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1、模块综合检测(八)(Module 8)(45分钟 100分) 第卷(共40分). 听力(10分)()录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与其意思相同或相近的选项。(5分)1. A. Tom said they had a good time at the weekend. B. Tom said they enjoyed playing tennis. C. Tom said they watched the game. 2. A. Our teacher told Jim to close the window. B. Our teacher told Jim not to close th

2、e window. C. Our teacher told Jim not to play in class. 3. A. Tim is so tall that he cant get the book on the shelf. B. Tim is too short to catch the book on the shelf. C. Tim is too tall to catch the book on the shelf. 4. A. My favourite subject is math. B. My favourite subject is music. C. English

3、 is my favourite subject. 5. A. We dont need to pay for the ticket. B. The ticket is cheap. C. You should buy the ticket. ()录音中有一篇短文, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)6. Where will they go?A. A school. B. A town. C. A city. 7. How will they go there?A. By bus. B. By train. C. On foot. 8. How long will it take them

4、to get there?A. Over 2 hours. B. Over 3 hours. C. Over 5 hours. 9. What will they take for lunch?A. Rice. B. Bread. C. Sandwiches. 10. What can they do after lunch?A. Go swimming. B. Go shopping. C. Go boating. . 单项选择(10分)1. Speak aloud, please!I canhear you. A. usuallyB. almostC. hardlyD. nearly2.

5、Lanzhou is the only capital city that the Yellow River, the secondriver in China, passes through. A. longB. longestC. longerD. length3. Have you ever seen the movie 2012?Yes, but I didnt believethe year 2012 would see the end of the world. A. thatB. whatC. howD. if4. Hangzhou is famousits silk in Ch

6、ina. A. fromB. atC. inD. for5. I couldnt do ityour great help. Thanks a lot!A. withB. withoutC. forD. to6. (2013丽水中考)Before the bridge was builtthe river, the villagers had to take a boat to the other side. A. inB. besideC. acrossD. along7. I havent decided whena holiday yet. A. tookB. takingC. to t

7、akeD. take8. is really hardthem to climb such a high mountain. A. This; toB. It; toC. This; forD. It; for9. Daisy is such a good daughter that shemost of her spare time with her parents. A. spendsB. costsC. takesD. affords10. I am too tired to walk any farther, Jack. , Daniel. You can do it. A. No h

8、urryB. No problemC. Thats allD. Come on. 完形填空(10分)Many people like traveling for their holiday. They go to1, seaside or forests. Some people like2, so they like to visit some old interesting places. In many countries, the travel agency(旅行社)can help you3your holiday. You can tell the travel agency wh

9、at kind of4you like, how much5you want to spend, and the travel agency will give you a lot of information about where to go, how6there, where to stay, and what kind of activities you can do there. 7the holidays is8“Package” holiday. That is, you just9the money for the travel agency, and it will plan

10、10for you, the ticket for the train or plane, the hotel, the activities, and so on. 1. A. schoolsB. shopsC. hillsD. the Great Wall2. A. historyB. musicC. countryD. time3. A. to planB. plannedC. plansD. planning4. A. weatherB. holidayC. trainD. city5. A. waterB. dayC. foodD. money6. A. getB. to getC.

11、 gettingD. got7. A. BothB. AllC. One ofD. Every one of8. A. callB. callingC. callsD. called9. A. takeB. payC. costD. have10. A. everythingB. nothingC. anythingD. something. 阅读理解(10分)Last summer I spent some time off with my mother in Beidaihe. We stayed there from July 15th to August 5th. It is real

12、ly a wonderful place. It is one of the most famous summer resorts(避暑胜地)in China. The buildings there are tidy, with some trees and flowers around them. It is famous for its beaches, so lots of tourists from all over the world go there every year. There are many interesting places, such as the Olympi

13、c Park, the Geziwo Park and the Tiger Rock Park. In the Olympic Park, there are some athletes statues(运动员的雕像)and champions fingerprints and footprints. Everything in the park is about Olympics. The Geziwo Park becomes famous because it is one of the best places to watch the sunset(落日). Thousands of

