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1、2017下英语预备级考前辅导资料1、 单选题 (20分,每题2分)1China is a country ( D )a very long history, a rich culture and many beautiful places. A. hasB. forC. inD. with2. The light was on all day long. I didnt know who( C ).A. has turned it on B. has turned on itC. had turned it on D. had turned on it3. Rose has never see

2、n the TV play, ( D )she?A. hasntB. doesC. doesntD. has4. The( A)soldier was sent to the field hospital. A. hurt B. wounded C. hurtedD. harmed5. The new film is really worth( B ).A. seeB. seeing C. to see D. being seen6. Stop talking. I have( D )words to say.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few7. The(

3、B )girl wanted her brother to turn off the TV set. A. afraid B. frightened C. frightening D. frighten8. There is( D )in todays newspaper.A. new anything B. new something C. anything new D. something new9. “How( B )has your friend stayed in your home?” “Two weeks.”A. many timeB. longC. long timeD. mu

4、ch long10. I( D )speak a little English when I was four.A. am able to B. was able C. could be ableD. could2、 阅读理解(30分,每题2分)Passage 1Agnes Miller was one of the earliest leaders of the womens liberation movement in the United States. She was born on a farm in Missouri in 1892 and had a very happy lif

5、e as a child. She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five. Her parents and her brothers always treated her as their favorite. In 1896 the family moved to Chicago. Three years later they moved back to St Louis, where Agnes spent the rest of her childhood. She enjoyed her years in school

6、and was an outstanding student of mathematics. She also was quite skillful as a painter. It was when Agnes went off to college that she first became aware that women were not treated as equals. She didnt like being treated unequally but she tried not to notice it. After graduating from college she t

7、ried to get a job in her major field- physics. She soon found it was almost impossible for a woman. Agnes spent a full year looking for a job. Finally she gave up in anger. She began writing letters of protest to various newspapers. An editor in New York liked her ideas very much, and was especially

8、 impressed with her style of writing. He asked her to do a series of stories on the difficulties women had in finding a job. Agnes traveled to several large cities to write stories about them. Her articles began to appear in more and more newspapers. She decided to write a book in support of womens

9、liberation. The book became a bestseller. Although she never saw full equal rights for women she never gave up her fight. And she showed many other women the way to continue the fight.11. Where did Agnes Miller spend her childhood? D A. In Missouri. B. In Chicago. C. In New York. D. In St Louis and

10、Chicago.12. What subjects was Agnes Miller good at in school? B A. Physics and painting. B. Maths ans painting. C. Writing and maths. D. Physics and writing.13. Which of the following statements about Agnes Miller is NOT mentioned in the passage? C A. She had four brothers. B. She did a lot of writi

11、ng in support of equal rights for women. C. She was the first leader of the womens liberation movement in America. D. She came to be aware of the inequality between men and women while studying in college.14. What did Agnes Miller do after she graduated from college? C A. She found a job as an edito

12、r in New York.B. She wrote a lot of stories and got a job in her major field- physics. C. She wrote letters to various newspapers to protest the inequality between men and women.D. She traveled to several large cities and was treated unequally . 15. Which of the following statements is TRUE accordin

13、g to the passage? B A. Agnes Millers patents loved her brothers more than her. B. Speaking of the womens liberation movement in the United States, people would never forget Agnes Millers name. C. Agnes Miller was a famous bestseller writer in America. D. An editor in New York liked her very much and

14、 they got married at last.Passage 2In the English-speaking world, the day after Christmas Day has a special name. We call it Boxing Day. This makes it sound like a day on which everyone has a fight, but the name has nothing to do with the sport of boxing. It derives from the custom in former times o

15、f presenting servants and tradesmen with a Christmas box or gift. Here in Britain we still talk about giving the milkman or newspaper-delivery boy a Christmas box, when we mean a sum of money or present. The expression dates from the time when the money would have been put into an actual box.Boxing

16、Day in modern time is a quiet day. Most people are recovering from the large meals they ate the day before. The children have new toys to keep them happy, and the adults are content to watch them play.Perhaps it would be a good idea if Boxing Day actually was made to honor that sport. Then, on other

17、 days, we could celebrate Football Day, Cricket Day, Hockey Day, and so on. There are probably enough different sports to allow each day of the year to have one to itself.16. In which country is December 26th considered a special day? C A. France. B. Germany. C. Great Britain. D. Italy.17. Which of

