14、nst (antibiotic,anticoagulant) hemi-half (hemiplegia hemisphere) trans-through /across/ beyond (transparent transpleural)后缀 位于词根后或单词末尾,赋予词根或单词新含义。 -rrhagia -bleeding (gastrorrhagia pharyngorrhagia) -sclerosis-hardening (arteriosclerosis) -ist -expert (psychiatrist, acupuncturist)连接元音 o - bronch o pn

15、eumonia cardi o vascular 或后缀组合时,连接元音省去。(特例:两个词根均构成主语含义而非修饰关系的时候,常见连个解剖词根,连接元音可不省去,中间可用“-”连接)nephroitisnephritisnephro-abdominal cadio-aortic (二)、术语合成基本形式 1、纯词根:sclerosis 2、词根+连接元音+后缀: bronch / itis 3、词根+连接元音+词根:gastr /o/ scopy (三)、医学英语术语词素含义分析 1、疾病名称=器官(词根或者词根的复合形式)+症状(后缀) 例:hepat(肝)+algia(病)= hepat

16、algia(肝区疼痛) hepato(肝的复合形式)+sis(疾病症状)=hepatosis(肝病)hepat(肝)+it is(炎症)=hepatitis(肝炎) 2、诊断技术名称=器官(词根或者词根的复合形式)+诊断技术(后缀) 例:broncho(支气管的复合形式)+scopy(镜检查)=bronchoscopy(支气管镜检查) 3、手术名称=器官(词根或者词根的复合形式)+手术(后缀) 例:appendi(阑尾)+ectomy(切除术)=appendectomy(阑尾切除术) arthro(关节的复合形式)+desis(固定术)=arthrodesis(关节固定术)六、 医学英语术单复

17、数形式(了解)大部分与普通英语单词一致,少数特殊变化仍有规律可循。七、 医学英语术读音规则(了解)以词典中国际音标注音为准。读音时,先学会分音节:一般来说,一个(一组)元音,一个音节。leukocytopenia 白细胞减少症(6个音节)esophagojejunogastromosis 食管空肠胃吻合术 (12个音节)rule of stress 1、单音节词本身就是在重读音节上,如:lung(肺),heart(心)。 2、双音节的重音落在第一个音节上,如:stomach(胃),gastric(胃的),kidney(肾),renal(肾的) 3、大多数三音节和多音节的重音落在第二个音节或者倒

18、数第三个音节上,如:nephritis(肾炎),pathology(病理学)。 由前后两个词根组成的词例外,前后都需要重读,如: gastroscope(胃镜)注意:大多数医学术语词汇的读法与普通英语单词读音规则相同,但一些特殊的辅音字母读音主要受希腊语的影响,如ch发 /k/,ph发 /f/, ps发 /s/, pt发 /t/, qu发 /k/第二章 医学英语术语学前缀概论 一、术语前缀的定义和作用缀合在词根前面的派生词缀叫做前缀(pre-fix)。它与词根或单词构成的的词汇叫合成词(compound)。Prefixes, the most frequently used elements

19、in the formation of Greek and Latin words, consist of one or more syllables (prepositions or adverbs) placed before words or roots to show various kinds of relationships. They are never used independently, but when added before verbs, adjectives, or nouns, they modify the meaning.二、术语前缀的起源普通英语单词的常见前

20、缀:bi-bicycle tritriangle disdislike prepremature绝大多数的前缀来源于拉丁语或希腊语中的介词、形容词、数词。介词:anterbefore(前)-anter-cubital 肘前的prebefore(前)-pre-operative 术前的probefore(前)-pro-thrombin 凝血酶原sub(under),super (above, upper, excessive),trans(across,through,beyond),re(against, back), para(beside, beyond, near to), intro