14、people go to watch the sunset every day. People can also see different kinds of birds. We enjoyed ourselves there. We are hoping for the next holiday. 1. How long did the writer stay in Beidaihe?A. A month. B. 15 days. C. 21 days. D. 25 days. 2. What is Beidaihe famous for?A. Tidy buildings. B. The

15、trees and flowers there. C. Some interesting parks. D. The beaches there. 3. How many places are mentioned in Beidaihe?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 4. What cant people see in the Olympic Park?A. Athletes statues. B. Athletes photos. C. Champions fingerprints. D. Champions footprints. 5. Why i

16、s the Geziwo Park so famous?A. Because it is the symbol of Beidaihe. B. Because many people like to go there. C. Because it is a good place to watch the sunset. D. Because there are lots of birds. 第卷(共60分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. Judy hurt her legs badly and could hstand up. 2. Theres a

17、 narrow pthrough the forest. 3. Sound travels about one kin three seconds. 4. Im sorry to say we have(浪费)too much water. 5. Guests can see a lot of(风景)from the window. ()用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. Listen! I hear someone(play)the drum in the next room. 7. Lets(turn)off the light when we leave the room. 8. It

18、s wrong(pick)flowers in the park. 9. Father promised(buy)a new bike for Tom. 10. Lucy agreed(take)our advice on how to get good grades. . 完成句子(10分)1. 闹钟通常每天早上六点叫醒我。The alarm usually at six every morning. 2. 妈妈不允许我独自离开车站。Mother doesntme the station alone. 3. 不管谁指出我们的缺点, 我们都将改正。No matter who our short

19、comings, we will correct them. 4. 托尼希望能在不久的将来拜访史密斯一家人。Tony hopes the Smiths in the near future. 5. 一些学生在读书, 另一些在写东西。students are reading, andare writing something. . 句型转换(20分)1. He said, “Im afraid to go there. ”(合并为一句)He said afraid to go there. 2. Well enjoy ourselves during the holiday. (改为同义句)We

20、ll during the holiday. 3. His grandma is too old to look after herself. (改为同义句)His grandma isoldshe cant look after herself. 4. The river is about 4 kilometres wide. (对画线部分提问) is the river?5. They will go back to England next week. (改为一般疑问句)theyback to England next week?. 书面表达(20分)某英语杂志征稿, 要求根据下列提示信

21、息写一篇80个词左右的旅游方面的文章, 文章的标题及开头已给出, 不计入总词数。大多数人都喜欢旅游, 因为旅游是一种很好的户外活动。你可以欣赏自然美景、呼吸新鲜空气、广交朋友, 重要的是你可以忘记疲劳, 保持身体健康。当然了, 还有可能发生其他的事。你也可以写写你所遇到的有趣的事情。TravelingMost of the people like traveling because it is a very good outdoor activity. We may enjoy the_答案解析【听力材料】. () 1. Tom said they enjoyed themselves at

22、the weekend. 2. “Jim, close the window, ”our teacher said. 3. Tim is very short. So he cant catch the book on the shelf. 4. Of all the subjects I like English best. 5. The ticket is free. ()Hello, boys and girls. Heres some information about our trip to the town of Chester. Well go there by bus. Its

23、 a long trip, over three hours. So we have to start early. The bus will wait for us at the school gate at 8: 00 tomorrow morning. Well take sandwiches for lunch and eat together in a park. After that we will walk around the old market. You will be able to buy all your presents there. We will meet at

24、 our bus stop. If you are lost, please give me a call. My mobile phone number is 13792839438. Any questions? OK. See you tomorrow. 答案: 15. AABCA610. BABCB. 1.【解析】选C。考查副词的用法。usually“通常”; almost, nearly“几乎”。本句意思是: 请大点声!我几乎听不见你的讲话。hardly的意思为“几乎不”。故选C。2.【解析】选B。考查形容词最高级的用法。long: 形容词原形; longest: 形容词最高级; l

