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1、大学英语(2)1 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30%)1. By the end of this year Mr. Smith _D_in our company for exactly three years.A) is working B) has worked C) will work D) will have worked2. I think that the Great Wall is worth _B_hundreds of miles to visit.A) to travel B) traveling C) traveled D) trav

2、el3. The new staff didnt know how to use the system _A_ I explained it to him yesterday.A) until B) because C) if D) since4. _C_is reported in the newspapers that the talks between the two companies have not made any progress.A) That B) What C) It D) As5. _B_by the failure of the project, the manage

3、r could hardly say a word.A) To be shocked B) Shocked C) Be shocked D) Shocking6. When designing this machine, time factor is what we must first _B_. A) take onto consideration B) take into consideration C) take to consideration D) take in consideration7. Mike is very good at English, B his brother

4、is absolutely hopeless.A) when B) while C) what D) where8. The general manager wished to _D_ a toast to their friendship.A) arrive B) plan C) manage D) propose9. How can we seek _A_ a really good person for the job? A) out B) on C) in D) over10. _C_ his embarrassment, he had to call his wife and hav

5、e her bring him some money.A) On B) At C) To D) In11. We havent enough rooms for everyone, so some of you will have to _A_ a room.A) share B) stay C) spare D) live12. Before _B_ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A) apply B) applying C) applied D) to apply13. If you want to jo

6、in the club, youll have to _C_ this form first.A) put up B) try out C) fill in D) set up14. _D_ the rain stops before 12 oclock, we will have to cancel the game.A) As B) Since C) While D) Unless15. As the price of oil keeps _B_, people have to pay more for driving a car.A) to go up B) going up C) go

7、ne up D) go up16 . _D_ of them knew about the plan because it is kept as a secret. A) Each B) None C) Any D) No one17. Please call me back _D_ you see this message. A) as well as B) as early as C) as far as D) as soon as18. Youd better _D_advice before making a project plan. A) put down B) take in C

8、) turn out D) ask for19. I _D_ at 130 kilometers per hour when the policeman stopped me. A) had driven B) have driven C) drive D) was driving20. _A_ she joined the company only a year ago, shes already been promoted twice. A) Although B) Because C) If D) When 21. Hardly _D_ at the office when the te

9、lephone rang A) I arrived B) I had arrived C) did I arrive D) had I arrived22. If you need more information, please contact us _B_ telephone or email. A) in B) by C) on D) for23. Mr. Smith used to smoke _C_ but he has given it up recently. A) immediately B) roughly C) heavily D) completely24. He was

10、 speaking so fast _D_ we could hardly follow him. A) what B) as C) but D) that25. Well have to continue the discussion tomorrow _A_we can make a final decision today. A) unless B) because C) when D) since26. The newspaper _A_ two people were killed in the accident. A) says B) talks C) calls D) asks

11、27. She told us briefly about how they succeeded in _D_ the new product. A) develop B) to develop C) developed D) developing 28. The big IT company will _A_ a new research center in the city. A) set up B) break up C) get up D) turn up 29. Our office building is C . A) at the fifth floor B) on the th

12、ree floor C) on the fourth floor D) in the first floor 30. Information about the new system is easy to _C_ on the Internet. A) like B) go C) find D) openPart II Blank Filling (10%)31. Weve only got one day in Paris, so wed better (make)_make_the best use of the time.32. The new (nation) _national_ m

13、useum will be open to the public next week.33. The hotel, (build) _built_ 100 years ago, still looks new. 34. I want (point out) _to point out_ that a decision about the matter must be made at once. 35. The visitors were (disappoint) _disappointed_ to find the museum closed when they rushed there. 3

14、6. What a (wonder) _wonderful_ party it was! I enjoyed every minute of it37. The film turned out to be (successful) _more successful_ than we had expected.38. Readers are not allowed (bring) _to bring_ food and drinks into the Library at any time.39. It is reported that foreign car sales in the coun