21、(into, within), inter (between),endo(within), epi(upon), ex(out of,away from),em/en(in),dia(through),apo(from,away from).形容词:大的,巨大的 - mega-mega-karyocyte megkriusait 巨核红细胞(big,large,huge) marco-macro-phage mkrfeid 巨噬细胞 megalo-megalo-phonia 巨音症 gigantogiganto-some 巨大发育Hyper(excessive)- Hyperemia (exc

22、essive blood) hyperplasia (excessive formation)Hypo(deficient)- Hypotension (low blood pressure); hypothyroidism (deficiency or underfunction of thyroid)拉丁语和希腊语两种前缀,拼法不同,含义相同:组成医学英语词汇的“元件”(后缀除外)不全是来源于同一种语言,故同一个意思可能有不同前缀。例如“multi-”(源自拉丁语)多;“poly-”(源自希腊语)多。multinodular(多结节的),polyamine(多胺的)。1. 数词1-10中两

23、种语源的前缀不同: 英语 拉丁语 希腊语 one uni mono two du/bi dis/dy/di three tri tri four quadra tetra five quint penta six sext hexa seven sept hepta eight octo octo nine nov/non ennea ten decim deca/deka half semi hemi2. 医学术语中两种语源的前缀不同:详见教材P12表格 三、常用医学术语前缀汇总(要求强记) Some important examples of prefixes:component mean

24、ing example AN-, A- without / lack of anaemia = lack of red blood cells AB- away from abnormal = away from the normal AD- near / toward adrenal gland = gland near to the kidney BI- two / both bilateral Wilms = tumour in both kidneys DYS- difficult / painful dysfunction = not working properly ECTO- o

25、utside ectopic pregnancy = outside the uterine cavity ENDO- inside endoscope = an instrument to look inside the body cavities or organs EPI- upon epidermis = the outer layer of skin HYPER- excessive / above hyperglycaemia = excessive blood sugar levels HYPO- beneath / below hypodermic = injection be

26、low the skin INTER- between intercostal = between the ribs INTRA- within / Inside intravenous = into a vein PARA- beside, about, near parathyroid = beside the thyroid gland PERI- around pericardium = membrane around the heart PRE- before prenatal = before birth POST- after post surgical stage = stag

27、e after surgery SUB- under / below submucosa = tissue below mucus membrane SYN- together with syndrome = group of symptoms occurring together 四、医学术语前缀的分类 1、表示事物基本状况的前缀 a-,an -without-asymptomatic(无症状的) dys-bad,painful,diffcult-dysplasia(发育异常) hyper-above,excessive-hyperchromic(深色的) hypo-under,less t

28、han normal-hypoxia(氧气不足) mal-bad-malnutrition(营养不良) para-abnormal,irregular-paralysis(偏瘫) pseudo-false-pseudoimage(虚象)2、意指时间、方位或者位置的前缀 ante-before-antepartum(分娩前的) ex-out of-expiration(呼气) in-in into-inspiration(吸气) peri-around-pericardium(心包) sub-below,under-subglottic(声门下的) trans-across-transfusio

29、n(输液) 3、意指相互关系的前缀 auto-self-autogamy(色素不均) hetero-different-heterosexual(自体受精) homo-same-homogeneous(异性的) pan,panto-all-pantosomatous(全身的) iso-equal-isotope(同位素) 4、表示数字的前缀 uni-one-unipolar(单极的) bi-two-bilobular(二小叶的) di-two-diiodile(二碘化物) tri-three-trial(三联征) tetra-four-tetrachloride(四氯化物) pent,pent

30、a-five-pentachromic(五色的) centi-one hundredth-centigrade(摄氏度) kilo-thousand-kilogram(千克) 五、各类常用前缀的英汉含义及构词实例 详见教材P13A (an before vowel)Without, lack ofApathy (lack of feeling); apnea (without breath); aphasia (without speech); anemia (lack of blood)AbAway fromAbductor (leading away from); aboral (away