25、onger: 形容词比较级。length是名词“长度”。the+序数词+形容词最高级, 意思是“第几最”。本句意思是: 兰州是中国第二长河黄河唯一穿过的省会城市。故选B。3.【解析】选A。考查宾语从句的引导词。此处believe后接宾语从句, 而所缺的从句的引导词在句中只起连接作用。当引导宾语从句的连词在句中不作任何句子成分, 只起连接作用时, 用连词that来引导宾语从句。故选A。4.【解析】选D。考查固定搭配。be famous for为固定短语, 意为“因而著名”。5.【解析】选B。考查介词用法。根据第一句句意“没有你的帮忙, 我没法做这件事情。”可知用without(没有, 无); w

26、ith(有, 伴随), for和to(对于), 均不符合题意。故选B。6.【解析】选C。考查介词的辨析。桥应是建在河上, 不可能在水中, 故排除A项; 也不可能建在河边, 故排除B项; D项意为“沿着”, 也不符合句意, 故C项正确。7.【解析】选C。考查疑问词+不定式。句意: 我还没有决定什么时候去度假。疑问词+不定式作decide的宾语。故选C。8.【解析】选D。考查固定句式。its +形容词+for +sb. +to do sth. 为固定句式, 意思是: 对某人来说做某事是的。故选D。9.【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。spend花费(时间、金钱), 其主语为人; cost花费(金钱),

27、其主语是物; take花费(时间), 其常用句型: it takes/took sb. some time to do sth. ; afford负担, afford to do。句意: Daisy是一个如此好的女儿以至于她花费她的大部分空闲时间和她的父母在一起。故选A。10.【解析】选D。考查交际用语。No hurry“不着急”, No problem“没问题”, Thats all“就这样”, Come on“赶快, 加油”。根据句意“杰克, 我累得再也走不动了。加油, 丹尼尔。你会成功的。”可知选D。.【解析】选C。考查常识。根据常识可知, 人们去山上、海边或森林旅游。hill意为“山”

28、。故选C。2.【解析】选A。考查语境理解。由下文“他们喜欢去古老而有趣的地方”可知“有些人喜欢历史”。故选A。3.【解析】选A。考查固定搭配。help sb. (to)do sth. “帮助某人做某事”。故选A。4.【解析】选B。考查语境理解。本文谈论的是有关假期的话题; 且我们应该告诉旅行社我们喜欢哪种类型的度假。故选B。5.【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。how much修饰不可数名词, 排除B; 且spend后面接时间或金钱。故选D。6.【解析】选B。考查固定结构。“疑问词+不定式”是固定结构。故选B。7.【解析】选C。考查固定搭配。one of. . . “之一”。故选C。8.【解析】选D

29、。考查被动语态。be called“被称为”。故选D。9.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意: 你只要付钱给旅行社。pay for意为“付, 支付”。故选B。10.【解析】选A。考查不定代词的辨析。句意: 旅行社会为你计划每一件事。everything意为“每件事物; (有关的)一切”。故选A。. 1.【解析】选C。事实细节题。由文章第一段第二句话We stayed there from July 15th to August 5th. 可知正确答案。2.【解析】选D。事实细节题。从第一段最后一句It is famous for its beaches. . . 可知应选D。3.【解析】选B。事

30、实细节题。由第二段第一句such as后面列出的三个名胜可知应选B。4.【解析】选B。事实细节题。根据第二段第二句对the Olympic Park的介绍可知在那里看不到运动员的照片。故选B。5.【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第二段对the Geziwo Park的介绍可知它是观看日落的最佳地点之一。故选C。. () 答案: 1. hardly2. path3. kilometre4. wasted 5. sights() 答案: 6. playing7. turn8. to pick9. to buy 10. to take. 答案: 1. wakes me up2. allow; to l

31、eave3. points out4. to visit5. Some; others.答案: 1. that he was2. have a good/great time3. so; that4. How wide5. Will; go. 【参考范文】TravelingMost of the people like traveling because it is a very good outdoor activity. We may enjoy the nature when we go out for traveling, and we may enjoy the fresh air

32、outside. Besides, we can make many friends. The important thing is that we can forget that we are tired and forget the unhappy things. Traveling is good for our health. However, sometimes, we may run into troubles when going traveling. For example, we cant change the weather. It may be rainy when we are traveling. So we should prepare things well before the trip. And I hope everyone could enjoy himself/herself during the travel.


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