15、try (rise)_rose_by 8% last year.40. The adviser recommended that Mary (start)_start_ the training program as soon as possible.Part III Reading Comprehension (40%)Task 1Subways are underground trains, which usually operate 24 hours a day. They are found in larger cities and usually run between the su

16、burbs and the downtown area. Maps and schedules are available from the ticket office. If you take the subway often, you can save money by purchasing a monthly pass (月票). City-operated buses run on various routes (线路)and are designed to be at certain places at certain times. Maps and schedules may be

17、 posted at certain stops, or they may be available at local banks, libraries, the student union, or from the bus drivers. Buses run mainly during the day. Fare is paid by exact change in coins, or by monthly passes. Taxis are generally more expensive in the United States than in other countries. If

18、you use a taxi, be sure you ask the amount of the fare before you agree to ride. The driver usually expects a tip(小费)of 15 percent of the fare.41. According to the passage, subways are underground trains, which usually run_D_ A) within downtown areas B) away from city centers C) in or outside big mo

19、dern cities D) between suburbs and city centers42. You can get the maps and schedules of the subways_D_ A) at bus stations B) at local banks C) in any bookstores D) from the ticket offices43. From the passage we learn that_C_ A) buses are always available in 24 hours B) bus riders have to buy monthl

20、y passes C) bus fare is paid by exact change in coins D) buses are the best means of transportation44. When you take a taxi, youd better_B_ A) buy a monthly pass B) ask about the fare first C) agree on the amount of the tip D) pay by the exact change in coins45. The passage mainly tells us about_A_

21、A) the bus and train fares in the US B) the ways of paying a taxi in the US C) the public transportation in the US D) the advantage of subways in the USTask 2Utopia is a beautiful city but unfortunately it has a lot of problems. The bus service, for example, is very bad - too many people but not eno

22、ugh buses. The subway is noisy and dirty and usually too full because so many people refuse to use buses. The traffic in the city is terrible. There are too many cars and the streets are old and very narrow. Because of this, people often go to work late.It is difficult to get a job in Utopia, and th

23、e cost of living is the highest in the country. The area near the sea still looks clean and pleasant, with two or three beautiful hotels and restaurants. But the port is usually full of tourists, so the prices are high and most people who live in the city dont visit the area very often. It is just t

24、oo expensive.But robberies are the worst problem. Last year over 2000 people were robbed. The authorities are doing their best. Every day the newspapers and the TV and radio reporters have new suggestions, but nothing helps and the problem is getting more and more serious.46.Utopia is _B_.A. a beaut

25、iful city with no problemsB. a beautiful city but one with many problemsC. a dangerous cityD. a city full of danger47. The problem with bus service in Utopia is that _C_.A. buses run too slowly B. buses are too dirtyC. buses are often too crowded D. buses are very old48. Most people who live in the

26、city dont visit the area near the sea very often because _A_.A. It is too expensive.B. They dont want to be robbed there.C. It is too crowded and dirty.D. They dont like to see many tourists in the port.49. _D_ is getting worse and worse.A. The problem of traffic B. The problem of populationC. The p

27、roblem of high cost of living D. The problem of robberies50. What can we infer from the passage?DA. Utopia is an old city.B. The city might become safer in the near future.C. The cost of living will go down.D. Utopia is a newly developed city.Task 3 Thank you for your interest in Calibre Cassette (盒

28、式录音带) library. This letter tells you about our service. With it we are sending you an application form, so that you can join if you would like to try it. Calibre library aims to provide the pleasure of reading to anyone who cannot read ordinary print books because of sight problems. We currently hav

29、e over 7,000 books available for reading for pleasure, including 1,000 specially for children. All our books are recorded cover-to-cover on ordinary cassettes and can be played on any cassette player. They are sent and returned by post, free of charge. When we receive your application, we will send