18、the following has nothing to do with Boxing Day? A A. The sport of boxing. B. Christmas boxes. C. Giving money or gifts to household helpers. D. Observing an old tradition.18. What do most people do on Boxing Day? C A. They have large meals. B. They watch boxing games on TV. C. They stay home and re

19、st. D. They go out with their children.19. Which of the following sports in NOT mentioned in the passage? A A. Baseball. B. Boxing. C. Cricket. D. Football.20. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? B A.The speaker does not object to giving the day a new meaning. B.The speaker

20、puts forward the suggestion with seriousness that each day of the year should be named for one sport. C. People usually eat too much on Christmas Day, so they prefer to havea quiet time the next day. D.Boxing Day is not specially celebrated anywhere in the world. Passage 3You are unique. There are 6

21、.5 billion people in the world but no other person is exactly like you. Besides people, there are millions of other living things. Every living thing is different from each other. Every living thing is a unique combination of characteristics. Why is each living thing unique? Where do its characteris

22、tics come from? Do people receive characteristics from their mothers and fathers? How? The work of Gregor Mendel was especially important to help us to answer these questions. Mendel studied plants, especially pea plants. In some way they were all the same. For example, they all had flowers. But som

23、e had red flowers, and others had white flowers. Some were tall, others were short. Mendel was especially interested in the differences. He wondered why each plant was of certain color, shape, size. He experimented with thousands of pea plants, with a careful record. And he discovered some interesti

24、ng things. He mated(杂交) different pea plants. First, he mated a red flower plant with a white flower plant. All of the offspring(后代) plants had red flowers. Mendel was curious about what happened to the white. Then he mated two of the offspring plants. Every time he did this, they produced three red

25、 plants and one white plant. There was the white again. So Mendel knew that even red plants somehow passed on whiteness. Mendel decided that pea plants carried factors, and the parents passed these factors onto their offspring.Today we call these factors genes. Genes are tiny pieces of matter. They

26、carry information from parents to offspring. Now we know that every person is unique and one reason for this is that every person is a unique combination of genes.21. In the first paragraph, the author mainly tells us that C .A. no other person is exactly like you.B. the total population of the worl

27、d is 6.5 billionC. every living thing is uniqueD. different people have different characters22. The word of Gregor Mendel was especially important because D .A. he had first set great value on pea plantsB. he was the first person to study pea plantsC. he had done a lot of experiments with thousands

28、of pea plantsD. he had first discovered what we call genes today23. Gregor Mendel made a special study of plant because C .A. few biologists were interested in studying pea plants at that timeB. he liked pea plant flowersC. he wanted to find out why pea plants differed in shape, color and sizeD. pea

29、 plants were all the same in some ways24. By experiments Gregor Mendel proved B .A. pea plants of different colors could not mateB. pea plants possessed factors which could be passed onto the youngC. only redness could be passed onto the offspring if a red pea plants mated with a white oneD. pea pla

30、nts had only two colorsred and white25. Which of the following statements is TRUE? AA. Every person is unique because he is a unique combination of genes.B. Genes only exist in plants, not in animals.C. Although there are a large number of different people in the world, there are some who look exact

31、ly alike.D. Some biologists after Gregor Mendel discovered that genes can not determine the color of ones eyes. 三、完形填空 (10分,每题1分)Paris is the 26 of the European nation of France, it is also one of the most beautiful and most famous cities in the world.Paris is called the City of Light. It is 27 an i

32、nternational fashion center. What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be 28 by women all over the world. Paris is also a famous world center of 29 . For example, it is the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.The Seine River divides the 30

33、into two parts. Thirty-two bridges 31 this scenic river.Paris is named by a group of people 32 the Paris. They 33 a small village on island 34 the Seine River about two thousand years ago. Today 35 eight million people live in the Paris area.C 26. A. famous city B. areaC. capital D. countryB 27. A.

34、as well B. alsoC. tooD. andD 28. A. put on B. wearC. wearingD. wornC 29. A. music B. scientist C. educationD. banksB 30. A. country B. cityC. towerD. islandA 31. A. cross B. acrossC. overD. onA 32. A. called B. to be calledC. callingD. being calledD 33. A. have built B. had builtC. madeD. builtA 34.