31、 from mouth)AdTo, toward, near toAdductor (leading toward); adhesion (sticking to); adnexia (structures joined to); adrenal (near the kidney)AmbiBothAmbidextrous (ability to use hands equally); ambilaterally (both sides)AmphiAbout, on both sides, bothAmphibious (living on both land and water)AmphoBo

32、thAmphogenic (producing offspring of both sexes)AnaUp, back, again, excessiveAnatomy (a cutting up); anagenesis (reproduction of tissue); anasarca (excessive serum in cellular tissues of body)AnteBefore, forwardAntecubital (before elbow); anteflexion (forward bending)AntiAgainst, opposed to, reverse

33、dAntiperistalsis (reversed peristalsis); antisepsis (against infection)ApoFrom, away fromAponeurosis (away from tendon); apochromatic (abnormal color)BiTwice, doubleBiarticulate (double joint); bifocal (two foci); bifurcation (two branches)CataDown, according to, completeCatabolism (breaking down);

34、catalepsia (complete seizure); catarrh (flowing down)CircumAround, aboutCircumflex (winding about); circumference (surrounding); circumarticular (around joint)ComWith, togetherCommissure (sending or coming together)ConWith, togetherConductor (leading together); concrescence (growing together); conce

35、ntric (having a common center) DeAway fromDehydrate (remove water from); dedentition (removal of teeth); decompensation (failure of compensation)DiTwice, doubleDiplopia (double vision); dichromatic (two colors); digastric (double stomach)DiaThrough, apart, across, completelyDiaphragm (wall across);

36、diapedesis (ooze through); diagnosis (complete knowledge)DisReversal, apart from, separationDisinfection (apart from infection); disparity (apart from equality); dissect (cut apart)DysBad, difficult, disorderedDyspepsia (bad digestion); dyspnea (difficult breathing); dystopia (disordered position)E,

37、 exOut, away fromEnucleate (remove from); eviscerate (take out viscera or bowels); exostosis (outgrowth of bone)EcOut fromEctopic (out of place); eccentric (away from center); ectasia (stretching out or dilation)EctoOn outer side, situated onEctoderm (outer skin);ectoretina (outer layer of retina)Em

38、, en.InEmpyema (pus in); encephalon (in the head)EndoWithinEndocardium (within heart); endometrium (within uterus)EpiUpon, onEpidural (upon dura); epidermis (on skin)ExoOutside, on outer side, outer layerExogenous (produce outside); exocolitis (inflammation of outer coat of colon)ExtraOutsideExtrace

39、llular (outside cell); extrapleural (outside pleura)He miHalfHemiplegia (partial paralysis); hemianesthesia (loss of feeling on one side of body)HyperOver, above, excessiveHyperemia (excessive blood); hypertrophy (overgrowth); hyperplasia (excessive formation)HypoUnder, below, deficientHypotension (

40、low blood pressure); hypothyroidism (deficiency or underfunction of thyroid)Im, inIn, IntoImmersion (act of dipping in); infiltration (act of filtering in); injection (act of forcing liquid into)Im, inNotImmature (not mature); involuntary (not voluntary); inability (not able)InfraBelowInfraorbital (

41、below eye); infraclavicular (below clavicle or collarbone)InterBetweenIntercostal (between ribs); intervene (come between)IntraWithinIntracerebral (within cerebrum); intraocular (within eyes); intraventricular (within ventricles )IntroInto, withinIntroversion (turning inward); introduce (lead into)M

42、etaBeyond, after,changeMetamorphosis (change of form); metastasis change (beyond original position); metacarpal (beyond wrist)OpisthoBehind, backwardOpisthotic (behind ears); opisthognathous (beyond jaws)ParaBeside, beyond,near toParacardiac (beside the heart); paraurethral (near the urethra)PerThrough, excessivePermeate (pass through); perforate (bore through); peracute (excessively acute)PeriAroundPeriosteum (around bone); periatrial. (around atrium); peribronchial (arou


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