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1、有趣的英语IQ测试题转发 评论(6) 2007-08-31 08:40有趣的英语IQ测试题Wanna see how smart you are? Wanna exercise your brain? Come and try this!Here is a very simple little test,comprising of 10 questions, to determine the level of your intellect. Your replies must be spontaneous and immediate, with no deliberating or wasti

2、ng time. And no cheating.Marks, get set . Go! 1. You are competing in a race and overtake the runner in second place. What position are you in now? 2. The maker doesn't want it, the buyer doesn't use it and the user doesn't see it. What it is?3. What is one thing that all the wise men

3、, regardless of their religion and politics, agree is between heaven and earth?4. Some months have 31 days. What month has 28? 5. Why can't a man living in the U.S. be buried in Canada?6. How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25? 7. What do you throw out when you want to use it, but

4、 take in when you don't want to use it? 8.There were an electrician and a plumber waiting in line for admission to the International Home Show. One of them was the father of theother's son. How could this be possible? 9. What can you catch but not throw? 10.There is a mute person who wants

5、 to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.Now . If there is a blind man who wishesto buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself?1. Second. 2. Coffin. 3. The word and. 题目是:在天和地之间

6、有一样东西,是世上所有智者,无论他们宗教背景和政治背景怎样不尽相同,都会同意的。那是什么呢? 4. All the 12 months have 28 days. 题目:有些月份是有31天的,那什么月份有28天呢?5. He is not dead.题目:一个居住美国的人为什么不能葬在加拿大呢?答案:因为他还没死啊!6.Only once 题目:你可以从25中减去多少次5呢?答案是:只有一次。因为你减去第一次后,25就变成20了7.An anchor 题目: 什么东西在你需要用它的时候把它扔出去,不用它的时候却把它收回来呢?答案:锚或者鱼钩。8.They were husband and wife.题目: 有一个电工和水管工在“国际家展”的门外排队。他们其中一个是另一个人的儿子的爸爸。这到底是怎么一回事呢?9.A cold.答案:cold(感冒)。因为there is only a saying catch a cold, you can never say you throw a cold.10.He just has to simply open his mouth and ask.


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