35、 A. in the middle of B. amongC. betweenD. overB 35. A. more B. aroundC. fewerD. those四、用所给单词或词组把下列句子翻译成英语 (30分,每题6分)1、 这起交通事故在很大程度上是由于粗心大意引起的。(to a extent)To a great extent, the car accident was caused by carelessness. 2、 无论你去哪儿、无论你做什么,我都会在这里等你。(wherever, whatever)Wherever you go, whatever you do, I

36、ll be right here waiting for you.3、 我们必须限制这次会议的开支。(limit)We must set a limit to the expense of the conference.4、 她又改变主意了,这让我们大家都很生气。(which)She changed her mind again, which made us all angry.5、 因特网可以为不同的学习者提供更灵活多样的学习方式。(provide)The Internet can provide different learners with a more flexible and div

37、erse way of learning.6、 我想知道你可否把你的汽车借我一用。(wonder)I wonder if you can borrow your car for my own use.7、 一到北京我就给你打电话。(as soon as)Ill call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.8、 他是一个不爱说话的(communicative)的人,与他交流可不容易。(communicate with)He is not a communicative person, so its not easy to communicate with hi

38、m.1、 在他看来他好像永远也没办法解决这个问题。(it seems that)It sees to him that he would never be able to work out the problem.2、 他们并不是等着老师讲解,而是努力发现解决问题的办法。(instead of)Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain it, they try to find a solution to the problem.3、 对她而言,抓住这次学习的机会是很重要的。(it is important for)It is important

39、 for her to grasp this learning opportunity.4、 一方面这家酒店靠近大海,但另一方面花费高。(on the other hand)On the one hand the hotel is near the sea, but on the other hand it costs a lot.5、 这次会议的目的是选一个新主席。(purpose)The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new chairman6、 既然你是个大学生了,你应该学会不再依赖父母的帮助。(be independent of)Now t

40、hat you are a college student, you should learn to be independent of your parents help.7、对于他们来说,学会用这种语言思考比知道每一个单词的意思更重要。 (it is more important for sb. to do sth.)It is more important for them to learn to think in this language than know the meaning of each word.8、 他将在他的讲话中概述他的几项新建议。(outline)In his s

41、peech, he will outline some of his new proposals.1、 随着工作时间越来越短和假期越来越长,如何度过休闲时间已经成为一个热门话题。(with)With the working hours becoming shorter and shorter and holidays becoming longer and longer, how to spend the leisure time has become a hot topic.2、 显然,人们在休闲时间所做的一切,使他们能够满足他们的愿望。(enableto)Obviously, all th

42、ings people do in leisure hours enable them to satisfy their wishes.3、 锻炼有益于健康。(contribute to)Exercise contributes to better health.4、 我们的喜好、品味、兴趣和个性与社会环境和学习经验有关。(be related to)Our likes and dislikes, tastes, interests and characters are all related to social background and learning experiences.5、 建

43、这个图书馆花了他们五年多时间。(take)It took them over five years to build this library.6、 我们很难把这个现象和任何我们知道的事联系起来。(phenomenon,relate.with)We cant relate the phenomenon with anything we knew.7、 休闲具有以下功能:放松、消遣和娱乐,以及个人发展。 (relaxation, recreation)Leisure has the following functions:relaxation, recreation and entertainm

44、ent, and personal development.1、 他不是适合做这个工作的人。(who)He is not the person who is fit for the job.2、 这些问题固然是些难题,但我相信是能够解决的。(indeed)These problems are indeed a little bit difficult, but I believe they could be solved.3、 在许多方面城市生活比不上乡村生活。(compare with)Living in a town cant compare with living in the coun

45、try in many respects. 4、 我发现他的理论是正确的。(find sth. + a)I found his theory to be true. 5、 环球旅游一直是他从孩提时代就开始的人生目标。(v-ing)Travelling round the world is always his life goal from his childhood.6、 这个计划本身就考虑得不周全,而且实施起来花费也大。(moreover)The plan was not well thought out, moreover, it would have been too expensive

46、.7、 他睡觉前才记起要做家庭作业。(not.until)He didnt remember to do his homework until its time to go to bed.8、 许多学生喜欢熬夜复习迎考。(stay up)Many students like to stay up all night going over their lessons before examinations.5、 写作题 (10分)在我们成长的过程中,除了父母、亲人,也从未离开发小、同学、同事、朋友等的陪伴。请以“My Favorite X”为题写一篇三段式英语作文。 要求:1、标题写出X的名称,(如My Favorite Student)。


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