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1、后置定语4/11/20141. 形容词修饰不定代词something, anything, everything, nothing, something important2. 形容词短语作定语 a river fifty meters wide 但复合形容词作定语时,要放在被修饰词前。a fifty meter-wide river a two month holiday = a two months holiday3. enough作形容词修饰名词时前后皆可,但作副词时修饰形容词副词时后置 enough time或time enough hard enough strong enough

2、4.介词短语作后置定语 a boy with long hair a girl with heavy glasses a boy from America the weather in Beijing.5.不定式短语作后置定语(不定式短语与所修饰的词存在动宾关系)I have something delicious to eat. I have some delicious food to eat.He has nothing important to do today. 6.现在分词短作后置定语(现在分词短语与所修饰的词存在主谓关系) There is a truck collecting

3、rubbish(垃圾). There are lots of people watching the exciting football match on TV.7.过去分词短语作后置定语(过去分词短语与所修饰的词存在被动关系) I like the songs sung by Zhou Jielun. We all like reading works written by LuXun. They started a magazine called Chunlei. 注意:不定式短语、现在分词或过去分词短语只是一种非谓语动词;试比较This book was written by LuXun

4、 . a book written by LuXun 不定式的几种用法2014.11.作目的状语 I go to the playground to play basketball. (go swimming go shopping 表户外活动时做宾语)2.作宾语 want to do sth hope to be a teacher 3.作宾语补足语 want sb to do sth wish sb to do(be) . 4.作后置定语I have something to eat.5.作真正的主语和真正的宾语(要求it作形式宾语的动词有:believe think make find

5、feel It is difficult for me to learn English well I find it easy to get on with our English teacher.We all think it useful to learn much knowledge.6.作表语 My job is to be a doctor . His wish is to travel to the moon in twenty years.7.名词性不定式短语(即疑问词(why除外)不定式to do或to be即由宾语从句转换为简单句就用此结构) Could you give

6、me some advice on how to learn English well?(简单句)= Could you give me some advice on how I can learn English well?(宾语从句) I dont know what I should do next .(宾语从句)= I dont know what to do next.(简单句)动词的用法(即部分动词和某些结构后接动词的某种固定形式) 1. 接不定式作宾语的:begin start want study learn decide hope wish plan seem mean af

7、ford (抽得出,负担的的起) used to do(过去常常做某事) offer fail make up ones mind to do expect refuse try promise cant wait to do(迫不及待作某事 prefer 作宾补的(带to的和省略to)wish sb to do want ask tell invite follow allow like sb to do get sb to do teach encourage .注意感官动词即 feel listen to hear make let have notice watch see look

8、help 等在主动语态中要求不带to 不定式作宾补或动名词做宾补。但在被动的情况下不带to 的不定式要补上to.某些固定短语或句型后Would you like to do Its time (for sb ) to do sth Its very kind (nice good friendly ) (of sb) to do sth. = sb be +adj to do sth Its important (necessary easy )(for sb) to do sth It takes sbto do sth . S +v系动词+表语+to do (90以上) (be busy

9、doing be worth doing 等为少数)作后置定语(与前面的名词存在动宾关系时)(I have something to eat.)too+adj (adv原级)to do adj(adv原级)+enough to do 表目的状语或作表语表将来 疑问词不定式to do(be)不定式充当真正的宾语或主语,it充当形式的主语或宾语。2. 接原形助动词 does do did will shall should would 情态动词 can may must need (否定或疑问句中) have to used to should shouldnt would wouldnt had

10、 better( not) do Youd better (not )do Why not doWill (would Could)you please do 请你做某事好吗Prefer to do rather than do 如果两个或以上的不定式并列时,除第一个不定式外,其余的省略不定式符号 I decide to write my homework and listen to the music.3. 接现在分词现在分词可做后置定语(与所修饰的词存在主谓关系) keep the fire burning (做宾补)助动词be (am is are was were)+现在分词构成进行时

11、态4. 接过去分词助动词has ( have)+p.p 构成现在完成时 助动词 had +p.p构成过去完成时have(make get )+sth +p.p表被动 助动词be +p.p 构成被动语态 过去分词可做后置定语5. 接动名词enjoy finish mind excuse practice imagine suggest allow avoid(避免)miss keep spend succeed need doing(表被)have trouble doing have fun be always doing be used to doing (习惯于做某事) be busy b

12、e worth put off cant help doing(禁不住做某事) feel like give up keepfrom doing prevent from doing. stop(from) doing. waste time doing no+ ving 表示禁止 (no smoking no parking no shouting.)介词后+(ing 或n): look forward to pay attention to be good at prefer .to . be tired of be proud of be the pride of succeed(in)

13、 spend (in) be afraid of make a contribution to be used for doing what about how about go +户外活动(swimming shopping boating.)表伴随状语 We sat there listening to the teacher.作后置定语(与所修饰的词存在主谓关系)有的词既接doing又to do 但意义不同如 stop forget remember go on need hate like go. 形容词及副词形容词做表语或定语。副词修饰形容词、动词及其它的副词 它们有原级比较级、最高

14、级常用的形容词有:angry mad pleased happy glad nice sad good strict bad well(健康的) healthy tired sleepy brave confident honest clean dirty modern ancient full empty hungry clear new old latest(最新的,最近的) sorry well-known famous beautiful wonderful helpful thankful careful careless useful useless successful forg

15、etful(健忘的) unforgettable afraid worried nervous anxious lucky noisy clever foolish stupid silly hard difficult easy such naughty awful serious sunny windy rainy cloudy foggy snowy cold warm hot cool enough wide high deep away(远的)tall long heavy polite impolite possible impossible true real important

16、 enjoyable friendly lovely lively lonely weekly monthly surprising surprised exciting excited moving moved tiring tired amazed amazing interesting interested developing developed strange familiar hard (硬的,努力的 难的.) difficult easy different same strong soft busy worth pleasant sorry sick ill alone ali

17、ve .修饰形容词副词原级的副词有:very quite rather really as.as so how enough more the most less the least a little修饰形容词副词比较级的副词有:a lot a little a bit far much even any still形容词比较级的用法1.AB 用“ er +than ”或“Theer of the two She is stronger than I .She is the older of the two.2.A=B 用asas (第一个是副词,第二个时连词)3.AB 用not so (as

18、).as.4.A=3B This hall is three times as large as that one.5.三者以上或of+范围 in +地点 时应用最高级(注意形容词的最高级前必须带the)6.用比较级表最高级He is taller than any other girl in her class.(同一范围的比较)The city of Shanghai is bigger than any city in Japan. (不同范围的比较)7.为了避免重复,常用that和those代替前面出现过的名词,that代替前面出现过的单数和不可数名词,those代替复数。The weather in Jinan is colder than that in Beijing. The girl students in our class are more active than those in yours.8. the+ 比较级,the+比较级 越.越. 比较级+and +比较级 越越.more and more. He is more and more careful in the exam.熟知形容词、副词的原级、比较级及最高级的变化规则,不规则变化


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