30、you a book and an information tape. They will explain how to use the service. The easy way to use Calibre library is to tell us what sorts of books you like, and we will keep you supplied with books we think you will enjoy. Or you can send us a list of books you would like to read, and we will then

31、send you books from this list whenever possible. In that case you will need to use our website, or buy one or more of our catalogues (目录).51. According to the first paragraph, the library sends the application form to the readers so that they can_D_. A. read ordinary books B. order cassette players

32、C. buy Calibre cassettes D. use the library service52. Calibre library provides service mainly for people who suffer from_C_ A. hearing difficulties B. mental illnesses C. sight problems D. heart troubles53. The service of sending and returning books by post is_C_ A. not available to children B. pai

33、d by the users C. free of charge D. not provided54. The easy way to use the library service is to_B_ A. inform the library of your name and address B. tell the library the sorts of books you like C. buy the catalogues of the library D. ask the library to buy the books55. The main purpose of this let

34、ter is to_A_ A. introduce the librarys service to readers B. recommend new books to the readers C. send a few catalogues to readers D. express thanks to the readersTask 4It has been estimated that only about twenty thousand words are in full use in English today, and if this estimate is correct, it

35、brings us up to Shakespeares total. Of these, one-fifth, or about four thousand , are said to be of Anglo-Saxon origin, and three fifth, or about twelve thousand, are of Latin, Greek and French origin. This, of course, does not mean that our everyday conversation consists chiefly of foreign words. A

36、ccording to one estimate, one fourth of all our spoken language consists of repetitions of the words “and, be, have , it ,of ,the, to, will, you, I, a, on, that and is”. Another analysis of five million words written by adults reveals that our ten most frequently used words are “I, the, and, to, of,

37、 in, we, from, you and a”. Both lists consist, without exception, of native words. If we go into library usage, we find that words of the Bible are ninety-four percent native, ninety-one percent Shakespeares and seventy percent Samuel Johnsons (the famous English dictionary compiler). Only in presen

38、t-day technical writings do we find the foreign element climbing to forty percent.56.How many words are said to be in full use in England today?CA. Exactly 20,000. B. 12,000.C. About 20,000. D. About 12,000.57. If we go into literary usage, how many percentage of native words were used in Shakespear

39、es works?CA. 90%. B. 3/5 of the total.C. 91%. D. 2/5 of the total.58. Who is Samuel Johnson?CA. A foreigner.B. A famous writer.C. A well known English dictionary compiler.D. A Shakespeares fan.59. In what kind of writing can more foreign words be found?BA. News reports. B. Technical writings.C. Lite

40、rature. D. English dictionary.60. What can you infer from the passage?AA. Although a great part of the English vocabulary is of foreign origin, native words play the most active part in language use.B. English literature makes greater use of foreign words than do ordinary conversations.C. Scientific

41、 writing in English contains a low percentage of native words.D. English borrows a large vocabulary from Latin, Greek and French because its own vocabulary is inadequate for communication.Part Translation (20%)Task 1: Translate the following into English:61. 这个地区现在不安全,还是远离它为好。This area is not safe a

42、t the moment, so its better to stay away from it.62. 所有投诉都将由经理来处理。All complaints will be dealt with by the manager.63. 结果表明他从未在那个公司工作过。It turned out that he had never worked in that company.64. 下午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙。The gym tends to get very busy at around 6 oclock in the afternoon.65. 成功与否取决于你的努力和能力。Succe

43、ss depends on your efforts and ability.Task 2: Translate the following into Chinese:66. All this cannot be achieved overnight.这一切不是一朝一夕可以实现的。67. Its too noisy outside for me to concentrate on my work.外面太吵,我没办法集中精神干活儿。68. It is said that swimming brings great benefit to our health.据说游泳对身体健康有极大好处。69. I have just enough money to see me through a year in the US.我的钱仅够在美国用一年。70. The teacher wasnt incline


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